Chapter Fifty-Seven | Revenge

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The two siblings dragged their parents away, forcing them in a cell in the chambers.
After the squealing silenced, Leo leaned against the wall next to Nichole, shutting his eyes.

"They're such bastards.", Leo hissed, his fingers brushing through his hair, a slight breeze bringing chaos to them again.
"I mean yeah, isn't that why we moved away?", Nichole replied, studying her brothers face.
"Yeah. But still. I think they'll send more attackers. We need to get them to order to surrender.", Leo mumbled, his head sinking to his chin.
Nichole grumbled something inaudible in agreement, but fell silent shortly after.
In the place of their chatting followed screams from Julietta, who was still trying to seem insane.

As she hummed to herself, Nichole felt her brothers eyes on her.
She didn't turn, but let her eyes wander across the uneven rocks that had been used to build this place.
Dozens of screams broke the silence, footsteps were heard everywhere.
Without another word, Nichole bust outside.

In the fields raced people in guard uniform, failing their mission to enter quietly.
Grumbling inaudible words, Nichole raced to the middle of the troops, were she knocked out attacker after attacker, still focusing on sounds around her.

"C'mon Dana. Do it, you can do it. Believe in yourself, Dana." As soon as she followed the persons voice, she reached the short haired werewolf girl, who covered her ears with one arm, defending herself with another.
"Could everyone stop yelling!" Dana whispered, teary.
Nichole turned her head, a silent field appearing around the werewolf.
The latter sighed in relief, and used her dragon to attack.
Nikki watched the werewolf for a while, then bolted off in the direction were Lucy stood, holding her son.

"Not my baby!", she growled. "Mama! Red!", Lynx cheered. Nichole glanced over, smiling at her son, then a protecting spell build a barrier.
"Are you hurt?", she asked Lucy, her back turned.
"My shoulder only. Doesn't hurt, really. Who are they?", Lucy replied to her.
"Pfft. Cursed Kingdom or something. Nothing to worry your head about. We can deal with it.", Nichole replied.
A bunch of shadows announced Chris' arrival.
"Another issue, other than that.", he grumbled.
"Sorry?", Nichole turned her head towards Chris.
"Another issue. This Julietta and her husband are causing trouble, but Leo's handling it. We have a feeling this might be related to this attack.", Chris explained, pulling the two women's wrists to Hw them dodge.
"We know that much. Issue is, how do we do?" Nichole jumped in front of Lucy, her light shoving off the enemy.
Chris rolled his eyes.
"I dunno. Leo just said he needs you for that. Apparently to get them to surrender." Chris' blade assisted him avoid an attack.
Nichole just nodded, and collected shadows around her, landing back at her brothers side as she materialized.

"You need my help, Lee?", Nichole asked, tapping his shoulder.
"Yeah. We need to get 'em commanding their party to surrender.", Leo explained over his shoulder.
"How do you know it's theirs?" Nichole glanced along the halls.
"Mother keeps screaming about it.", Leo answered, Nichole groaning.
"Of course. I'll take him, can you take her?", Nichole mumbled.
"Sure.", Leo replied, throwing his sister keys over his shoulder.

"Thanks. I don't wanna deal with her again.", she grinned, catching them as she spoke.
Leo chuckled as he walked towards their mothers cell, just as Nichole unlocked their fathers, holding her dagger in the other hand.

"Come. One step at a time. Move.", she ordered, once her father took note of her.
"Why? Can I ask that?", the man mumbled fearfully.
"Your troops are here, and we need you to make them surrender. Now, I'm still pissed at you, so move.", Nichole ordered.
The man stood up, coming one, then two steps closer to Nichole.
As he tried to make a third, he stood hesitant.
"Against the wall. I'll cuff you. Against the wall, I said.", Nichole now ordered, her sword pointed directly at the prisoner.
Slowly, she watched her father turn against the wall, his hands in front.
"Turn. Face against the wall.", Nichole ordered.
The man froze for a second, then did as asked.

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