Chapter 24

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When A Man Loves A Woman

Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll change the world
For the good thing he's found
If she's bad he can't see it
He can do her no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he put her down

When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime
Tryin' to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comfort
Sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way it ought to be

Well, this man loves a woman
I gave you everything I had
Trying to hold on to your high-class love
Baby, please don't treat me bad

When a man loves a woman
Down deep in his soul
She can bring him such misery
If she plays him for a fool
He's the last one to know
Lovin' eyes can't ever see

When a man loves a woman
He can do no wrong
He can never want some other girl
Yes when a man loves a woman
I know exactly how he feels
'Cause baby, you're my world
When a man loves a woman

I've found a woman in her, the bone of my bones the flesh of my flesh. It might be confusing right now but i'll sure make it right. What transpired between Langa and I to me it wasn't a mistake, its probably the best I've ever had. I've no regrets at all, i am hoping she felt the same way, and if she wasn't pregnant already my seed would be sitting comfortably in her womb.
My mother had called, she wanted me to fetch her at the park station. I couldn't let Langa leave just because of my mother, so I thought what a perfect idea to have these women in one roof. Crossing fingers this weekend doesn't get ruined. She cooked amazing, the supposedly mother in law enjoyed. A true definition of perfect.
Sis Margaret kept on looking at us, she's my mother i know her in and outs, she's very cultural. Vat en sit that i saw it coming, here she is now doubting her skills on raising me. Langa saved herself, even if i tried i wouldn't win.
"Menzi Daluxolo Vilakazi andizalanga igwala elinje, yintoni ingxaki yekho usihlazile singabakwaVilakazi(i didn't give birth to such a coward, what is wrong with you you've shamed us as the Vilakazi's)" my mother yells at me. Was it necessary to call out my full name. Langa had long gone together with Asemahle "Yilento uyizeleyo apha eGoli(is this what you do now here in Johannesburg)" she continue. Probably the neighbors are having the time of their lives listening to the mother and son argument "am sorry ma'am but you have the wrong impression about us, Menzi and I are just friends i came here to visit him" my saviour speaks behind the attacker "are you trying to protect your boyfriend andinangxaki nokunibetha nobabini ngoku(i don't mind hitting you both)" she's back at it again. 'Spider-Man save me from my mama' that used to be my childhood prayer when ever i was in trouble with my mother "no ma'am i am not protecting him, in fact you could hit him I'd be very much happy"  the traitor Langa says. It is very much  evident that girls were to rule earth it be same as hell for us man "mom please you need to rest, you'll sleep in Asemahle's room because the guests room is occupied" i take her bags with me "are you trying to fool me i know she sleeps in your bed not the guests room" she yells. Do i care? No.

Its just after midnight, I just woke up. I haven't talked to Langa yet God knows what shes thinking, she probably thinks am a psycho. I'll get her favourite, Apple dipped in nutella.
I found her watching tv "maBhengu" i sit next to her "what do you want Menzi" her attention attends the television. It is her heart that i want "you wanted us to talk here i am" my hands accompany my statement "as you can see Menzi am busy we'll talk later not now" kanti what is wrong with this girl. When i left she wanted to talk now that am back she won't talk to me "Langa kanti ngenzeni sengikhona asikhulume ke(what did i do am back we can talk)" i angrily say "you happened, i was fine alone you've actually complicated my life" she's crying. I rub her back, should i kiss it better? "If its a relationship that you want am sorry but i can't give you that but we can still be friends" she sniffs. Friendship hell no "friends don't fuck Langa" i pull my serious face and look deep into her eyes. I am not about to be her friend with benefits "to me it wasn't a mistake, i want more of that" i continue talking "but if you don't want that i mean..if you want us to part ways its fine but i won't let you go, i also can't be your friend now that i know how you taste" i smirk at my statement. She blushes "I am pregnant you know" my lady says, "then we raise our child together" i guess my words made her emotional.
She cried for a very good ten minutes in my arms watching her shed tears brings so much sadness to my heart. I want to be her pillar of strength, i want her to find comfort in my arms "let me be there for you, you can cry all you want but don't hurt the baby its not good for that little ranger there" i say. I lift her heavy body to my bed "i dont want to trouble you, i am dealing with a lot right now" is she complaining? "I'll take care of you Langa, everyone is troubled including myself, we'll work our troubles together" that should convince her. Maybe if i can put a ring on it "let me heal, emotionally i am broken, i will soon give birth i'll be back until i can manage with the baby, that can take a while and alot can happen during that period" she replies, no one's going home, she'll stay here with me. I give her some time to cool off "Langa ubonana nobani(who are you dating)" we both are confused "am not seeing anyone, its a story for another day" she laughs it of "Langelethu Bhengu angazi noma uyazi yini kodwa inhliziyo yam izibonela umuntu engingakhisana naye umuzi lapha kuwe, we've been friends for sometime now I've never heard you talk about you love life, I've been open with you about mine i have time we can talk about it" its about time we talk about us. She's always at my place, she lets me have her phone for days, so i wanna know "i have time lets talk"
"We were happy, we met at university. I was the girl from KZN, my dress code showed it but he found me attractive and when he gained my trust i gave him my pride, in my side our love started getting deeper and stronger he showed me no red flags, we'd been together for a year and half i fell pregnant, it wasn't suppose to happen but i was happy about it, i was  already planning our family you know how girls are. I went to his place to tell him the good news i'll never forget the look he gave him it was as if i disgusted him or maybe i was smelling. He told just how selfish  i was, by bringing a baby into this world while i was in varsity and he just started working he doesn't have money to play around babies. That was the last i heard from him, we went separate ways but i still had faith that he'd return i met him months ago he's getting married probably married now, so i am not ready to be in any relationship" she sighs.

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