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arrhh I yawn I love my sleep. It's a beautiful morning isn't it,no it's not I have an interview at 0900hrs and it's 0730hrs I'll be late I know. Am always late, am slow in doing things anyways. You know I hate life full of choices now I have to choose between making my bed or browsing through social media. Today I choose to be a good girl I make my bed and head for the shower...
Oh sh*t I forgot to pray, I mean I have an important interview today that will actually determine my future. I say my prayers I go downstairs I greet my mother,my siblings are at school and my dad is at work I sit and have breakfast specially made by my mother...eyyy I love that women's cooking. Just as am about to leave the house "yeyyyy wena ubona'inkomo" trust my father to say something reminds me why isn't he at work though. "Goodmorning papa" I say he just stares,I quickly get in my car and leave
"DaVillas Inc i park my car by their parking lot it's a nice company though I look at my self in the mirror again. Girl you look fine I say in my black pencil skirt topped it with a white shirt and a black blazer paired it with black stiletto heels,I fix my weave and I go. Am late the devil in me dances. It's wrong I know but... anyways I get to the receptionist she smiles I've concluded she's nice I smile back I greet,I ask about the 09:00 clock interview she directs me I leave
"Tell me about yourself" I take deep breath I am Amahle Tiasmara Dlamini 24 years of age and I just finished my articles I am graduate and a certified Chartered accountant. That is why I came to your company to invest my skills"Do you have experience"the hell sir but I did my articles i say he continues to ask me other questions "we'll get back to you before the day ends" we shake hands I depart from the offices. I should get something to eat I remind myself and do a bit of shopping. To say am nervous could be an understatement am literally shaking I couldn't even drive,if I don't get this job I'll kill myself I swear..."Tia you're not suppose to swear" I think to myself
It's 1600hrs but still I haven't got any notification notifying me about the job. I feel my cheeks wet,I realise am crying...why am I crying. Even when I was to go to varsity I cried because I didn't receive any letter of admission,but it's all in the past now. It's after midnight but still,I just stuff my mouth with ice cream. I just can't sleep I battle with my thoughts till I sleept.
Babyyyyyyy I got sick this morning
A sea was storming inside of me
I think am capsizing
The waves are rising and risin....
I dance...wait it's my phone ringing ohhh my Marvin Gaye made a master piece in this song I search for it under the pillow I find it "goodday ma'am" isn't it morning "am I speaking to Miss Amahle" yes I answer "how can I help you" we are sorry we couldn't reach you yesterday but ma'am please avail yourself at 09:00 to sign your contact, congratulations you got the job"she hangs up. I pinch myself and yes am wake and I got the job I scream and do my little dance wait what's the's 0811hrs how will I get there before 9.
I rush to the shower while thinking what will I wear after a very short quick shower I settle for a blue jean and a t-shirt I put a blazer and gladiators. I didn't even greet I rush outside lucky me my dad is not around. Good am 17 minutes late, the receptionist smiles again now this is starting to tickle me off I go through the contract and I sign it. I walk out the building a happy man. I'll start on Monday so I basically have the whole weekend I go home to find my bed made my room neat and clean I smile my mother though to think of it she's not even my biological mother she's my stepmother I love her I change and go to her I tell her I got the job she screams I am over the moon.
