Chapter 23

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Fight for the one you love no matter what, but here I am fighting the one I love instead of fighting for her. I am tired with the back to back arguments, its starting to put a drain on both this relationship and work. Its a simply thing Amahle needs to take the position of being a COO, then I'll work closer to my baby, we'll  live happily ever after. Kodwa ngizothini angilwisa. She's a Certified Chartered Accountant of course she'll qualify for it. I'll now leave it with the HR department after all its their job to decide.
I've decided its about time i introduce my Tia to my ancestors. Crossing fingers she doesn't freaks out when she finds out about us. Its complicating the relationship already.
Then there is my brother Martin and his wife Samkeliso, her cries still intrude my dreams, its even more confusing now that she gave birth a few months back with no complications, our little star Nkanyezi just as Mkhulu named her. I should probably consult very soon, the worst is yet to come Mkhulu had said, but everything is just as smooth as a baby's butt.
I know i had to take Amahle home before Smangaliso gave birth, but it lowkey slipped off my mind, but i plan on taking her sometime next month. Wish me luck people.
"Ukungalaleki kwakho kufake umndeni engozini enkulu, ifu elimnyama liyasondela, ungayishiyi indawo yakho, thatha uAmahle no Smangaliso kanye nengane yakhe nibuyele ekhaya, sengiyonilinda khona" and like that he vanishes leaving the room cold as mortuary. He just appeared in my office, of course he died years ago but i get to see him when he conveys a message to us.
Straight to the point with no greetings well ladies and gentlemen that was my great grand father.
Now how do i convince Amahle to come with me to KZN.
Amahle's father.


His deep brown eyes pierce my skin, waking me fully. All along i pretended to be asleep, thinking of what will happen now that he has seen me naked. He flips me over, my nakedness shines before his eyes, with my eyes looking straight to his bare chest. I need something to distract from his charm, I think of the last conversation i had with Thabo, with that am able to push him back while covering my naked self. We actually need to talk my mental diary reminds me of it "Menzi" i call out him name "hmmm" he replies plainly getting dressed. It feels like a dream, just moments ago he was panting on top of me and now he's getting dressed probably going to his girlfriend. That's only if he has one  "we have to talk you know, is Asemahle home" i question him. It suddenly worries me, did she even eat because it's now midmorning his father was doing adult things forgetting about her i feel miserable "we obviously need to talk, but as for now i have to go pick someone up from the station i'll be back, make yourself something to eat and yes Asemahle is somewhere around this house probably wondering why her sunshine was screaming that loud calling her fathers name" with that said he kisses my cheeks. My rich self blushes. He winks at me when i realise what he just said.  He dunks the pillow i threw at him. Its not my fault that he hits it good.
I hit the shower and get dressed in a  baby blue summer  dress. I fix my hair and my make up. I might be pregnant but the girl needs to be pretty, i mean i had the most amazing sex, so why should i be out there looking like a pregnant monkey.
I wonder around the house looking for the princess "goodmorning my sweet little cupcake" i find her watching her favourite, I doubt she'll even notice my presence you can never disturb her from her doc Mcstuffins "goodmorning sunshine" oh she noticed her sunshine "you look sad today what's wrong" she curls up next to me, i pat her back, she isn't saying anything. Maybe she's hungry "I'll make you something to eat okay" i kiss her forehead.
Menzi isn't back yet and its getting late, I've even cooked us lunch. Both me and Asemahle have eaten and am thinking of bathing her its getting cold  and darker.
Its just shocking that am in the house next door to my best friend's but she doesn't know that. Ain't best friends suppose to know everything about each other, am a bad friend ain't I.
I receive a call from my mother "ma'wami engimthandayo" i smile "mawungithanda uzokhwela ibhasi lokuqala kusasa lokhu okusayo,ubuye ekhaya" my mother sounds angry "hhawu kodwa ma, ngiyasebenza njena but i promise I'll make it up to you month end I'll visit" i assure her. I wonder whats wrong "i just miss you my child thats all" she giggles soothing my heart. I'd lay my life for this lady "i miss you too mama, we actually have to talk, i need your advice" am already imagining her panicking thinking that maybe something is wrong "as you know my lady that i broke up with Thabo" i take a deep breath "well i met someone, and i think am falling for him" i confess. She claps her hands in surrender "Langalethu Bhengu, how do you fall for someone so quick" i thought this womam would be happy "mama you cannot control what the heart wants" am in the verge of breaking down "control what the hearts wants owani, you're pregnant my child as for now we could say what your hormones want right now your feelings are clouded by your pregnancy, wait until you've given birth" maybe this time she's right. I should wait "mama, is a pregnant woman like me safe to have sex" she's a nurse she should know about these things "ungangilingi mina Langalethu" she hangs up.
I shift my focus to Asemahle who's still glued to the television this child needs to get a new hairstyle.
The door opens, finally he's home but i'll just ignore him "uyihlo wayefuna ndifile ngalamini(your dad wanted me dead that day)" their giggles fill the house "yazi ndikhe ndicinge ukuba utata uyaphambana, ngubani owenza lonto(you know i sometimes think that dad's crazy, who does that)" the one voice i know replies "ngumyeni wam lowo uthetha ngaye(thats my husband you're talking about)" the woman voice says. What's  happening "grandma" the one i thought was sleeping excitedly  kicks the blankets and rushes to the where i think is the kitchen. I turn to look at them standing all three of them staring at me mostly my belly. The old woman looks so much like Menzi but more of Asemahle. He comes and plants a kiss on my cheek "this here is my mother, mama nguLanga lo" he's smiling while i stand there clueless "but daddy she's my sunshine" Asemahle adds. My mother raised me well i won't shame her hard work, my feet carry me towards her "sawubona ma" i signal for a handshake, but instead she pulls me in for a hug. The heart wants what it wants. Menzi.
"ndingu mama ka Menzi, u sis Margaret" she looks proud of her name. Now the question is who am i to Menzi, let's ignore it for now "kuyinjabulo yami ukukwazi" i won't be butchering isiXhosa, just not infront of her.
We are all sitting at the dinner table, everyone seems happy with my food. Sis Margaret keeps stealing glances at me and Menzi not forgetting my belly. I continue snacking on my third apple, with no care in the world "Menzi how can you keep her in your house, she isn't your wife i thought i had raised you better" she looks sorrowful "am only here for the weekend" i play along. I hope she's not thinking this is Menzi's child "but she's pregnant, you should have told me earlier that I'd be a grandmother again, you should marry her sooner you're not getting younger" she beems with joy when she mentions the grandmother part.
Things just got even more complicated

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