Chapter Fifty-Five| Aftermath

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The traumatic day was followed by a week of peace,  the wounds of the brave soldiers were healed and prisoners were being deported.
Midst all this chaos, Giulia went strolling through the groups, smiling as people greeted her, thanking her.

She made her way down a familiar path, down an alley of trees covered in vines, and broke through a mountain of leaves that the demons had broken to the ground.
A silent spell ignited the piece of infested nature, and warmth surrounded the area.
With a smile, Giulia took a seat, and leaned back as the fire warmed her hands.
Birds were chirping around her, slight chatter in the background.
As she heard footsteps break the quiet, butterflies rose in her stomach.
Quiet laughter followed her discovery, as a shadow appeared next to her, a tail wiggling slowly as the king took a seat.

"Too many people?", he whispered, Giulia nodding.
"Me too. I need this bit of quiet, I hope you don't mind me." The king continued, then softly taking Giulia's hand before falling silent again.
The sound of the flames fueling on the pile of wood below was overshadowed by birds chirping, then the only sound were the flames.
The couple stared in the flames, it's funny dance mirroring in their eyes, mesmerizing them.
Giulia's head fell onto Kian's shoulder, who's smile widened. Even the chatter in the background had stopped, and all was quiet.
That was, until a cry was heard. A cry, which got Kian perked up.

Giulia turned her head, then saw a glimpse of beige hair.
A crying Dana bust through the bushes, Kian tumbling to get to her, falling in his hurry.
Giulia caught him, so he hurried towards the crying werewolf.

"Dana...Dana what happened?", he whispered, holding his crying friend.
" awful...", mere pieces of words tumbled out of Dana's mouth, her face was covered in tears.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, you can tell me.", Kian whispered, as Giulia felt a warmth comfort her from inside. His caring side she'd always adored.

"It's okay...tell me what happened.", Kian whispered again, Dana still sobbing into him.
As Giulia went to find Dehja, Dana found words.
"Dad...she...this b-dumb dog hurt...too much pain...blood everywhere...soul connection...pain...almost dead...". Dana sobbed, covering her face.
Kian gently pulled her hands away, seeing steel grey eyes covered with an ocean of tears, and he felt something break on his inside.
"Your dad? He's hurt? Where?". Kian's questions followed like shot arrows, quickly but quietly.
"...our house...dumb dog...almost killed him...he's down...papà...". More words escaped the girls mouth.
Kian held her as tight as he possibly could, then picking up on his sisters sent, who laid a hand on her brothers shoulder.
"Apparently Finn and Jacob got hurt. I'm guessing some 'dumb dog' almost killed them. Please check their house." The king spoke quietly, his sister nodding as the middle born caught up, the six younger ones following them, visibly concerned.

Mahina picked up the pace, Cari and Acacia as well as Aria by her side.
In minutes, they reached the Mayland hut.
Before that, they found Jacob laying unconscious, as well as they heard yelling and growling from above.
As they exchanged looks, Mahina sprinted upstairs, where she saw a beige haired woman attack Finn, carrying what seemed to be a big knife.

Growling angrily, she jumped in between.
The woman didn't hear her come.
"Not so fast.", she growled, the woman only attacking more. She heard a thump, which she assumed to be Finn falling down, barely conscious.

"Back off stupid girl! I'm here to finish what I should have done decades ago!", the other woman growled, attacking Mahina.
"Dumb girl huh? Can't have you attacking one of Calcians citizens as a queen. If you don't get your dirty as fuck hands off, you're going down!", Mahina growled, lowering her head.
Dehja joined her side, her hair in a side ponytail, flowing from her shoulders.

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