Chapter Forty-Eight| Demonic attack

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Days later, the guards were still preparing, when shadow blasts burst the earths' crust into pieces.
Red eyed demons appeared in front of the villagers.

"Elimino!", a female voice bellowed through the fight, a blue haired figure landing with a thump.
Village kids hid behind the woman as she fought, three daggers in one hand.
"You beasts leave your dirty hands off of these innocent kids! Elimino!", Giulia bellowed, her hair flying back.
A few demons girls hissed, then attacked, Giulia effortlessly dodging them, then jumping on their weak points, eliminating with her sword.
A shadow knight with brunette hair appeared before hair, countering the demons attacks.
The warrior landed next to her fellow guard, kicking people in their chins.

"Perfect Timing Occers.", she smirked, Adrien laughing as he blocked an attack.
"Where are you when you're needed dad, what the fuck?!", Adrien replied in a hushed tone.
His question wouldn't stay unanswered for long.
With a thump, the cursed knight landed beside his son. "You're late", Adrien complained, his dark flames eliminating more demonic attackers, as Giulia stabbed three at once, flipping behind her male colleagues, a protective barrier appearing in their front.
"Sorry. Had to command the other guards here, get the royals to safety etc.", Seb grumbled, his eyes turning dark as well.
"You'll never get us, mortals! Our queen already defeated you, it will be an easy game!", a demon girl taunted, mockingly mirroring Giulia's posture.
The demon's wings spread.
Quietly, Giulia studied her, suddenly getting an idea.

"Aerio! Archero!", she bellowed, wings building up as she landed high up in the air, a bow appearing in her hand.
Flying around, she shot arrows and eliminated attacker after attacker, aiming a spell towards the attackers. "Teljoro!", she countered, but it ended up hitting the village kids, teleporting them to safety.
Giulia smirked, her infamous eyes truly activating as she faced executives of the demon forces. Sweat dropped from her forehead, causing a slight stumble.

"Hello there, Bennet.", a deep voice growled, grabbing her from behind.
"Pathetic, mister big bad demon. How about I teach you a lesson?", Giulia countered, I terrifying herself once she noticed she was bleeding.
Shadows appeared around her and her captor, and Giulia disappeared at once, a white eagle appearing instead.
"Morphio.", she had whispered.
"Where'd she go?! Get her!", the executive commanded, shocked to see Giulia flying in the air.
"I'm a Bennet, how'd you think this could hold me again? Impressive strength though, I gotta give you that!", she laughed, her daggers flying through the chests of multiple beasts.
"Get her!", an aggressive voice ordered, before getting kicked in the head.

A few meters away, Giulia landed. Mockingly, she narrowed her eyes, smirking as her blue hair flew in the wind.
"Go ahead. I'll wait on you. Let's see what you got gentlemen.", she grinned. "We killed your entire family! Even your uncle...he's dead now too.", a demon girl mocked.
Giulia's smile faded, but she waited. A few demonic soldiers approached, and she crouched.
"At last we've broken her. It's about damn time.", a man hissed through his split tongue.
"You got me. At least I can reunite with the rest of my relatives now.", Giulia replied, sadness having overcome her.
In the blink of an eye, she had six swords to her throat, and two to her chest. A demon woman revealed a picture of her uncle's body.
Instead of sadness, anger flooded her.
"We'll let Keske kill you, foolish girl. Don't temp us, we have every reason to kill you. Follow, now!", an executive ordered, dragging her up.
Obediently, Giulia followed, at least for a while.
A few minutes into them walking, her emotions took control over her behavior.She froze in the spot, soon after feeling icy blades against her throat, blood running.

"Move it, stupid girl! Or you wanna end up dead, gettin is fired?", an angry demon girl asked.
"I'm sorry. I just can't believe my whole family is gone...I mean I need a moment to process. Please leave me for a moment.", Giulia replied, her tone trembling. Now she'd really lost everyone but her brother, was it worth still fighting for?
"We can't, you'll just run off!", a demon protested.
Quietly, Giulia lowered her head, covering her face.
She started sobbing. "I won't do anything..I swear. Please, U know my fate is sealed, just give me a moment. It's not like I can go anywhere anyways. All I will need is one moment. Please.", Giulia begged, now fully in tears.
"We'll give you half a minute. Don't try anything or you're dead.", a man threatened, the sobbing stopping for a brief moment.
A picture of a dead Kian appeared in Giulia's mind, only creating more sobs.

"We've got everyone. And soon enough, our boss will eat your soul foolish.", she mocked, Giulia burying her head in her hands.
"Please...give a minute. All...all...I need is a minute. Leave...leave me for a minute. Just...just step a bit away, please.", Giulia begged, her trembling tone almost not understandable.
"You get a minute Bennet. Remember, try anything, and you're done for.", a man growled, handcuffing Giulia before stepping a bit away.
Crying out loud she fell to her knees in the grass, her knees hitting a root hard, creating more pain.

The pain engulfed her like a werewolves tail, and squeezed air out of her. Not too soon after, the guards picket her up, and led her to an empty room.
"I don't wanna hear a goddamn word Bennet, you hear me? One word, and you'll die sooner then you have to.", a demon girl hissed, Giulia only nodding.
"I wanna hear an answer, stupid.", the girl hissed.
"Y..yes. Understood.", Giulia replied, trembling over her words. The demon grunted and left, throwing the cell door shit behind her.
Once everything was quiet, Giulia didn't stop crying, knowing fully-well guards could hear her.

She was kept there for at least a week, until guards stopped caring to guard her.
As Giulia Heard- the footsteps move away, her crying stopped. Still in handcuffs, she wiped her eyes.
A smile spread across her face, with full power she bust the handcuffs, and eventually the bars, alerting some demons to her cell, which promptly pinned her down, creating stronger handcuffs.
"If you try this shit again, you'll go into the torture chamber, got it? We might not be able to kill and eat you yet, but the boss won't hesitate.", a man growled. A crying Giulia stumbled an apology, before crying two days and nights long.
Her punishment was hard, but after breaking her handcuffs a second time, the ones she was put in this time were way stronger.
This time only days passed until she was left unguarded.

Still tearing, Giulia non-verbally cast 'comero', breaking her handcuffs again, revealing heavy burn wounds from her all-night punishment.
'Medicio.', followed, healing her wounds.
She heard demon feet trampling closer, and dropped to her knees out of instinct. If she'd lost everyone already, why shouldn't she mess around a bit?
Tears of fear filled her eyes, and she felt a sharp pain before blacking out.
Hours later, she awoke in the torture-chambers of the demon Inc.
A fully armed greeted a terrified Giulia.
"Don't think of trying anything now. Guards will watch you every hour of everyday and night. You're not getting out of here, stupid bitch.", he taunted, revealing six further arms.
Giulia screamed, nervously backing into a corner, shaking.

Some further days passed, and Giulia would unintentionally pick up on the guard schedules, and gain one of the guard's trust with her crying, eventually she was allowed to tell stories.
"How were you even raised, girl?"
"My dad...he was a hero. He saved so many mom...she was abusive...she hit children, burned me...her and dad fought often."
"Oh my..what else happened?"
"Mom...she ended up murdering couldn't have been worse...I wish I could just see him again...I wish I were just killed."
"What..?! Really?"
"Y..yeah. My partner...dead. My siblings...dead. My parents..dead. Why...why-sorry-" sobs interrupted Giulia's story.
"-why should...why should I stay-"- another flow of sobs shook her body.
"-why should I want to stay alive..? I have live for anymore. Even's gone. All purpose of my's gone,", Giulia sobbed, her crying shaking her body.
An empathetic look replaced the guard's answer.

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