Chapter Sixty-Three| Soldiers

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As Giulia escaped another burst of flames, she heard more and more screams.

Leo and Nichole caught up to her, panting.
"We need to help the children evacuate! No one's safe here anymore!", Leo called.
From the side, Giulia picked up on the hazel eyed man running towards her, followed by Nichole's parents.
"Looks like we won!", Julietta triumphed.
At least until she spotted her daughter in the crowd.
A few seconds later, Mahina and Liam caught up to the group, both swinging arrows.

A few darker-skinned soldiers followed their queen in the name of Everglow, and fought.
Some women with deep voices shouted commands, and a few heavier village women helped with their own knives.
"Move outta here! Get lost, maggots!", they screamed, firing.

Giuliano dodged her mothers hit, then Kian pulled her on his horse from the back.
"Thanks.", the guard breathed.
Kian smiled, then gently moved her hand to the other side, pointing it towards three of his uncles that arrived.
Together with Kian, her and the three brothers surrounded the hazel eyed man, whilst she heard noises of Nichole throwing chains.

A loud thump echoed, then a few after each other.
Winged creatures landed in the battlefield, assisting the Sullivan family.
Now Giuliano felt an arm strangle her.
"Leave me alone! Let go, maggot!", she screamed.
At once Kian turned towards her.
A silent spell healed her wounds, and gave her wings.
The guard blushed, but flew to land in the middle of attacking Maylands.

"You can't live our flames forever. You're dying eventually.", one taunted. Before a blast could hit her, she noticed Dana block them, growling away her fear. That moment, she was prouder then ever of her friend.
"Not happening. Not f- happening.", she grumbled.
Creatures laughed,
"It's not gonna be king until you all die. Especially you, dirty traitor."
Dana chuckled.
"I said not happening. Don't mind me protecting a loyal friend."
Giulia managed to fly off, and pull Dana with her.

"Help! Help!", a young creature screamed.
"Help! Help us!"
Screams for help overshadowed each other perfectly.
But the fear visible on everyone's faces only became worse, when four of the strongest soldiers fell, then another. And another.
No other guard was strong enough, and Giulia knew that.
As she glanced around, her chest tightened with each scream.
An agonizing pain flooded through her body, weakly she felt around her stomach area.
"Through the back, r-really? These bastards.", she cursed, cautiously removing the weapon.
A stream of blood flooded her body.

"Oh no...oh no!", she heard Kian's voice. With each breath, more blood flooded down her back.
"Medicio.", she hissed. To her relief, the wound closed.
Now up against a wall, she spotted Kian being cornered and unable to defend himself.
Right as a Blade was about to slay him, she landed right before him.

The blade went straight through her chest.
"Giulia! What are you doing?!", Kian echoed painfully.
Giulia growled, blood flooding her limbs as she caught another blade with her hands.
" I would die for you.", she merely explained breathlessly.
A few more swords hit her, and her pain clawed her will to survive like demonic claws.
"Giulia! Medicio! Med-it's not working!", Kian panicked, but her breath went weaker.
She fell to her knees.
"Medicio.", she tried, but nothing would work.
A feeling of satisfaction flooded her.
"Bramort.", she mumbled, light surrounding the two.
As the final shot would hit, Mahina and Decks joined the group, both girls being chased.
"Bramort.", Giulia mumbled again, fighting herself back to her feet.
In the corner of her eye she spotted winged creatures, but they couldn't possibly reach the royals in time.

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