Chapyer Twenty-Eight| Solution?

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Some months had passed, and the royals had allowed Luca to move back into Calcia, at least upon learning Nichole was pregnant at least.
They'd seen him fight with the demons before, so in hopes he could help they let him.

Mahina and Liam were cuddling in a tree, now realizing the couple, with pregnant Nichole in the lead, we're dancing in the floor.
"I sure hope this demon leaves us alone.", Liam whispered.
Mahina nodded. "Hopefully. Especially with a pregnant Nichole here. Who knows how well we can fight ya know?", she worried, kissing her partner. It was getting warmer and love was in the air.
Kian and Giulia were laying in the grass by a river, reading together, Dehja and Dana were making out.

Mahina grinned, happy seeing how happy her siblings were, enjoying also seeing Silan move around, holding Acacia's hand, leading her to dance.
"I love you Romeo..", Mahina whispered.
"I love you too..", the redhead replied.
The duo briefly shot their eyes up, when they heard a loud sound, but later realized it was Chris who was catching up to a little amused Luca.
"What's up?", he asked in a relatively dead tone.
Chris chuckled. "Oh, we got news Blondie! We still gotta tell someone you'll be a dad huh?", the older taunted. The blonde raised a brow, briefly looking up to the couple in the tree before locking eyes with his brother.
"Who?", he asked.
"Your parents, my love.", Nikki laughed.
The blonde grinned, grabbing his partners hand, letting his fingers wander along the scar.
"Of fucking course."-he groaned.
"They're at the gate. C'mon!", Chris laughed.
Releasing a pained whine, the blonde reluctantly followed Chris, Nichole panting as she kept up.
"Slow down please! I'm seven months in my love!", she complained, as she jumped over him, causing a smirk to appear.
"Why'd you jump then dolly? Or should I switch to bunny?"
"Bunny would do."
"Whatever queen.", the blonde grinned, now walking more relaxed.
"Freaking finally..", an annoyed Chris mumbled, when the latter part of the group reached the gate at last.
"Your parents are here Bennet.", a male informed.
"No shit smartass.", the blonde groaned.
The guard scoffed, mumbling something under his breath, until Chris shut him up, with a mere look.
"And people say I'm scary. Seems you learned 'Christopher.' Or what?", the blonde wheezed.
Chris rolled his eyes, letting the parents inside, Odette with an uncomfortable smirk on her face.
Her followed a more relaxed Azek, who was laughing upon seeing his sons very annoyed faces.

"It's good too see you healthy guys.", he awkwardly greeted, Luca taking a distance, visibly uncomfortable.
Kian had joined from behind, he took a stand next to the blonde.
"Your parents?", he asked.
"Yup.", was the response.
"I see. I need to ask them something regardless.", Kian replied.
"How so, Kian?", the blonde asked.
"Demons...attacks on Camija shit like that.", the king retorted.
He made his way through, stopping before Azek, bowing his head.

"King Azek.", he greeted.
The blonde guy smiled, holding his hand out for the other king, which he took, also smiling.
Giulia had followed her partner, she was now also before Luca, and talking to him and Nichole, the blonde being her uncle after all.
"Sorry about dad right now...moms expecting..again.", the blue haired sighed.
"Baby number two?", the uncle asked, slightly smirking.
"Three. My brother is constantly outta state. Don't know why honestly. He's on edge, mom and Nikki will be due the same week, dear uncle.", she smirked.
The blonde laughed, getting even more relaxed.
From behind him, a blue haired and brown eyed guy ran towards Luca, together with his sis they embraced their uncle.
"Sorry. Just so you know people care about you.", Giulia smirked.
Luca laughed. "You're like your dad, you do know that?", he asked.
Giulia laughed, the family being way more relaxed then before.
Having lived there for three months already, people were starting to relax more around Luca, his charms also spreading wordless, and Giulia and Chris also helping.

"But why are we here? Not that I mind..", Odette asked, smiling at a groaning Luca.
"You know what? Let me talk my love.", Nichole whispered, a relieved Luca agreed.
"Who are you?", Azek asked.
Nichole gulped, then majestically walked ahead, by this time the entirety of the rulers where around the gate, Giulia noticing her uncle slightly tensing up.
Sheila and Chiara didn't really care that the remaining Bennet moved back in, as long as it was peaceful with him.
When they learned from him himself it was a fun reaction, but in the end it worked out.
Thirty tears had passed after all.

"I'm Nichole Hilgers sir. I'm Luca's girlfriend. Nice to meet you.", Nikki smiled.
Azek extended out his hand, smiling.
"Glad my son has a girlfriend finally."
Luca rolled his eyes, a cocky smile on his face.
"And what Chris probably summoned you here for, is that I'm pregnant sir.", the purplenette explained.
The parents' eyes grew wide, a smile spreading across Azek's face.
"Luca's gonna be a dad? That's amazing! How far are you in my dear?", he excitedly asked.
"Seven months sir.", the guard responded, extending her hand to the back, attesting to grab Luca's.
"Call me Azek.", the blonde's blonde father retorted.
"Congrats!", Odette added, introducing herself as well.
The parents went to embrace the couple, Luca flinching by his fathers touch.

Nichole looked into the sky dreamily, but her smile quickly faded.
Demonic black gust flew into the air, creating clouds, forming attacking galleons of monsters.
"Fuck. Elimino!", the purple haired woman cursed, shooting the eliminating spell, which sadly bounced off.
Luca glanced at her in confusion.
"The fuck?", he whispered.
She gently held his head and shoved his chin up, letting him see the demons.
The blonde cursed inaudible, nudging Kian to get his attention.
"What's up Luca?", the king asked.
"Demons are in the sky. We oughta be careful.", the blonde growled, Kian's ears and tail twitching in sync, the king now realizing the blonde was right.
"This oughta be a bad joke.", the dark haired king cursed, like green eyes turning darker with the sky.
"Sadly not. For ducks sake, there's the 'lord'.", Luca cursed, then all went black.

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