Chapter Fifty-Nine| In loving memory of legends

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Two weeks later, the funerals were held.
Kian took note of his momma and Lucy appearing covered in black dresses, in his momma's case a big green S on hers, and on Lucy's a big B in blue.
Neither Kian nor Giulia were ready yet, so the king rushed in his wardrobe.
Everywhere he went, flags with a big green S popped up, pictures of his mom everywhere.
And everywhere where swords hung, hung pictures of the guards.

As the king entered, one last picture of the three dead together caught his eye.
A picture of his young mom, the two guards to her right, all three grinning at the painter.
A small smile creeped onto Kian's face as he closed the door.
He put on a black suit, and tried sorting his hair out, which didn't really work, so he went looking for his sisters.
He found Mahina and Liam holding hands as they waved at him, sad smiles on their faces.
"You ready?", Liam asked quietly.
Kian nodded, and dodged his mom's friends who went through the halls, Finn in particular looking as if he hadn't slept it days.
Dehja came in with Dana, both wiping tears.
"You ready?", Liam now asked them, shaking in his tone.
The two girls nodded.
"We're still waiting on Giulia.", Dana mumbled.
The female couple had bloodshot eyes, and were forcibly holding tears.
Finn passed by, searching for something.
"He hast not slept all week. Or last week even. All he's done is tried to figure out who shot the arrows.", Dana whispered, watching her dad pass by again. Jacob joined the group a minute later.
"Amour, should I lead you guys outside?", he asked, vaguely glancing around.
"Yes, papá.", Dana replied, weakly smiling.
Jacob nodded, and as Kian caught up to him, the others followed.
Kian felt his heart become heavier and heavier the closer they came, and as he watched Luca and Nichole leave, he picked up on Giulia making her way towards him, holding a singular white rose.
Shakily, she grabbed her partners hand.
The rest of their siblings waited on the older ones, surrounded by their own friends.

Quietly, Kian, Dehja and Mahina joined the group.
"You Ready?", Liam asked everyone.
Everyone nodded, some less shaky then others.

The official arrived last.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're all assembled here to give memory to the lives that ended so tragically.", the woman opened, stepping aside to reveal the coffins.
Everyone fell silent, and the guards moved a little closer to the guests.
"Since ladies come first, we're all deeply sorry at the loss of brave queen Sheila Sullivan. Although originally immortal, the queen that fought all her life, passed surrounded by the people she loved most. Still a bright light to everyone who needed her, she protected her kingdom and people with power and pride, eventually loosing her life to an assassin.
We know from her loved ones the following things, allow me to quote here: 'My Sheila fought bravely. You did so well, my love. I hope Aether sees your light and let's you leave without suffering.' 'My little girl. I'm saddened I couldn't be with you in your last moments, but seeing as I was barely there, it seems clear you wanted to be with your closest loved. As my daughter you fought each day of your life, as your brothers sister you helped them and me whenever we needed, as queen you selflessly pushed your own desires and health behind those who needed it, and as Alpha, you took care of and protected your friends at all costs. I couldn't be more proud. You'll always be mom's baby, Sheila.' This lovely note is from Sheila's mother, but in fact we have some more.
'Alpha, we just want to say thank you. We're probably to weak to say something aloud, so here this note. We want ti say thank you for all you did for us and for how hard you've fought. You were the best Alpha we could've wanted and we'll see you in the afterlife. Wish you well, Sheila.' What a heart teaming note. There's another; unless you mind me continuing. 'We're still learning mom. All your life you've been a great fighter and an even better idol. We'll hopefully be able to rule as well as you were, and keep the name honorable. We love you mom, see you in the afterlife.'" The attending cleared her throat.
"Family Sullivan, closest friends, I'm telling you my deepest condolences. The public's hearts and thoughts are with you in these hard times. May the souls of the deceased aasend to heaven without further complications.", she mumbled, her voice trembling with every word.
No one said anything, and the crowd waited for her to catch herself.

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