Chapter Forty-Five| Leverage

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Three days later, a huge crowd of guards burst from the gate, a few demon people followed.

"You'll never catch us!", a demon girl mocked, her twisted tongue revealing poison.
"You're too weak!", her look-alike taunted, smirking.
The guards were quickly busy with blocking the demons attacks.
Little Lynx was almost attacked by one of the demon girls, but black flames stopped her mid-way.
The boy babbled in excitement.
Another burst of black flames followed, shoving off the demon girl.
Up in the sky Luca flew in eagle form,re-transforming straight in front of the demon.

"Nice try bitch. Not with the dad around.", he growled, his voice sounding a touch more demonic.
The girl flinched. "You're a ...demon?!", she gasped.
Luca grunted. "Not in the slightest. Attack this boy again...I fucking dare you.", he growled.
Lynx clapped in the background, excited babble following. His dad quietly turned, smiling as he watched the little boy freak out over the flames.
The demon tried attacking again, but with one move Luca twisted her arms around, forcing her down.
"Not today.", he grinned.
'Oh no...I have family! Hopefully I can live this!', her mind read.

Giulia was wandering around, hunched over, and mumbling to herself. "Who would kill babies? Why...why is this guy such a psycho?! How...I hope Kian gets through this better than me."
From one moment to the other, she'd lost the ground under her feet and found herself held up by someone.
"Whoa! What's happening?!", the guard yelped, the figure loudly laughing.
A boy with light brown hair and purple eyes revealed himself.
"Adrien! What the hell was that?!", Giulia cursed, hopping off of his arms. The guard laughed.
"Giu..we've got a guard job to do actually. Cmon."
Reluctantly, Giulia followed the boy to the gate, where a pissed off Audrey waited, smiling from the second  the guard moved closer.
"There you are! We've got a serious issue!", she complained, only Adrien's eyes revealing his true emotions.
"Define issue."
"We escaped prisoner. More precisely...Paul LeCant. You've gotta take care of this.", Audrey rambled.

Adrien grunted, Giulia cautiously let her eyes wander around. From the gate, two black haired werewolves raced from a dark cloud, younger girls in their front.
"Entrato.", Giulia hissed, the gate busting open, the werewolves racing through on their horses.
Dehja, in her Aelia form caught up to the new visitors.
"Who followed you?", she sternly asked.
"Demon fighters. Mom and dad ran..they left us four. Hurry up.", one brother briefly informed, but a hazel eyed man entered nonetheless, not saying a word.
"Decrivio! Frostive!", Giulia bellowed, grabbing a tree branch in an effort to lift herself up.
At once the attackers froze, Giulia's eyes sparkled with an idea in her mind.
"Aerialo!", she squealed, wings sprouting from her back.
Elegantly, she flipped off, disarming the man, who instinctively twisted her arm, forcing her to attack more violently.
A little baby voice was heard, and black flames burst from the young boys body.
Giulia smirked, picking up the now older boy, not surprised demons aged faster.
"Hard to see who your dad is little one.", she whispered, blocking a hit with a non-verbal spell.

"Ergio!", a male voice shouted, the shadow announcing his landing.
The werewolf growled in his grandfathers direction, moving to protect Giulia and the baby.
"Germophio! Frozio! Kurowo!", he shouted, half the attackers collapsing, Adrien moving to take them down with his shadow knight powers.
Softly, the king turned towards a surprised Giulia.
"Are you alright? This looked bad.", Kian mumbled, lifting his hand to carefully follow the guard's jawline.
"I'm fine, only one arrow hit me. Mostly thanks to this little one.", Giulia smiled, feeling heat rise her cheeks.
'Not now!', she lectured herself.
The hazel eyed was still not saying anything, but he revealed a symbol on his clothing, ErCo.
Kujò's Organisation.
"You bastard! Burn to ashes!", Kian shouted, his eyes turning dark as he hit.
Lynx flew back to his dad, so Kian had more place to step.
"Ergmano! Imobo!", the mates shouted over each other, smiling.
Bigger black flames chased the attackers away, so Giulia followed her uncle to deal with the prisoner.

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