"I have an announcement to make" they drop their spoons,5 pair of eyes look my father give me the ' say something stupid I'll kill you' look "I'll be moving out of the house soon" yessssss I look up to find my father clapping hands wow! " uyaphi sis" (where are you going sis) my favourite sibling says " I found a job at DaVillas Inc so as a CA the contract comes with an apartment" so uhamba nini(when are you leaving),noo the audacity of this man" finally you are leaving my house even at university you didn't want to go stay at campus so yes am happy" papa continues
I just look at him. You know to come and think of it I never thought I'll leave this house I've always liked it home I guess at university I was scared if being bullied or what or maybe being independent." I'll come every Friday to visit" I say to my angry siblings they are angry,"so our date nights at the movies....what will happen then" Nkateko the older one says. what did I do kodwa nkosi'yami, this kids....I always take them to watch movies at the mall every Tuesday after school now what will I do "I'll come every Tuesday to fetch you okay" they all nod, we say our goodbyes I retire to bed and sleep
Well I have 3 siblings Nkateko the older one he's 14 he's in grade 10, followed by the blue ranger Musa he's 12 doing grade 8, then my favourite one Nyiko he's only 9 doing grade 5. Although we constantly fight but I love those kids. This weekend I should give my baby something good I drive to the garage to give my car a wash I refer it to my baby it's a matte blue mercedes with darker tyres I bought it on my third year of articles it was quite expensive not to mention the interior of it. I did well for myself I guess
It's Monday again,I hate mondays but this is just the perfect 11Monday of my life obviously I had to wear something nice, aren't women in formal suit working in the corporate world sexy..well yes they are I stand in the mirror and look at my self ' isn't she lovely' i softly sing I heard out to the kitchen I find my father making me lunch, he still does stuff for me back in high school he used to make me lunch I grad it like a happy grade 1 students with a smiley face. I drive to work. Isn't it good that I start work at 09:00 am happy because I love my sleep. I drive my self to my workplace this time I park my car at the underground parking lot, although am terrified of underground parkings but i test the waters as I get off the car the same man who interviewed me greets me we walk together having a light conversation he then calls someone "come to the office you need to see something I have a feeling I found her" he hang ups" I mind my own business, we keep on walking he leaves me at the receptionist more CAs arrive as we wait for someone to introduce us 30 minutes later a lady come and lead us to a board room she tells us about the rules of this place and shows us our offices she also mentions that for now we can have a look at our offices"the real work starts tomorrow" she leaves just before she reaches for the door"be present at the main board room at 1230hrs for a meeting with your COO and the directors" I make a mental note to myself about that
I look around my office it's not that bad it needs a bit of spicy of which I'll bring
It's 12:30 already here I am running around the building in heels looking like a headless chicken "hi where is the mainboardroom" I ask trying to catch my breath "ma'am on the sixth floor first door" thanks I say
I find the room it's full everyone is here except me I first breath, I fix myself a bit before I can open the door. Here they are. They all look at me I look down I can feel it they are staring at me"stand at the door"I feel like am in hight school when you late for class then the teacher says stand at the door. I didn't even look up to see who said that. "since you decide to take your sweet precious time to come to this meeting go make me coffee" that's when I look up am I in heaven or what maybe this is Zeus. I must say the mother that gave birth to these men here should be praised all day i was disturbed by a loud yelling voice" no she won't make you coffee just because she's late it doesn't mean she's you servant" the man behind the voice looked so devine, they all had the same eye colour or is it eyes lenses but they were blueish greenish I can't put on my hands on the colour but they are kinda scary. I look up again to find the same guy who saved me from making coffee to an old man looking at me smiling. This trend of us girls saying we like the tall,dark and handsome should stop because these men are fire they are coloured, with full pink lips just as I am drooling over"meeting is adjourned thank you for coming you can stay after lunch which is 1400hrs you can then leave tomorrow the real work starts he leaves"
I go back to my office to eat my lunch just then someone enters it's my saviour I stand from my chair and look at him this time he's eyes are brown with gold in them amazing I say to myself he looks me in the eye and smile while laughing. Okayyy what do I do I I break the silence "I....." he cuts me "I am Waylen Nkos'ngiphile DaVillas" dude you're coloured who named him Nkos'ngiphile
"Am Amahle Tiasmara" I say he takes his lunch and sit by the couch...I sit down too "Am sorry about what my brother said back there..."I cut him "it's fine" I say "no it's he wasn't suppose to shout though sorry" I smile he grins. He continues staring at me. Hectic.

This is My Story

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