Seventeen| Ancestorial connection

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When the queen awoke again, Nichole was standing before her and her sister, shielding their unconscious bodies.
She could see the body of the guard glowing.
"Why is this purple..?", she whispered.
From not to far away, she noticed three little figures running through the grass, seemingly running from someone.
"Children?! Who would hunt Little kids?", Nichole groaned.
She turned to Dehja, her eyes glowing purple.
"Good, you're awake. Next time, you can call me for help.", the warrior sighed, pulling her up.
The queen was really confused, but she kept quiet, watching the children run further and further in their direction.
"Pathetic idiot.", she suddenly heard Nichole groan, before she pulled her sword.
"Stop it! Holumo!", the kids shouted, eventually stopping before Nichole, eyes full of tears.
"Who's following you?", Dehja asked calmly.
The kids shook their heads quietly, crying.
The queen pulled the three in her arms, and away from the danger.
"Show yourself! Who-oh hell. Show who you are pathetic idiot!", Nichole shouted, shooting an arrow in a vague direction.
A man with hazel eyes and dark hair ran outside, a devious smirk on his face.
"What the fuck are you doing outside? As far as I know you have tons of bastard kids, die to rape. That's bad enough.", Nichole groaned, her bow constantly aiming towards the man, who didn't even flinch.
"Hilgers. Since when did you switch sides?", the man smirked.
"Simple. People have changed and so did I...LeCant.", the warrior explained, shoving back her hair.
He tried to move towards the sisters, and after a while of struggling, he stood before Dehja.
He smirked, thus revealing dozens of scars.
"It seems my grandkids are just as garbage as their mom.", he taunted, grabbing Dehja by her collar and lifting her up, choking her.
"Quit it LeCant. Right now.", Nichole ordered.
LeCant only smirked, as he tightened his grip and also slapped her, and cut her.
He did the same for Mahina until both had collapsed.
"Imobilo!", Nichole yelled, a magic glimmer surrounding the abuser.
The man laughed, but felt himself unable to move.
He cursed.
"You shouldn't mess with the best fighter in Calcia bastard.", Nichole replied, copying the man's face to taunt him.
"Mobilo Commando!", Paul shot back, mobilizing him on his own account.
He ran, as fast as he could.
Nichole chased him, before returning to grab the queen's.
"Can't forget again.", she mumbled to herself.
The man had entered the former queen's house, only their screams making him known.
Sounds of a fight followed, as Nichole ran closer, climbing a tree to avoid running into some random citizens standing around.
"Seems your weaker than I remember.", the man's' voice echoed.
"I'm freaking pregnant you psycho!", Sheila yelled back, a sound of a blade followed, and a loud gasp.
Nichole had almost reached the house, when the princesses and princes joined the warrior.
"Please help mom! She's gonna go into Labour!", Acacia requested, Rhys and Cari chanting the same over and over.
Azael was reading a book in distress, Lajila completely distressed in a conversation with Aria , and her 'best friend' Mirko, whom she held close, as she was shaking.
The younger royals had shorter hair except for Rhys, who was playing some sort of instrument nearby, he was also a healer.
"She might give birth soon, no competent nurses.", the soloist worried.
"It will be alright, it's just a scary grandpa, ain't it?", Lajila nervously added.
"I'll help.", Nichole promised, hearing maniacal laughter erupt and having lost her patience.
She bust through the door, shooting some fire from her fists.
The former queen was knelt below her father, bleeding to the core.
"Back off you bastard! Imobilo permo!", the purplenette yelled, green light surrounding Paul LeCant.
"So you finally showed up, Hilgers? Took you forever useless sloth.", the man taunted.
"We'll see bout that bastard.", the guard growled.
She lit her fists on fire, and shot it to the front.
"Ohrio.", she whispered, which caused skull like figures to erupt from her hands, and knock down Paul.
"Ohrio. Permo.", Nichole grinned, her eyes sparkling purple.

"How are her eyes purple?!", Sheila nervously whispered.

"Perpoco.", Nichole mumbled, Paul freezing on the ground, no way out of this.
"Are you okay?", Nichole angrily asked the former queen, now crouching in front of her.
"Mhm..why the hell are your eyes purple though, that's..confusing.", Sheila mumbled, pulling a strand of hair behind her ears.
Nichole sighed, her arms lighting up brightly.
"Long Story. Essentially..-hold up- Kurowo maxima!-, essentially, I still have this soul in me weirdly enough. I'm the souls original host. Your daughter is still the barrier, but through incarnations and me regaining power and coming back as I'm guessing something happened to the queen- it split or something. Ancestor BS to keep it short.", the guard sighed, hearing a concerned Dehja to arrive.
"Wait..are you this soul too? Are we both incarnations?", she asked Nichole, who replied with a nod.
"Don't know how that could happen, but essentially when I was revived...a bit of the soul-ugh I don't know either. But if I know one thing, it is that you need to get stronger with Puppeteer. She's a strong soul, no doubt. It has a lot to do with ancestors and family and shit.", Nichole attempted to explain.

The two exchanged words, their eyes glowing purple. They learned that Puppeteer had a twin soul, thanks to Kian who randomly walked inside and had read about this, and that Puppeteer stayed with the strongest body, and her twin switched one time or another, or rather whenever the host died.
Both having the same powers regardless.
It had a family origin, so far was clear.
Suddenly, the world around Dehja and Nichole faded, turning as light as snow.
Wild pictures of an immortal being with dark hair and green eyes appeared, werewolf ears and tail as white as snow. She was shown in battles, dressed in olive green and black, hair short like Dehja's.
The wings mirrored wings of a fallen Angel, seemingly ripped in battles.
The figure was shown alongside a representation alongside a short haired male and female, their eyes glowing green, the males' lighter than the women's.
The immortal wasn't wearing a hood, the others were.

Now Dehja found herself in a room, dressed in similar clothes to the things she saw pass by her.
Her eyes opened, and she tried to stand up. That's when a voice echoed to her.
"Lady Dehja. We need you to kneel to come to you, though finally you have arrived.", a male commanded in a soft voice.
Lady?! Dehja as surprised, but followed the command nonetheless.
"Good job Lady Dehja.", the voice complemented.
Dehja held her head up, looking around.
She felt wings sprout from her back.
In a mirror, she saw herself or rather in a reflection, her eyes were purple.
"The freak?!", Dehja wondered, seeing the mirror copy her movements. Usually normal, although in this weird realm thing she'd expected anything.
A few silhouettes marched from the shadows, appearing as three male figures and one female, the figure of Lady Fauna.
"Mom?", Dehja questioned, and the goddess followed with a chuckle.
"We have a lot to explain dear. Get comfortable.", Fauna explained, stroking the young woman's back.
Dehja relaxed, but got curious.
"Let us tell you about the origins of Fauna, Destroyer, Puppeteer and Guard. It will take a while.", a man added, gently smiling.

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