Chapter 9

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There is something about men that makes every women go crazy, they cheat we forgive them, they abuse us we say it was a mistake. I wonder why did God create such species, but we are proud of our sisters and mothers. To Females.
Dressed in a simply olive suit with blown stilettos, ready for my presentation. The week went pretty fast, and obviously with Waylen my life in this office was arduous he's been tormenting me, checking on me the whole time which was unnecessary. He calls every night to say goodnight, every morning to say goodmorning, but it is good because he buys me lunch and brings me coffee. Saturday am moving out of the house which is tomorrow, Waylen's happy about it, he thinks it will give him better access to just rock up at my apartment to disturb the princess.
Entering the boardroom I find the polar bear staring at me. As they say eyes are the windows to the soul, I try to ignore him, I start with my presentation, I do my utmost best to sound realistic and impeccable. I did eat a bit of ginger this morning so I can speak out loudly, with my squiky voice. My dollface's can't get his eyes off me and am getting uncomfortable. After this am going out, I deserve this, I got the deal, and Waylen couldn't be more excited by this, he's smiling from ear to ear like a retard. I am proud of myself, when am I getting paid.
"Manje why were you staring at me like that" I ask him, we are in my office where we normally eat if it's not at his car then my office, it's been happening this week. He'd get lunch and we'd drive around town eating in his car, as for my car no he's a messy eater. I am at my happiest, " I wanted to make you nervous,and maybe by that you'd get used to the commercial world" he says rudely "but that not the way of doing things, I couldn't even breath" I tell him ,he flashes he's villain smile " but you did get, I'm impressed" isn't it nice to impress your boss, maybe just maybe I'll get a raise I think to myself. Nowadays am addicted to cars, which is why I want to buy another car, but with what money. Waylen is the cause of my problems, he shows up with a new car everyday, I guess to make me feel bad and jealous. It's affecting me so bad, and just I was packing my bags "ma'am you have a visitor" the receptionist says. Who visits people at their workplace at this time, I get my bag am rush out, no one has a familiar face down here. I hope it's not a new client because I can't work right now am too tired, it's a Friday I was to knock off early and go out to celebrate my victory, but no. Here I am leaving the offices at 2200hrs. Typical job I have here. The mighty strong idiot stands before me. Waylen Nkos'ngiphile DaVillas. Why didn't I think of it, I can't see his face but I can smell his cologne. His presence can easily be felt. He has red roses covering his face, "a delivery for the most beautiful women on earth" he says giving me the bouquet " thank you boo, please help me with it, their heavy" we walk side by side to my car, " am sorry to disappoint but you're leaving with me" he says sternly. With Waylen I've learnt not to argue he'll always win. I get in his car we depart the offices, this time around we use a different route, we are not going to his house either mine or my apartment. He's been singing to Michael Jackson's songs, he's a fan too, he does have a nice voice, but it ain't for singing. Masters learn in silence, just like I, listening to this idiot sing while munching on a packet of chips is the best. He's confident about his singing if only he could hear himself through my ears he wouldn't be like that, " you have arrived at your final destination ma'am" he uses his Siri voice " and who said it's my final destination...I wanna go home, am tired" I say rubbing my eyes like a baby " ncow you're such a cutie...woza sambe(come let's go)"
I look around the place were in the middle of nowhere, deep inside a dark forest, mind you it's close to midnight. My worst fears cringe in, at first I did say he's a psycho, now he proved it right. He takes my hand, am shaking " yini manje maDlamini, I won't hurt you, I wouldn't even think of it" he says embracing me. He does the unthinkable he scoops like am some bag of feathers. Am still on my heels and tired, so I mouth a thank you, he smiles.
It's a very beautiful house, well it's a cabin made out of the finest wood, spooky I think to myself. We get inside and it's a different case, it's well furnished with a touch of gold and green, too much bling but it's nice.

" did an angel pass by?" i tease him. He looks at me awkwardly " what do you mean" he asks. I shift to the window just looking outside as if I'll see something, maybe light but nothing just the darkness and ghost " well it is believed that if people keep the silence for along time, it means an angel just passed" I say laughing it off, " you should teach that to our kids" he looks away. I pretend as if I didn't hear him. I sit down and think about my life, how did I get here. How am I in the middle of nowhere with a man I barely know. I didn't tell anyone about my whereabouts what if something bad happens to me. I think about life in general until am disturbed by him," you must be hungry I cooked you dinner" he says lifting me. When did he cook, not to mention the fact that he can't cook.
"Picnic, dinner Waylen really" I ask him "yes, don't you like it" the disappointment in his face says it all. Candle dinner picnic. I don't have specific name to call it but it's cute "I do like it Nkosi, we're in the forest, at midnight, alone don't you find it weird" I shyly smile " take it as our first date, don't be scared am here to protect you" he says playing with my cheeks " wena protect me, but it's fine after this promise to take me home" I point out my pinkie, he does the same " promise" he says.


I had prepared a lovely dinner with my girl, in one of my cabins, crazy I know but I wanted to see her likes and dislikes, for future references, because as soon as she says yes I'll be your girlfriend we're getting married. She was skeptical about it but, my charms worked she adapted to the situation. Here we are talking like old friends conversing without any hiccups. She's cool as if there is something I don't like about her, she's so perfect. Very respectfully and we'll mannered, and reserved she likes art which I'll soon like too. She's family orientated which is good, I don't want someone who's always out with friends, getting drunk like there is no tomorrow, it's a good think my mate is something I like. She's an indoors type of person. Most importantly she's a Christian. Am not, but I was raised in such family, at some point my mother wanted to be a pastor but couldn't. It's the same environment I want my kids to be raised in, I see it in her eyes, she's just perfect for me.

It's morning, and life couldn't be more beautiful than this day, here lays the most beautiful girl, smiling in her sleep, perfected smooth caramel skin with full plump lips. Yesterday I convinced her to sleep here because I was too tired to drive, I respected her enough I took the couch she had the bed to herself, I didn't sleep a wink looking at this beautiful piece of mine sleeping. "Abantu bayazala" I say to myself loudly " abantu bahle" a tiny voice replies. I look up to see her, there's only one thing missing, a passionate kiss would soothens my heart. This time I won't take her morning episodes, " usuvukile munt'omuhle" I say fixing myself " no" and by that she goes back to sleep. I go out to smell the fresh breeze, and take a jog, and transform to my beast, it's been long.

After an hour am back, the sun is brightly shining through the trees, showing it's ever green colour. I rush inside to find Amahle curled up in a corner with a blanket covering her head " where were you" she says still in the same position. Shit I make a sound while howling, she must have heard that and got angry " I was out jogging" I cross my hands and hope she believes me. She springs out of the blanket " how on earth are you still alive, did you hear any animal sounds nearby" she looks up at me studying me " no I didn't" I lie, she's can see that am lying " that this was close and loud enough, take me home please" she tidies around, putting everything in its place because yesterday we ended up playing pillow fight. I look at her doing her thing, she's still in her suit, she didn't want to change to my clothes. I help her around.

We both admire the view, the forest isn't dark during the day, she takes a few pictures we leave. I've never saw a girl who hates taking pictures, I literally had to force her to. We get to town after two hours, I drop her off at her house. We part ways, but I am happy. The night turned out exactly like I had planned it.

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