Twelve| Jealous

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Gently, Mahina carried the lifeless Liam towards the hospital, her wings wide spread.
She'd tried to heal the wound, but all that did was to get rid of the cuts he'd gotten from jail.
Silently freaking out, she wandered across the halls, taking bigger and faster steps, she wouldn't dare to run though.

"Even when cold as ice he's cute.", the whispered, then blushed at her own words.
The door opened, and the nurse attempted to take him out of her arms.
Dehja laid Dana down, followed by Kian, who laid the others on a bed.
Hesitant to pull him out of her grasp, Mahina laid Liam down, explaining what happened in a hushed tone.
"We'll help them. Do not even worry.", the healer explained.
Hesitantly, the triplets left the room, entering their parents domain later.
Mahina wouldn't admit it, but she was scared.

It was then the kids ran into their mom.
"Babies, you look destroyed!", Sheila mumbled, worriedly scanning her kids.
"Mom, some Aether guards tried to execute our friends. Please, leave us be.", Dehja explained, her eyes speaking of sleepless nights.
She covered her body with her wings and arms, looking down. She was scared as well, that was obvious.
Sheila nodded, and wandered off leaving her kids to ramble to themselves, not before whispering her response.

"I'll always be here for you."

"We could loose them...I couldn't handle that.", Dehja took the word, looking at her siblings, covering her scars with her arms.
"I know Dehja...I know. But...I felt what Liam was feeling. Our connection, they tried to surpress it but I still felt it. They had deadly poison. Feeling that was the worst feeling in the world.", Mahina bibbered, her eyes wide.
Kian kept silent, as he simply hugged his sisters.
They sighed, walking outside, into the cold.

Of course just on this day, they had to run into the lady with the purple dress. Her curls were undone, revealing an overdone make-up.
"You stole him again, dumb bitch!", the lady yelled, pushing the queen.
Mahina didn't look in the ladies face.
"No. Simply no.", she shrugged, lowering her gaze.
The lady scoffed, slapping Mahina.
"As if! It's obvious we're meant to be!", the lady shouted, attracting the attention of some others, but Kian acted first, he was the calmest of anyone.

"Leave my sister alone. It isn't her fault the man you claim to be yours keeps being more interested in her.", he coldly explained, catching the woman's hand.
"Let me go! Now!", the lady ordered.
Kian smiled, he knew this lady had no clue who she was messing with.
"You better go off now, or you'll have a dozen guards on your trail. Touch my sister again and you'll regret.", Kian coldly continued, which finally shooed the lady away.
"Thanks Kian.", Mahina mumbled, holding her eyes on the woods, looking into no one's eyes.

In her chest, a storm was running wild.
She couldn't rest until she knew Liam was all better.

~~Three days later~~

In the Hospital, a very pissed Finn and Jacob stood by their daughter's bed, mumbling to each other in French.
When the doctor came in, Finn jumped up.
"We've got news on your daughter. She's improving and her heartbeat returned fully. The poison still weakened her, it will take a while to regain that.", the doctor smiled, and Finn's eyes lit up.
"Thank you for helping. She wouldn't be this far without you.", he mumbled, too nervous to keep his eyes focused somewhere.
A few more hours later, when Jacob had gone to sleep, Finn noticed movement in his daughters bed.
He gasped, watching her move around, and eventually her eyes blinked open for a minute.
They fell closed, and she moved around some more, falling back asleep, or unconscious.
Finn sighed, also falling asleep, but whilst holding Dana's hand.

He was woken up about a day later, when movement shook him awake.
He blinked open his eyes, seeing his daughter move, and eventually a thin voice spoke to him.

"D-dad? Am, Am I alive?", Dana asked, her voice sounding more like a whisp.
"'re awake, your heart is beating.", Finn smiled, hastily looking for Jacob.
Dana rubbed her eyes, as her steel grey ones met her dad's.
"How? How am I not dead? They—-they took me out...", she mumbled, tears falling upon the memory.
"Baby...the people here saved you. They brought you back.", Finn smiled, reaching to stroke her head.
"The others...are they alright?", she shyly asked.
Finn sighed, staying silent as a response.
He heard footsteps, and Dehja carefully entered Dana's room, her eyes filling with tears as well.
Finn smiled, leaving the two girls alone for awhile.

"I'm so glad you're okay...I couldn't have handled to loose you.", Dehja sobbed, holding Dana's hand, both blushed.
"Why not? I-I mean we're friends and all, b-but you would've just moved on..", Dana replied, tears falling from her face.
"I could never. I feel so much more for you than as 'just friends.' I-I feel...nothing but love when I'm around you...", Dehja burst out, crying, and blushing.
Dana stared at Dehja, her eyes wide.
"I'm sorry!", Dehja mumbled, starting to move away. "It's probably got overwhelmed. I-I just like you as so much more..", Dehja blushed, turning her back to leave.
"No...I feel the same, Dehja. I was just surprised.", Dana softly denied, reaching out her hand to Dehja, the long haired queen.
Both girls blushed like crazy, nothing more needed to be said.
~~~~Two days later~~~~

Mahina was watching Dehja nervously pace up and down, as she tried to keep eating her food.
"I can't wait! Dana's getting out today...she said she likes me back! I'm so nervous. Any news about Liam?", she rambled.
Mahina chuckled at her sister, then responded.
"No, they're still working on it. But congrats on you and Dana finally figuring out you like each other."
Dehja seemed confused as she straightened her shirt, so Mahina explained.
"It was kinda obvious. I mean, you should see yourselves blush each time you share intimacy.", Mahina chuckled, embracing her sister.
On her way to Liam's room, she ran into the lady with the purple dress, who was visibly angry.

"Just who I wanted to see today.", she muttered, rolling her eyes.
"You bitch! Think this idiot can threaten me...I'm this man's legal mate! Screw off!", she shouted, referring to Liam.
"Fuck off. You do not know who you're talking to.", the queen hissed, her ears twitched aggressively.
The lady slapped her, leaving a handprint.
The queen growled, dodging the next hits effortlessly.
"C'mere you bitch! I'm already jealous he danced with you! He's meant to be mine!", the lady in the purple dress growled, pulling out a dagger.
"Stop talking to him, thinking about him! He's my man and only mine! Talk to him again and you'll be destroyed!", the lady growled.
This activated the cocky side in Mahina, the bragging one.
She swung herself on a Plattform slightly below the ceiling.
She smirked, seeing the lady try to come after her.

"Sadly you can't command me. See if you can catch up, sloth.", the queen taunted, swinging herself further and further into the hall, the lady chasing after her, falling and falling again.
"Stop right there!", she yelled, throwing her dagger time and time again.
More hallways down, the queen landed, a wide smirk on her face.
"Sloth lady! Hurry up or else you'll loose your job as chaser! Oop, I forgot you gotta be smart to even have a job, there's no way they'll take a hunting Blondie.", Mahina smirked, messing with her weapon.

"How dare you talk to me like that?!", the lady gasped, throwing her dagger at Mahina.
She caught it mid-air, raising an eyebrow, before effortlessly grabbing her arms and forcing her on the ground, ignoring her screaming.
"Next time choose a different queen to mess with.", Mahina smirked, forcing her own blade against the woman's throat.
"Eight to one for me.", she smirked, now slapping the lady.
She screamed. Dehja and Dana were watching, the latter wandering why the queen followed her around everywhere.

"Seems now I got a royal guard?", she laughed.
"Because your my queen, Dana. I will never let you out of my sight again.", Dehja replied, kissing Dana.

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