Chapter Forty| New information

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~~Back in present day~~

Kian on the other hand was busy reading.
He placed himself in the branches of a tree, letting his tail relax off and the wind tickled his bare feet.
The book absorbed him into the story, letting him forget all movement in the nature surrounding him.
The leaves flew off, the wind twisting them around, Kian's hair flying in his face even though it was still short.
His bag hung next to him, as did the vest he'd pulled on in the morning.
Sounds became louder and seemed to come closer, but Kian ignored it, deeply sunken in his story, enjoying the wind moving up his sleeves.
"Someone help!", a higher pitched, matter-of-fact voice screamed.
Kian ignored it, focusing on his story.
A few more yells grew loud, before deafening silence.
Footsteps moved towards the tree, yelling in panic.

"Someone! We need help!"
"Fuck this...we really need help here!", a honeyed voice yelled.
Kian perked up, his eyes quickly taking notice of a limping redhead, a female.
"Audrey?", Kian whispered, putting his finger in the book and climbing up a branch.
Audrey collapsed before the tree, leaving Kian very worried.
Around twenty guards assembled around the werewolf, and Kian flinched at the sight of this many people.
"Please, let me through.", he finally uttered, landing with his bare feet in the grass.
Some guards made space, and Kian made his way to a bleeding Audrey.

Elias came up behind her, Liam by his side, both seeming to be very angry.
Kian's eyes narrowed as he scanned the surroundings, his mind processing what just happened.
Whilst thinking, his tail twirled around his hand, curling up.
"Majesty?", a guard called him, snapping Kian back into reality.
"Medicio.", he whispered, holding the hand with his aura over Audrey, crouching down.
Nothing really happened, except a little blood disappeared.
Extending his hand, Kian felt Audrey's cheeks.
"Cold as ice.", he whispered, lifting up her head, which was white as snow.
He zoned out, entering his mind palace trying to think of a solution, his eyes blindly staring at Audrey's nose.
~ Cold as ice...her face is white as snow. If her pupils are dead blue something magical could've done this...; couldn't be a demon; an elf, or dmorf? No, but they posses spells...must've been a spell. I could try Medicio maxima..or apolamo. Former hood of healing, maybe this helps?~

"Apolamo.", he whispered, white aura surrounding his werewolf friend.
For a second, she batted open her eyes, staring at Kian. Dead blue eyes. Kian sighed, then took a deep breath.
"Anyone know who her soul is connected to? It has to be least I read that somewhere. If this other person gets deeply hurt, or tortured this can happen when they split....hold on, where's Dawn?", Kian asked, stopping himself to spill more than he knew.
He was also still shaking by too many people being around him, and could barely get a sentence straight.
"We know she's with her family, majesty.", a guard answered.
"Wait a minute...I think we have an unexpected blood visitor. I don't know who's doing this to her, but I have an idea on who could've disturbed Liam and Elias so much.", Kian quietly explained, hastily leaving towards his friends, tripping.

"Aww.", a few females echoed.
Kian grumbled something, then reached Liam.
"I have a feeling I know who's pissing you off this much, do we have an escaped prisoner meeting someone you don't know?", Kian calmly asked, Liam growling as a response.
"This bastard has Mahy! Another attacked him, green eyes as all of you guys...tall, scarred.", Liam pressed through clenched teeth.

Kian sighed again, facing Elias as he spoke.
"E, please get mom. We kinda need her help.", he explained.
Elias tilted his head. "Mine or yours?"
"On it. Be back in a minute."
With that, the other redhead disappeared, leaving Kian to be led the way by Liam.
At an opening, he saw two werewolf men fighting, an unconscious Mahina and Sasha next to them.

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