Chapter Fifty-Two| Recruiting

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Once they arrived at the next village, the first thing Luca noticed were a massive amount of guards.
At the gate, him and Leo were stopped.

"Names please."
Luca groaned. "Really? We're looking for someone. Can't this go quicker?"
"No, we need your names please."
Another groan, this time from Leo.
"Bennet and Hilgers. Good enough?", the guard grunted. "Reason of your arrival please." the guard requested.
"We're here to look for a friend of ours. Sebastian Occers.", Leo explained, Luca scoffing. "Why so grumpy?", Leo mocked.
"Friends, hah.", the blonde muttered under his breath, Leo laughing.

"Why would you look for him?", the guard requested.
"Calcia got overrun, we need him and his strength to help in battle.", Luca explained.
The guard grumbled something, then showed off a picture to Leo, causing a surprised silence.
"What's wrong? We need to see him, alright.", Luca grumbled, Leo clenching the paper in his fist, ignoring Luca behind him.
"Are you freaking kidding me? We need his help more then ever!", the silver fox protested.
"Can't help you there, sorry sir. Anything else I'm able to assist with?", the guard shoved Leo off.
"We need to see him!", Leo grumbled, slamming his fist on the wall.
"And people say I get pissed easily. What the fuck is going on?", Luca interfered, Leo silencing him with a push to his chest. "Why? Tell me why! Give me one good reason!", Leo demanded, his silver hair balling from the wind.
"Seriously, what's happening? I really don't wanna read your minds, guys.", Luca mumbled, but he went ignored again.
"We can't help you there. As said before, my hands are bound. What else can I help with?", the guard asked, forcing friendliness in his tone.

Leo's fist went close to the gate guard, who caught it.
"Tell me why!", the silver haired demanded.
"And me what's going on!", Luca asked, now getting impatient.
"We can't help you, sir. My hands are tied. Please leave.", the guard ordered, steal grey eyes pinning intimidation into some passerby's.
"What's happening-"Luca's question was cut off by an aggressive Leo yelling, tearing up.

With a sigh, Luca attempted to read minds, but ran into walls. "What the fuck?", he mumbled, hearing arguing in the back of his mind, Leo getting more and more aggressive.

"Leave! I can't do anything!", the gate guard ordered, Leo not backing off.
"Like brother like sister.", Luca mumbled, taking a step back. "I'm not leaving without Seb!", Leo shouted. "Guards! Take 'em away!", the gate man yelled. "I told you to go away, but you wouldn't listen. I'm sorry, sir.", the man countered, backing off as hundreds of guards charged at the duo.

Within this crowd of people, Luca spotted a prisoner being dragged along. One with brunette hair, and strong purple eyes.
Leo was freaking out beside him, so Luca had to manage things alone.

"Just let us pull you away! One of you will end up in jail anyway!", one guard yelled.
"Just let it be! And more specifically, hand over Bennet!"
"Yeah, hand him over! It's not like he's not wanted anyway."
"Let it be! It's easier for all of us if we can just take you, don't make us hurt anyone!"

With one glance, Luca assessed the papers on flocks of wood, next to Sebastian's. Another glance, and he had a good picture of the strength of the guards.

"Let us go! Let Seb go! We want our friend!", Leo shouted, although still visibly shaking.

Luca, in the meantime, managed to lock eyes with Sebastian, exchanging looks.
'They're too strong. Leo's making it worse.', the guards mind read, Luca nodding.

"Hand over Bennet! Why are you even working with this killer?!"
"Yeah, hand him over!"
Leo growled. "He's my brother in law. We need to work on defending a kingdom together."
The guards laughed, and started yelling again.
"Hand him over!"
"Hand him over, and we'll let you free!"

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