Chapter 16

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Times have past, and it's been the very best 2 months of my life. I can finally say I now know Tia, but is it enough?. Either ways I want to marry her, have kids with her and grow old with her, I ever had a vision about it. We were in an old farm house planting two avocado trees we gave them names, I didn't hear them though, but what puzzle me we weren't old like i wanted us to be . She looked more radiant, and beautiful.
She finally agreed to meet with my mother and the wives, they'll be at my house, it took alot of convincing but she agreed
I gave her the day off to prepare herself.
Khethiwe is Rawan's wife and Smangaliso is Martin's wife whom i had a vision about.
The house feels home, when she's around she's cooking dinner, wearing my socks, I wish someone had told me about this earlier she literally takes everything she sees fits. Except for my shirts they're too big but way too tight around her butt, and my pants too.
I get her closer to my chest pulling her away from the stove, I suck on her neck while squeezing her breast.
I lead on the play, as our lips collide with each other, our emotions are spilled all over the place, if this were a sin, it's a sin I commit every day for the rest of my life and not to care to go to hell.
I take my time again to admire this mate of mine, whom I'd die for, she's the beauty am the beast.
She tends the pots after a long passionate kiss.
"If it wasn't for your stubborn head we would be doing something else, instead of you cooking in the kitchen, we would be baking our little girl in mama's oven" I lower my tone "and who's the mama" she asks, laughing. The beautiful smile flashes, my heart screams for joy "you're the mama, but think of it us having 8 mini heads running around the house with you screaming at them in frustration stop running around" he mimicks my voice. Not that I hate kids, but I don't want kids right now, it'll just complicate my peaceful life " did you just say 8 mini heads" am just puzzled "yes babe 8 kids, I actually wanted 13, but since am a nice guy 8 will do" the audacity to say such.

Hours later they all arrive the house is filled with laughter, the babaric Khethiwe stirs the house with jokes, if my wife is happy am happy.


Waylen's family has arrived, I already know his mom, I met sis Khethiwe and sis Smangaliso they are amazing people, Smangaliso is expecting her first child, and Khethiwe is a mother of 2 we got along quite well. After dinner Waylen left.
Khethiwe: A toast to the new member
She says drunk. I've been sipping on my juice with Smangaliso.
Me: I don't mind actually
I assure her, already I enjoy their company.
Smangaliso: let's hit the club
We all look at her and burst out off laughter
Waylens Mom: Makoti you must be tired, go upstairs and take a nap.
She's just too much, she looks tired because of the pregnancy. It made me thinking that if I'd ever want to have kids, then definitely Waylen will have to be the father, these people have strong genes. I want a bomb baby.
Smangaliso: but my baby wants some fun, right baby?
She brushes her stomach as if it'll reply.
Me: let's wait till you deliver, I myself will take you to one of the best clubs in town.
I pause for a moment, my potential mother in law is here, she'll probably thinks am in to clubs, or maybe see me as a prostitute who wants his son only for his riches
Smangaliso: Please do I've missed my old life you know, without the pregnancy.
Khethiwe: lets hope its a boy, we have enough girl.
Khethiwe has two female kids
Waylens mom: Amahle will give us an heir
I choked on my saliva, and mistakenly bit my tongue.
Smangaliso: ungezodlala wena umshado lento( you're not here to play you will get married into this family)" she stands and swings her hips
Smangaliso: I'll take a quick nap, ill be back just now.
Me Married?
Khethiwe: mfaziii
She shouts
We continue talking and getting to know each other better, but with thy mother its just impossible to tell about everything.

I got up earlier today, Waylen sent a text that ill see him Sunday. So its just me and the wives, i put my material wife skills into good use and make breakfast, and halfway through it, the ladies make their way downstairs.
Khethiwe: Good morning bafazi
It's early and she's here shouting, with full energy.
Me: Good morning ma
I greet
Waylens Mother: Saw'bona ngan'yami, uvukile kodwa.
Me: Yebo ma
Khethiwe: manje thina asiphili kulomhlaba .
Did she had to complain
Me: a very Good Morning to you too  Khethiwe and the lovely Sma.
I use Sma for Smangaliso
Khethiwe: lovely Sma... mhh
Drama queen this one
Smangaliso: Khethiwe please not now,  am hungry,
I serve them some food, after a very hot conversation about sex. I was just there smiling and thinking shit to myself not knowing what to say. Waylen should come to the rescue very soon.
Thankfully his mother wasn't there, during the convo.
I've had enough already I miss my house.


I am with my father in his study "we have to talk about your Grandfather's message" he says. That hasn't left my mind, "I keep on getting this visions of Smangaliso with a child in her arms crying and sometimes I get affected and start crying too" I tell him "I get those too, my son won't be able to handle this.
That I know off" my father replies, and here I was thinking am the only one who experiences it, "He said we should name her Nkanyezi, our star" I mutter. I hear her cries, it pierces my heart always "maybe we should tell him and Smangaliso, by that they'll prepare themselves, remember he talked about the ceremony they have to prepare" my father says. He knows we can't change our destiny neither fates "it'll just cause more problems for them and remember the PA he talked about, what's up with that"   I wonder around "I haven't seen her I'll check at the office. Get your mate home for Easter" he says leaving. You can never have a decent conversation, unless it's important he doesn't talk much. Edward Qhawezaki DaVillas, a very dramatic man.
I miss my Tia, I should see her tonight the wives had given out straight instructions that we shouldn't come near the house. I hope she's okay though.

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