Seven| Knight in silver armor

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Even more days later

The rulers of Calcia were waiting in the great hall, having heard someone special was going to visit.
A so called "skilled Knight"
None of them knew who was meant, but all were curious.
Mahina saw Liam on the outside, and everything she might have felt dissolved into annoyance.
The lady in the purple dress was back, followed by a lady identical to her disgustingly beautiful face.

Through the open window, the three could be heard flirting.
"Ooh Liam! I can't tell you how much I love you!", the purple dress flirted, laughing a fake laugh.
"Alright...I love you...", Liam winked, softly pushing her.
Mahina held back a growl.
"We're just friends.", she told herself, but her heart told her otherwise.
"At least you ditched this stupid other girl. Thinking she can kiss MY man, pathetic...", the purple dress growled, her sister pulling Liam in a kiss.
"Yeah finally...we're way more fun anyways..", the sister replied, dragging Liam towards her.

Kian snapped his fingers, shouting his sisters name.
"Mahina! Mahina! Earth to Mahina!"
She groaned, but only had eyes for the flirting trio.
"Well, it isn't always about beauty eh? Glad I found someone important. Or multiple? Forgot what it's called.", Liam smirked, winking, his hair almost covered his right eye at this point.
"Show us your muscles!", the ladies begged.
Liam smirked, swinging himself on a tree with one arm. He dangled off, reaching his hand out to the women, eventually hanging upside down.
"Care to join me, ladies?", Liam asked, trying to pull them up, but they screamed.
"Nooo! That's...disgusting! Do you do...real sport?", missy in a purple dress asked, a disgusted smile on her face. "Plus, we're wearing way!", the other blurted out.
"This is a sport. Plus, I've seen women in dresses do this exact thing. But fine with me.", Liam explained, still hanging upside down.
"Mahina!", Kian shouted again, finally regaining his sisters attention.

By now, Giulia was in the room in her uniform, and trying to talk to her. Immediately, Mahina blushed.
"Sorry, you were saying? I got distracted...", she shyly smirked.
"We have an issue. The knight we promised has arrived, it's a girl actually, but another problem appeared. Queen Mahina, if you could follow me?", Giulia asked, leading the archer queen outside.
"What's the matter Giulia?"

Instead of answering, the blue haired guard pointed to a group of Shadow Figures, which were following a group of wolves, the Shadows also pulled people in, leaving them all bloody.
At first it was unclear what they were yelling, but then she heard it. "All hail Nocturna!", the demonic voices repeated. Then, "All hail King Keser!"
Without another word, the queen sprinted towards the figures.
By now, she was more than angry.

"Not another step, you don't wanna be at the other hand of my arrow!", Mahina shouted, receiving laughter in response.
Out of the woods shot a dark red haired figure, in dark silver armor, as fast as lightning.
Her actions were followed by fear. Not too long after, a blonde woman apparently the same age as the redhead showed up, both sliced multiple warriors.
The blonde helped guide Mahina's arrows hit their target comfortably.
"Your Majesty. We're here for your assistance. Allow us to finish our enemies.", the redhead introduced, bowing her head.
Hesitantly, Mahina nodded.
The women grinned at each other, and went in with their deed until everything was done.

"Thank you a lot. But would you care to tell me your names?", Mahina asked, smiling at the new knights.
"I'm Amanda, that's my sister Dela.", the redhead replied, bowing in sync with her sister.
"So good to finally meet more talented warriors! You could really help out!", Mahina excitedly shouted, feeling an enormous joy through her veins. So much she thought she had to explode.

"We'll be glad to.", Amanda replied, a warm smile showing on her face.
"Where can we help?' Dela asked, tilting her head.
"Well, the guys guarding our gate seem...lazy to say the least. Maybe you can help protect our people, whilst my siblings and I can easily defend ourselves?", Mahina asked, smiling.

Meanwhile Dehja was busy talking to Dana.
The thin, beige haired werewolf girl sat next to the queen, both were looking into something.
"Hey Dana! Quick question, I'd love to visit this famous aerobics show, would you come?", Dehja asked, pulling back her hair into a small bun.
Dana stuttered around for a bit, but finally got to finish her sentence.
"I'd love to! Y-yes, I'd love to..", Dana agreed, flinching immediately after.
At first, Dehja didn't know what was happening.
"Did I do something wrong? W-What happened?", she asked, blushing.
Dana was sat there in fright, shaking uncontrollably.
Then, Dehja heard it too.
Loud footsteps seemed as if they were coming closer, the sent of a foreigner.
Shortly after, Mahina bust in with the new knights following her. After the whole introduction, the three went off and Dana was still paralyzed from fear.

"Okay...who's there?!", Dehja shouted, loosing her last nerve at this point.
No answer, but more footsteps.
"Who's there?! You better answer!", again, no reply.
The door bust open.
There was a dark figure in the unlit hallway.
The figure revealed a sinister smile, but no rest of the face.

"Someone has to go today, permanently.", their voice sounded. Now Dehja froze as well, the voice caused shivers over her spine. Same thing happened to Mahina and Kian, who almost fell down the stairs they were running so fast.
"What do you want?!", Kian shouted at the figure.
They only smiled, pulling out a magic staff.
By now, Eterna, Lucky and Avina had materialized.

The three spirits were hovering above the ground.
"Weapons down. Now.", the creature ordered, a menacing smile on their face.
The three froze in place, Kian yelling for them.
"What if not?! Who the hell are you?!"
The figure smirked, letting three bodies float in.

Unconscious bodies became visible in the light.
A redhead, a female with brown hair and a male with turquoise hair.

"It seems I have something you want. Drop your weapons now!", the creature smiled, a sinister laugh hollowing from the walls.
"Back off you monster! No one will hurt our masters!", Lucky shouted, Avina following his weak attack with spells, her magical green hair glowing bright and flowing around her.
"You leave me alone. I'm the one you shall fear.", the creature laughed, and the spirits froze.
"Demon king.", Eterna whispered angrily, her black hair hitting her back like a whip.
"Exactly. You wouldn't dare attack me..-", the creature laughed, before getting cut off with spells.
"You don't have power over us. Plus, we'll fight for justice!", Avina calmly explained, keeping her lazer focused on their heart.

It was only the that they noticed who these people were. Or rather, who the redhead was.
His face was unrecognizable, but Mahina's face spoke a thousand words.
"Fight me, I dare you. Move once, and he dies.", the creature laughed. Mahina froze on the spot, but felt herself heat up.
Her body was beginning to glow, and her temperature rose many degrees.
"What's happening?! Remember, one move and he's down!", the 'Demon King' shouted whilst panicking, his face glowing as red as blood.
"I'm not moving. Simply defeating you.", Mahina smirked.
"I connected our souls. I die when he does. His soul is connected to me!", the creature laughed, causing fear in everyone. Everyone, but Mahina.

"Oh yeah? Well, I can feel what he does. Too bad a soul can connect only once.", Mahina smirked, letting her anger consume her.
"What are you saying?!", the voice shouted, seeing Dehja smirk, before whispering to Kian.
Without a doubt, Mahina acted.

Many things happened at once, Liam's body was grabbed out of the evil's fangs and Mahina dropped to the ground, and everything went black for her.
The evil kimg was trying to attack Liam, but Mahina's action protected him, making her immobile.


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