Chapter Thirty-One| How..?

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Kian left for the hospital wing, knocking as he entered Mahina's room.
On a chair next to the bed sat Liam, his face hurried in his hands.

"'re you holding up?", the king quietly asked.
No response.
Kian moved closer, Liam scooting over to the next chair, still silent.
The king took a seat, taking his sisters hand.
Mahina's body was bloody all over and dirty, light brown hair stuck to her face.
The king gently stroke his sisters face, a shy smile on his. His fingers moved hair out of the queen's face, accidentally stubbing against the nose.
Kian chuckled, sadly scanning his sisters cut body, way too many scars for his liking.
A barrier suddenly pushed the kings' hand away and growling echoed from behind him.

"Sorry..", Kian hushed.
Liam's gaze was lowered, he was completely bent over in his chair, his head hanging as he growled.
The two sat next to each other, Liam cleared his throat. "This is fucking insane. It's been like this for days. So much about 'improvement.' Just embarrassing.", Liam growled, his voice cold as ice.
Kian shivered, but continued to scan his friend.
"I know, but her body was in there for a day. There's gotta be consequences.", Kian mumbled.
Liam grunted, moving his hand to hold his mates.
"I'm fucking scared okay? I've been here a full day and no shit has changed. Nothing has fucking changed!", the redhead raged, sounds of despair and anger in his tone, his next words caused him to tremble.

"I heard her. The night 'she got fucking killed. I heard her voice. She sent a message to us all.
Begged us to move on, live happily even without her. I was the only one to hear, it fucking broke me.
Even knowing she was going to take her last breath; be slayed for her loyalty, to me, who doesn't even fucking deserve it, she begged for us to move on and be happy. This broke my heart okay? She asked for me to show people, in her words, how awesome of a partner I could be, how charming I could be. I don't think I fucking deserve her, she' angel. Be grateful you didn't hear her words, it would've broken you as well.. .", Liam rambled, barely visible tears falling down his cheeks.
Kian was shocked, but the first thing he did was scoot over to hug his friend.
Liam protested, attempting to shove off the king.

"I don't know how bad it must feel for you, but I'm here if you need to talk.", he whispered.
"I hate my fucking life! I couldn't fucking safe her, this is my fault! Because I couldn't protect her, she had to suffer like this!", Liam yelled, the nurses busting in.
"Sir, please be quiet..", a man begged.
"Please, we need the quiet!" Another.

Kian didn't let go, he held the redhead until he relaxed into the embrace.
"Liam, quiet now. It's not your fault, this demon Lord tortured her. Plus, not even Blondie could protect his pregnant girlfriend. Don't blame yourself.", the king mumbled.
"I couldn't protect her, I let this stupid demon lord pass...this happened because I wasn't strong enough..", Liam whined.
Kian breathed deeply, gripping the other werewolves wrist, pulling him in more.
"Liam, don't blame yourself. We all know how powerful Blondie is, and not even he could stop it. It's not your fault, so please stop yelling.", he calmly ordered.
Liam started to relax, his anger developing into hidden crying. As he pulled his head away, Kian saw the black pupils clearly.
"Oh boy...I'll leave you alone now, alright?", he asked, the redhead only nodding.

Having left the room, the king stumbled into his mom, who had her eyes black as well.
"Uuh...", he mumbled, attempting to slide by to get another glance. His mother grabbed his arm, pulling him towards her, breathing heavily.
"Oh no..I can't cool down alone. You're staying here.", she growled.
Kian sighed, now two people in the 'uncontrollable stage' of soul-mode.
His mothers' eyes were still dark as night, a furious look on her face.
In between her cursing, Kian noticed Liam's dad, Ethan, run behind his Alpha, panting.
"Hi..", he breathed.
Kian shyly smiled, replying with a nod.
"Long story short, demons attacked Finn...Dana's fighting for him. Unsurprisingly, Dehja's with 'em. She's hyper mad, Finn's also dragon mode.", the dad explained.
Kian sighed, releasing his mother's grip with a simple spell, following Ethan and Justin to his sister and friends.

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