Chapter Thirty| Rescue of the a shadow

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Now before Mahina stood the deviously smiling demon king.
The queen even managed to smile, her last words were to her family and friends, most importantly her Romeo. Sadly she wouldn't get to hear his voice in this life, but she would watch him from Aether.
She was relieved she got to let go of every thought she had held in for that long, and hopeful everyone would be able to move on.
Her hair fell below her eyes, she was seeing how dirty it was, also by it's length now being more than shoulder.
She told herself to look up, as best as she could with the chains. She glared at her rapist for the last time, taking a few more deep breaths as the lord spoke to the executioner, or whatever they were, in a foreign language, and that very loud.
"I will always love you, Romeo. Always.", she whispered inaudible, her face hidden behind her hair.
She started shaking in fear as the demon king grabbed her face, forcing her to look at the blade meant to take her life.
"This will whisk your life away gorgeous. I hope my future partner won't mind a soul in the walls.", she whispered, his rough fingers gliding along her naked body.
Mahina had given up, she let the lord do as he pleased, he got one last assault in before the blade would fall.
Somewhere someone screamed, but Mahina couldn't manage to identify that.
Keske's tone fell as he whispered inaudible spells to keep the queen locked, so she let her thoughts wander.
As the last words were spoken, the last person she thought of appeared in her mind.
"Execution order executed!"
The face of a cheeky redhead appeared in her mind, memories of his laugh numbing the pain, then she felt nothing. All went dark, she fell numb.

The demonic lord kneeled over the dead queen, enjoying a count of 'the deed' with her non-resisting body. "She was more fun alive, but anyway. There's no way she escaped punishment. Stupid girl. Didn't know what was good for her.", Keske cursed.
He made his way outside the room, ordering his people to leave her body. "To be destroyed later.", as he clarified.
A day later, he made his way from her dead body which he'd just have fun with to the purplenette, when he heard a wall burst.
"Who dare break in here! Men, kill whoever this may be!", he ordered, relaxing as he continued his path. He went to have fun with the pregnant lady next.
He heard his men yell, another person too, but his next adventure was more important.
He bust open the door, not expecting what he saw next. Nonetheless, he got to work on the deed with the oddly smiling Nichole, realizing the bursting wall too late. He grunted as he angrily turned around, mid deed.
"Hello there.", a calm voice echoed. Before the demon lord stood a guy with black pupils, who was apparently attempting to be scary. The purple haired was screaming below him, but her mouth was taped shut.
"Who are you?! Get outta here!", the lord commanded, only to see the figure smirk.
"I don't fucking think so bastard."
Keske grunted, snapping his fingers for more of his men to arrive.
"Leave or you'll get sliced to pieces. I'm having fun with her and a good s*x shouldn't be interrupted.", Keske ordered.
Again, the man wasn't fazed.
He now coldly glared at the demon.
"That's rape. And I'll make sure you suffer for that.", he growled, blonde hair falling in his face.
The demon lord snapped again, multiple figures attacking the blonde from behind.
"I warned you bastard. Now back to you...carrying gorgeous.", he smirked. The blonde only raised a brow, as he only needed to step aside for the demonic followers to miss him.
"Nice try fools.", he scoffed.
The demonic king only realizing he survived by now snapped again.

The blonde shrugged, taking one swing with his blade and one fire ball to eliminate half of the total opposing forces.
The now furious blonde attacked Keske from behind, a chokehold with only one arm, the other pulling his blade forward.
He grunted as he knew what tone to use to do what he was best at.

The blade wandered to the demons' throat, his body was dragged so his followers could see they were done for.
The ones that were left over, surrounded the room the black eyed stood in.
"Listen the fuck up. I'm here with a thousand men and you're gonna surrender. Either that or you die, understood?!", he shouted, the blade now even closer to the demon lord.
A frightened woman stepped forward, shaking on her knees.
One look from the blonde man stopped her.
"S-surrender? U-us maids did nothing..", she pleaded, but that left Luca cold.
"Doesn't matter. You will leave this building now, all of you, or you all die. Unlike other times I have permission to kill and I'll gladly use it. Move it, now!", he shouted.
Many scared looks were exchanged, also to the still resisting demon king, but nobody moved.
Luca raised his voice once more, now even more threatening.

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