Chapter Forty-four- Burning it all, 2/2

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The white dressed people re-appeared, scarred.
"We found something, but not the material.", a man called, Luca merely raising an eyebrow.
"We found where the demon sent your partner. And the bunch of royals."
"Get them out.", Luca growled, half of the people disappearing.
Azek was next to his son, when Odette joined.
Luca looked up, a still cold expression on his face.
Although he should've felt at least something, he was completely empty.
"My boy.", he heard his mother whisper.
"These guys found Nikki.", Luca replied.
"Good, but my boy...what is it with you and Chris? I could've sworn..", her husband interrupted her.
"Babe...these people in the white? They used to work for him all these years ago. You don't wanna know all the shit they did. We're the only ones that can-"-
"Kill Keske.", Luca finished, growling.
At once, the people in white appeared again, carrying the king and queens, but also two baby bodies.
"They didn't make it. I'm sorry.", a female muttered, pressing the babies in Luca's arms.
Odette paled, walking up to her son.
"This fucking bastard. Ruining my family like that. He'll pay in hell.", Luca coldly growled.
Another person appeared, the body of a purple haired woman in his arms, blood dripping from her chest, crying echoing.
Apparently one of the queens regained consciousness.
Luca froze in his spot, flames running all along the walls of the mine, his parents had fled the white people, so they stood in confusion.
His chest felt like a boulder must've laid itself on it and created an explosion. Like his heart was ripped out, and crushed to pieces.
"She didn't make it either. Her soul left to Aether, I'm sorry.", a male echoed, laying her body on the ground.
"Leave!", Luca shouted.
Without hesitating, the people followed his command.
He was shaking, pressing his daughters' bodies to his chest, falling to the ground all shaken.
A cry echoed, the royals were still there, but a quick thinking spirit teleported them away.
Luca was on his knees, a mix of crying and yelling.

Nichole's body laid before him, his flames closing her wounds, no pulse.
At once, his wings burst out and eyes turned dark.
Carefully, Azek made his way inside.
"Oh no..", he gasped, seeing all the bodies.
Quietly, he walked up to his son, laying a hand on his back.
"Oh no.", he quietly repeated, then left for Odette.
"What happened?", his wife asked.
"Luca's family...they're dead. Nichole's dead.", he quietly explained, Odette tilting her head and gasping.
"He was pretty protective, wasn't he?", she quietly asked.
"That's an understatement. The only reason he was caught was because they threatened him with killing her. She was his Achille's heal."
"Oh fuck."
"Chris we could save, but not Nikki. She's in Aether."

Luca was still freaking out, had no idea how to handle his emotions. Later, the white dressed returned, dropping a sword before leaving.
With his wings, he grabbed the weapon, twisting it, mumbling angrily.
"I can't ever see her again. I'll fucking go to hell, but never fucking die anyways! I hate this fucking bullshit!", the sound of a baby crying interrupted him.
In the puddle between him and Nichole cuddled a little boy, presumably a month old.
His eyes were open, beautifully hazel eyes blinked at him.
A bit of fire touched his hair, showing it was blonde.
With wide eyes, he  moved towards Luca.
"What..? He looks like a darn copy of Nikki..", Luca grumbled.
His voice scared the baby, he promptly grew wings on his back, hiding behind Nichole.
A white dressed appeared.
"Your partner gave birth when she was captured, you have a son.", a male quickly explained.
"How.", Luca's eyes narrowed.
"She was pregnant and gave birth while captured. This is your son. I believe she named him Lynx.", the man continued.
Quietly, Luca's eyes wandered across the boy.
He definitely shared similar featured to him and Nichole, not to mention he had the same eyes.
Although quickly he had to see it was the truth.
Especially as the baby saw fire, he sported the same look Luca had whenever fire appeared, and Nichole's smile.
Putting the bodies down next to their mother, Luca sat next to his partner, the boy eagerly biting him, and the girl's hands.

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