Chapter Thirty-Five| My whole world

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A curly haired figure took Dana out of Kian's arms, freeing him to launch at the building, the very familiar sent of Giulia up his nose.

From a room deep within he heard muffled screams.
Racing along the doors, he finally found the one he needed.
He turned the knob to find it locked.
"Fuck it. Curmola.", he hissed, the spell unlocking the door.
On a bed he found a different man, slightly darker haired, also chained down.
Muffled screams followed his entrance.
Scared of confrontation, Kian backed out a bit, mumbling to himself.
"He's not Giulia...but he seems he needs help."
"What if he's dangerous? I gotta risk it, or shall I? I think he needs help. Screw it, let's help him.", Kian whispered, shakily moving forward, freezing every other step.
"I shouldn't get too close. Curmo.", Kian mumbled, freeing the man with the spell, before turning and running right back out.
"Thank you, whoever you are!", a deep tone echoed, leaving a strangely good shiver on Kian's spine.
"Leave me!", a female, slightly higher than normal voice echoed, having left her usual soft tone.
Kian raced to the door where he assumed the yells came from, stumbling into a naked couple on the way, causing him to trip, falling down the stairs into a doorway.
"What the actual...huh?", Kian hushed.
The yells echoed behind the door, he'd found the right one, on accident.

"Curmolo!", opened the door, allowing Kian in.
The two men hadn't noticed him, so he sneaked up.
Behind a glass wall, Giulia was chained down.
The men were chatting with each other.
"At last we have her under's time to win her to our side. Then we'll be unstoppable! We'll revive the master...", one hushed.
"He'll be delighted. It's a joy to control young slaves. Speak, subject!", the second ordered, Giulia smirking.
"A woman knows when to keep quiet..", she paused.
"Good..-", the first man's rant was cut off.
"-and it's a moment to scream. It's been a week now idiots. I learned. Curmolo!", the guard shouted, the chains loosening on her. "Pyro!", the blue haired added.
The men froze, and Giulia jumped over them, landing next to Kian.
The latter scanned her body, noticing just some obvious cuts on her thigh.
"Ya thought you had me losers! Can't catch me now!", she grinned, running off with Kian on her trail.
On their way out, the two got surrounded.
"Drop it down, puppet! You're ours! It's time you learn behavior, crazy slave!", one shouted, another repeating the same thing.
All people were highly armed, whilst Kian felt he had nothing on him. What Giulia did next was surprising though.
"As of I'll give up. No chance in that.", she smirked, brushing back her hair with one hand, allowing both eyes seeing freely.
"Drop it, puppet!", another man shouted.
"Drop it! Drop it!", they chanted, shoving their weapons towards the guard.
Giulia grunted, letting her eyes wander.
She clenched her eyes, balled her fists.
"Drop down, puppet!", a man shouted, trying to come one step closer.
Giulia flinched. To any normal person, who looked scared.
The soldiers took a step back, having both in  a circle.
The guard lowered her head as she talked.

"I-I guess you got me.", she stuttered.
Kian froze behind her, unsure of what to do.
Shortly after, the guard went to crouch, holding her head low.

"Freaking finally puppet. On your knees, now!", a woman ordered.
Giulia quietly laughed as she followed.
As soon as the men came closer, her head was still down, but from her knees she jumped up, kicking the men far from her, grabbing a bow from one soldier, and grabbing it with her bare feet, landing on a part of the ceiling.
"There you thought it was easy to catch me.", she smirked, her eyes glittering.
The arrows flew towards the guards, hitting them exactly where Giulia had aimed, a mere centimetre from the chest.
"You bitch! How dare you, that hurt!", a man cursed.
Giulia dodged the enemy fire, her free hand helping Kian up as well.

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