Chapter Fifty-Four| An end to the demon king

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Now it was midday, and the troops of Calcia were pres paring, and Giulia and Kian were last to the meetup.
Distressed, the couple rushed down, eventually reaching the spot near the lake.

"Finally, honey.", Lucy echoed, Giulia blushing.
"Sorry we're late.", she apologized.
"But...we have a great reason! You wanna show them, warrior princess?", Kian asked, a bright glow in his eyes.
"Sure thing, here-"Giulia opened her bag, and pulled out a big book, called the book of demons, and held it up.
"Where'd you find this?", Luca asked, Giulia's face spreading a smile.
"Library, technically in the forbidden section, BUT; we have a tyrannic demon to fight, so I'd say this is fine. Check it out, peeps!", she explained, flicking pages before laying it on the desk.

"How'd the author find all this stuff?", Lucy asked, as she flipped through the pages with great interest.
"It contains the best weapon for all kinds of demons; such as spears for the ones with multiple arms, long-swords for those with incorporated chest plates; long-spears for poison tongues.", Kian listed, pointing to each weapon as he spoke, Giulia leaning against him, folding her hands together as she uttered a silent spell.
Armor appeared on the table, thick as they'd never seen it.

"What sort of armor is this, Giulia?", Luca asked, Seb nodding, also in confusion.
"It's armor from underworld leather. Should throw off demonic attackers.", Giulia explained, Nichole throwing her an impressed look.
A silent spell later, some extra supplies from white material appeared on the table.
Luca took one, and bend it.
"Is that meant to happen?", he asked.
"Yeah. It's a special quartz; the same thing the white dressed people used. Really durable, and-"Nichole paused, taking the weapon from her partners hand, "-magical." With a smirk, she threw it, then held her hand out, only for the spear to fly back into it.
Luca's eyes started noticeably sparkling with amazement, and Nichole received a long kiss of excitement.

Giulia rang a sound to regain attention, then glanced at everyone in the room.
"Okay everyone, the items are now all here. We're-", she glanced around the room again, her lips moving without a tone, "-sixteen guards total, plus Queens and king. So nineteen over all. I managed to  get a view of Keske's powers. If we work together, this should be little of an issue.", she concluded, a wide smile spreading her face.
Her smile was reciprocated, "What about this guy's partner?", Luca asked.
"I think we'll leave her to you. We wanna knoll him anyways.", Kian replied.
"Which one takes which weapon?", both Leo and Sebastian asked.
"Doesn't matter.", Giulia replied.

Dehja's eyes were glowing, since she'd changed to Aelia mode, Mahina and Liam stood next to her, both holding bows.
"Everyone ready?", Giulia asked loudly.
"Yes!", the reply followed in unison.
"Grab two weapons each! Kian, Luca and I have supplies, mom has extra potions! We good to go?", Giulia commanded, her voice filling the whole room.
"Yes!", the reply sounded.
Nineteen pairs of eyes locked, and shadows teleported them outside.

"You think this will go well?", she asked, looking up at Kian. "I'm sure it will. We have the strongest forces.", Kian replied, his arms around his partner.
They were now close to the chambers, in which Luca left to pick up the demon queen, ready to get his revenge.
Nichole stayed at Giulia's side, hugging her.
"I'm proud.", she whispered, holding her hand for a moments notice, before letting go.
A little later, Luca and Seb came out, leading the woman called Amara between them, both carrying long swords.
With a grin, Chris approached his brother.

"You'll need this. You're best at short distance, brother.", he smirked,  handing Luca a small dagger, as long as lower arm.
"This is mine, from mum right?", Luca realized, Giulia chuckling in the background.
"Sure is. This was your first weapon to kill with, let's finish the demon king with it.", he smirked, his brother grinning in response, tying the weapon to his waist.

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