Chapter 6

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It's Monday already, I wonder why is everyone in their best outfit. Again I remember Waylen is the CEO, I mean the guy is so very handsome, I catwalk to my office, I need my bed am tired, yesterday was a very busy day for me, I had to go finish up a dress I'll wear at my cousin's wedding, working almost all night ain't a joke.
On my way I bump into someone and when I look up it's the HR, this girl has  issues with me, and the rumours has it that she once had a thing with Waylen so now I guess she sees me as the enemy. What scares me is that she somehow has the power to fire me, that's why I'll have to be nice to her " can't you see where you're going, all you do is think about men" she says. Maybe I didn't hear her correctly did she say I think about men, and to be  specific that was about Waylen, but again I remember to always stay calm "sorry ma'am" and with that said I push her intentionally and walk away. I feel like a bad bitch but what's done is done. It's Monday again am starting on my second week. I sit in my office and write on my diary about my first week, and not forgetting about Waylen.
It makes me wonder where is he, but I guess I'll see him during lunch.

It's 1600hrs already but I haven't stopped working I didn't even have my lunch, apparently we have to make sure our CEO start on proper audits, bad news, Friday I have a report to give an account to, the board members will be there. I have to prepare everything, it reminds me I have to do something about this tiny voice I have. I knock off late but lucky me I have the spare keys so I won't have any problems with my father. I get a call from Waylen," doll face, uhm please come to my office " he sounds tired, xem poor thing. I drag my feet to his office to find him starring into space, with papers all over the place.
It's been just 3 hours of us working on the accounts of the business, but it feels like a year. Am a fan of heels but now I feel disgusted by them, I sit down to take them off but my dearest alien friend goes down and he takes them off me. Everything is in slow motion it's like he's caressing my ankles and feet, am staring at this man, What a piece of art this man is, how Noble in reason. How expressed  and admirable, in action, how like an Angel in apprehension, how like a God.
This men right here is something else he looks up, we stare in each others eyes, his eyes are so drowsy, yet the have this dark aurora in them. I look away but he's still staring at me  he stands and sit next to me " want something to eat?" he ask with a concerned look " no, and since we're done I should get going it's late" I reply looking down. Waylen never listen he orders Chinese food, but since he ordered my favourite sesame chicken I stay. It's going for 2300hrs, we had our food chatting like old friends, but it was short lived, I needed to be home soon. We sum up everything and leave "you're too tired to drive and it's very late, so leave your car I'll drop you off, I'll again fetch you in the morning" he says taking my bag to his car, "but I'll be fine, and just to assure you that am safe I'll call you when I get home" I protest against his idea. He opens the passengers sit and signals me to enter, I just look at him puzzled about everything. Didn't he hear me again i repeat what I said but stands there still holding the door "maDlamini ngena sizohamba" he says in his deep voice demanding authority. I lock up my car and make sure I locked all the doors of it. We drive off.
We drive silently, am just staring outside. Someone taps me "we're home" it's Waylen I look up, "but I didn't show you the way to my house" I ask "I have my ways Tia" the smirk in his face, it's deeper than the villain's. He opens the door for me, he's such a gentleman.


I had to drop Tia, she was too tired to drive herself,but I guess I care too much. I drive home listening to the one and only legend Michael Jackson. After two hours of driving, and tired as hell. I get home, I just sleept.
Woke to the news that my father made my cousin Smith the CEO in one of the offices in Cape town, so we need a new CFO, the only thing I nowadays think of is my Tia, if I can get her to the CFO position without anyone objecting to it. I'll then be closer to her. When I eat I think of her when I sleep she's the last person I think of. She even sings me a lullaby before I sleep which of course calms my nightmares. I just can't resist "Dad is it possible to marry someone without their consent" I find myself asking, and all this bastards laugh "you're whipped, gone boy" Rowan says laughing. My mother being herself defends me " he's inlove and it's okay to be in love". It's a serious matter but people are laughing. I drive out to fetch Tia, and am late. I get to her house, the gate is opened I debate with myself whether to get in or call her. I ring the bell twice, after a minute a male version on Tia appears "it must be her father," I think to myself . "Goodmorning sir" I greet "Amahle isn't home, she was late so I've dropped her off" he says looking me up and down. He's overprotective of his daughter I conclude. I thank him and leave.
On my way to the office I buy two chocolate muffins, a cup of coffee and some flowers, she's definitely angry with me that I know of.
Am standing at her office door practicing my apology speech, I open the door slowly to find her fight with her laptop, oh no am in deep trouble. She looks cute though "you're late, I had to wait for you , yazi bekudinga ngingakulaleli izolo" she says charging towards me "yebo maDlamini kodwa ke ngiyaxolisa ( yes, but am sorry)" I say giving her the gifts. She paused for a moment " you shouldn't buy a woman a gift when apologising you know, she'll get used to it, and when you don't buy her any gift she be more angrier" she says " this is the smile I want to see, and as for the gifts part I'll always buy you a gift" I say pressing her cheeks pulling her towards me, I stare deep in her eyes, this is the perfect moment for a kiss. I lean closer to her face, her breathing pattern has changed, I guess mine too. Am inlove, ".....Miss Dlamini, the client is here" the voice speaks, did she really ruin my moment I was so close at tasting her lips. She tries getting away from my grip, she's still in my arms "please offer her snacks an coming" my Tia says. Only then I realise that this person is standing by the door looking at us. Pissed would be and understatement of my mood right now.  

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