Chapter Sixty-Six | An eilogue to a legend

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The following morning, the couple went to tell Liam's parents the exciting news.
As they were walking through the woods, the grass still damp and smelling fresh.
Mischievously smiling Liam lifted up his partner and tickled her back.

"Pervert! Help!", she squealed. A smirk spreading on her face, her tail pinched his butt, and she jumped off, landing in a tree, letting Liam bounce at round as he held on.
"Perv huh? I'll get ya...gorgeous.", Liam chuckled, and swung up towards her.
Giggling, she escaped, and ended up back flipping on his shoulders, slapping him with her tail.
As her behind covered his face, she laughed mischievously.
Her tail waggled around, and hit him in the face.
"Ouch!", he yelped.
Fake-pouting, Mahina growled.
"I'm seems I can't control my tail.", she whimpered.
"Yeah, right."
"No, really!", Mahina insisted, fiddling with her blade as her eyes sparkled, green mirroring the sun rising higher and higher.

A fresh breeze messed up the couples hairs and allowed them to move forward quicker. A river bubbled next to them, splashing as they crossed through. Wolves were growling discussions in the distance as birds were singing. Little squirrels jumped on Liam's head and could be heard chatting to each other. More eagles flew by, preying on a few mice in the field. Trees sounded musically in the wind, leaf's cushioned a young birds fall.
Another squirrel landed on Liam's head.
Eventually however, the couple reached Liam and Dawns house, where Lou was training her fighting skills.

When they had almost reached the hut, Mahina lifted her partner on her shoulders, and smirked, wind blowing her hair around cheekily.
"What are you planning?"
Mahina chuckled, then grabbed her partner's wrists as he stood up, and twisted him around.
"You'll see...patience, Romeo.", she laughed, as she started spinning, him in her arms.
"Spinning huh, I-"
Liam was interrupted as he was thrown towards his sister and cousin, who caught him mid-air.
"Hey there!", they called towards Mahina, who laughed as she jogged closer.
Liam growled, frowning.
"Really? Really? That was mean..", he grumbled.
"How about I make up for it?", Mahina suggested, messing with her hair.
Liam was still hanging upside down, but the frown was still visibly changing into a smirk.
"Mhm...that was so mean...c'mon Mahy! Like, really?! I-"
He was shut up abruptly as the queen crushed her lips on his and pulled him in her arms.
His cheeks heated up fast, faster then when he was upside down.

"Alright! Enough o' that!", Elias called from the back.
Obsidian flew his direction, then some dirt.
"Fuck off! This is my time!", Liam yelled back, blushing.
"Like dad used to say: Oh it seems you're cooking on your face Hm? What's for dinner?", Elias mocked.
Liam showed him his middle finger, growling as his blush increased.
Seeing this, Mahina climbed the tree, and proceeded to cling onto her partner from behind.

"Wha...?", he echoed, looking over his shoulder.
"Tarzan! Tarzan! Look, mom, Tarzan is—ouch!" Elias yelped.
Behind him stood Dawn who'd smacked him.
"Not. Now.", she growled, grinning as she turned his face towards him.
"Oh c'mon!"
"No uh. Not now. Leave Mr Romeo be.", Dawn replied, growling playfully.
"But he's cooking! Look!-Ouch!" Dawn smacked him again, both laughing.
"That could count as abuse Y'know...", Elias growled.
"No. I know you're staring at Mahy cuz she's cute, and her behind is showing. Both of you can be inappropriate. This is just getting you back into reality.", Dawn smirked, her eyes sparkling.
Liam and Elias groaned, then laughed.
Mahina had freed herself and found she was standing before her partner, and holding his wrist.
"I can tell." She glared at him, whilst he blushed.
Both now back on the ground, they started laughing.

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