Chapter Forty-Seven| Funeral

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Days later, a small funeral was held for Azek and Odette, as well as Lucy and Alia.
Kian accompanied a quiet Giulia, holding her hand, comforting her.
Luca came alone, and a few others had assembled, but they stayed in the background.

Once they all arrived, the official came into sight, the coffins behind him.
"Thank you all for coming, and I'm sorry to the family for your losses. Let's not waste any time, and get straight to our presentation.", the man greeted quietly, all parties merely nodding in response.
The family members walked a bit away with the official, as he cleared his throat.
"We're here to re-live the greatest moments of the tragically deceased Azek James Bennet, Odette Bennet, Lucy Bennet and Alia Bennet. If we shall get started with the youngest, Alia's live was taken too soon and it a horrid manner. It became known to me she died in a demon attack, her heart ripped out of her ripcage. We wish the angels upon you, little one.", a small break occurred, all visitors preparing for the people that came next.
"Lucy Bennet was a great warrior, a guard at heart. As it became known to me, she sacrificed herself for the live of little children, securing their future in disregard of her own safety. Now I shall read a bit of her past until now.
Having always been a great fighter, our passionate guard took on her position, and as many reported, saved lives wherever she went. Her dreams became fulfilled when her babies arrived, and showed the same skills she sported. A true guard at heart, her life ended defending the protection-less. She will be honored as a hero."
Another pause occurred, Giulia clutching her fist to Kian's chest as she started crying over her mothers coffin, her partner pulling her in a deep hug.
"Furthermore, the grandparents or parents of the here present Bennet's, Azek and Odette sacrificed themselves in a fight against demonic beasts, creating a protective barrier around their kingdom, which is now without any ruler and will be considered a democracy. In their past, the couple always tried to be just and fair, accompanied by raising two sons to carry on their legacy. Whilst they made mistakes, they still managed to make up for it and clear their sons' names. Their souls may be guided by angels. Rest tight.", the official mumbled, crying echoing from many different corners of the group.

A little late, Giulia realized there was a sign on an empty coffin, but she could t read it through her tears. Quietly, the official made his way towards the coffin, laying his hand on it gently.
"Last but not least, we have to celebrate a person, whose body could never be found. Christoph, or Chris Bennet.", the official paused, scanning the look in Luca's face, recognizing it as a mix of sorrow, sadness and anger.
"I'm sorry my brother." The blonde whispered, trembling over his own words.
Giuliano briefly hugged her uncle, before racing back to Kian and waiting for the official to continue.

"Whilst we couldn't get a hold of this man's body, we can still honor him. In his lifetime, Christoph, preferably called Chris had to deal with many difficulties. But even throughout it all, he managed to secure himself the post he was meant for, the post of head guard. In his position, he protected the vulnerable and eliminated bad guys, making sure to save those, who needed him most. He was one of the most loyal people out there, trusting people Witt smarts and guts, doing his own thing  if it meant to save those he cares about. A father to three children and an excellent warrior, he hope his hood soul assents to the Aether paradise as he deserves.", the official finished, watching Giulia wipe her tears.

The man vanished, and Giulia walked with Kian to her mother's coffin. So Luca walked up to the empty box with his brothers name on it.
Tearing up, he laid his hand on it.
"I'm really sorry brother. I hope you can forgive me.

7 Years
Once I was seven years old, my mama told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely
Once I was seven years old
It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By 11 [...] (thirtin' fights, but we were training quicker)
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
Once I was 11 years old, [...] daddy told me
Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely
Once I was 11 years old
I always had that dream like [...] before me
So I started [...] doing things, I started writing stories
Something about the glory, [...]
'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me
Once I was 20 years old, my story got told
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely
Once I was 20 years old
I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure
'Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major
I got my [...] girls  with me atleast those in favor
Once I was 20 years old, my story got told
I was writing 'bout everything, I saw before me
Once I was 20 years old
I'm still learning about life
My woman brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
(Most of my boys are with me)
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother, I'm still sorry

((Google, but I changed lines to fit))
- maybe we weren't perfect siblings, but I'll make sure these demons pay for it. See you in hell, brother."

With a slight smile, the blonde walked off, disappearing into the shadows.
Keske had to pay for what he did, and he had a plan to make it worse than the demon would think.
Because according to his letter, a giant army would appear in a mere day or two, so the troops made plans to do what they craved.
"I'll see you in hell, brother.", Luca whispered, smirking mischievously.
"Soon we'll see who will save who, it's time Keske."

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