Chapter 64| Lucole Bennet

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((Image: Amazon))

The day of the wedding had arrived, and Nichole was finishing getting little Lynx ready.
"Mama pretty!", he babbled. "Thank you, little one. But you look handsome too.", she smiled, brushing through her sons hair. Only family had been invited, but still she tried to be her prettiest she could be.
A giggle escaped Lynx' mouth, as he fell on his back, holding his feet.

Lucy stormed inside, wearing a blue dress, and panted. As her eyes fell on Nichole, a smile crept on her face.
"You look amazing, Nikki." She breathed, her fellow guard blushing. "Thanks. You look amazing too. Doesn't she, baby?", she called, happy baby-giggles following. "Lynx thinks so too.", she giggled.
A proud smile appearing on her face, Lucy pulled Nichole in her arms.
"This wedding is way overdue, Nik.", she chuckled.
"How so?"
" guys fell for each other before Chris and I did. This is far overdue. I'm so happy for you.", Lucy pulled her new family member closer.
"We got...locked away. This slowed things down.", Nikki laughed, Lynx babbling happily.
"Lulu pretty! Mama pretty! Were Dada?", he mumbled.
Lucy picked up the little boy, stroking his back.
"Your dad is waiting. Although...a certain special guest is probably busy helping him. I've seen him, he's nervous as hell."
"He ain't alone. Hell...I'm getting married.", Nichole breathed.
"How does it feel?"
"The best I've ever felt."

Meanwhile, Chris was getting impatient with his brother. He wouldn't cool down.
A laugh escaped him, Luca joining in.
Lazily, he leaned on his brother with one arm.
"This is way overdue. I'm proud little bro.", Chris smiled.
A scoff.

"One question though, when you found out about Nikki and I, why weren't you mad?", Luca asked.
"I know when you're happy. Plus; Nikki's a wild one like you, there's no way we would've stuck together. You can thank Leo for that realization. And what I had noticed is that she's way more sugary poison type.", Chris chuckled. "Sugary poison? Imma need you to explain."
Chris chuckled, his voice deepened, and got softer.

"What I mean is, she has this thing that I call poisonous attachment. She would lie to me and such, but whenever she was with you as a child, you could see you two fit together. Heck, I'm your teen years she didn't tell anyone what happened with Nana until you did. Whenever I cheated on a test, she'd tell immediately. Also: I'm far away from your guys' skill level."
"You still could've fit.", Luca argued.

"Blondie, quit being dumb. At some point in our relationship, Leo told me something. He said:'Look at our younger siblings. Don't they seem much more at ease around each other? No offense, but you and Nikki? No. She has a habit of...poisoning the guys she likes...but she literally can't shut up about Blondie. Also, when you watch 'em fight, these two work better off of each other. This scandal was overdue. I see her whenever she's supposedly with you and when she's actually with you. She's way happier, and so is he.' And he was right. I might've hated you, but I would've been an idiot not to see how crazy you were for her. Now-what was that?!"
Chris turned on his heel.
Two female battle cries echoed a few kilometers away.

The brothers left the cave, and the picture greeting them was one they had to analyze first.
They saw Nichole in a gorgeous outfit, still ready-for battle like him, and Lucy behind her.
Following them, three Shadow knights.
As Chris tried helping his wife, Luca blocked him.
With a smile, he nodded towards Nichole.

As she fought, blood landed all over her sleeves and the bottom of her dress. Groaning, she cut off the ends.
At once, her dress was red as blood, purple lines dragged through it. Her purple hair laid on her back in a wavy, low ponytail.
Watching her greet Chris with a smile, Luca ruffles through his hair.
"Dada!", he heard a baby voice babble. An attacker raced towards him, but his own barrier protected.
Laughing, Luca lifted up his son.
In the back he heard Lucy trying to convince Nichole to change, but he heard his partner refusing.

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