Chapter 22

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months and am still madly inlove with Waylen. Its been eight months into the relationship and everything has neen smooth. We haven't had any fight, its just the normal arguments any couple would have. He's seems obsessed with me, if it's not us fighting over sleepovers we fighting over the positions he wants me to take. His cousin who was a COO moved to Cape Town, so now that the company is looking for aomeone to replace him, he finds it suitable for me to take it. I know the reason why, I'll work closer to his department we'll be on the same floor, giving him much more easier access to me. 
"Babe no i can't take that position, i don't qualify for it" this conversation just started. I've been saying this a thousand times and he'd say "Amahle I've got you, no one will question you" my name switched from all those sweet names to my homeaffairs name, amazing. I guess I'll continue standing my grounds "everyone will question us, already your HR has started snooping around, and its annoying, i wonder what on earth were you thinking when you were fucking with her" i too can't believe what I just said. I mean the girl isn't ugly or something she's even more prettier than me, it's just her bitchy attitude thats nasty "babe can we focus on us right now, and how is any of my ex a problem to you" oh no he didn't "i don't have a problem with her it is her behavior i hate" my hands accompany my statement "just the other day she came to my office after lunch wanna know what she said?" I pause and continue "she threatened me to terminate my employment contract, since it's against the rules of the contracts to have a intimate relationship with your colleagues" my voice did well, he's smirks. He cups my face, i yank his hands of me "can we focus on the conversation please" i angrily say "maDlamini mus'ukuba nomsindo, am sorry okay, all am asking is for you to be our COO" he's eyes look down. Its probably his deep Zulu accent that softens my heart, but he's definitely getting the same answer "maybe no one will question the new COO which would be me but, your father will, i wouldn't want to be seen as a gold digger in your family's eyes" my statement shocked him he pinned me against the door and talked right through my face "i want you to listen to me very carefully, never in your heart think about what you just said, even the devil himself wouldn't convince me otherwise about you, and why would you say something as such. Babe look i love you okay and i just want you to be around nothing more" he says. If only he could look at it at my perspective he'd see the problem.


The past months have been amazing, and soon i'll be giving birth to my baby. My relationship with Menzi has too grown, and with my cravings he's been satisfying them without fail. I've practically moved in to his place, and of course without Amahle finding out, i myself can't define the relationship between Menzi and I, sometimes we flirt to a point where I'd ask myself if is this real or were just joking and its honestly confusing.
Today as usual i woke in the feelings of sex, i crave dick more than anything, it's not even funny because i don't even have a boyfriend.
I am visiting Menzi and its a petty didn't bring my dildo with, and i wouldn't want them seeing me in that position  without it i wouldn't survive this pregnancy, i sit in bed and think of an orgasm Thabo once gave me and it hella did feel good, slowly i start grinding on the bed.
Myself service is disturbed by the knock and its probably Menzi, i let him in "sawubona maBhengu, ulale kahle kodwa" if not him may the almighty bless me with his brother "yebo ngilele kahle" i reply him. He has a tray of food in his hands, he place it in between my opened legs. He positions it right in front of my wet vagina, and thankfully am covered by his silk white bed covers.
He's just staring me without saying a thing, is it because of my crimes "are you sure you're fine" eyes are the windows to the soul,and right now my eyes are showing "yes, a 100 percent sure am fine i was just hungry but you my hero came and saved me" i say playing with his cheeks. He's annoyed "aw'kahle hhawu, ngiyindonda mina abantu bazothini" black people with the what will people say statement "okay am sorry, how are you doing this morning Mr Vilakazi" i tilt my head joyfully.
He was too close to my face still inspecting me, i gave him the are you mad look, his staring at my lips am staring at his and anything can happen now. We've done this but, I'd sofly slap his face off mine but right now its like am under his spell i can't move my hand. His lips touches mine he isn't moving, and it clicks my head he's probably waiting for my consent i allow him to do, it happened so fast the plates were now on the floor, then he quickly flipped us over with him on top and me under him and he slowly kissed my lips with so much love and passion. He deepened it and i moaned, it's been long since I've done this then his hands reached for my breast he squeezed it, it felt good. My hands automatically went to his zip and unzipped it and i went
to his slightly hard dick which grew harder when i tightened my grip on it and he groaned "let me be the one to take lead" he said in his husky voice. He stopped kissing me and looked in my eyes its pretty visible he is hungry for me because of the way his eyes suddenly turned asian.
"Ngibheke maBhengu" i instantly did "do you really want this or...." i didn't even let him continue i nodded and he perked my lips and started positioning himself on my wet nuna, he smirked when he noticed my wetness, it started slowly as lovers on a honey moon, i remembered this is Menzi my friend but i was too late to even stop him instead i moaned louder, he increased his pace while groaning out loud. After sometime he pulled out and put both my legs on his shoulders and slid back in and started moving with a fast pace i didn't know what to do with myself. I am pregnant, my baby might be hurting but again i need this. It's in the way he's hands caresses my skin how slowly and passionate his strokes are and not forgetting the wet kisses he places around legs, and how gently he is yet going harder on me. He pounded me so hard i was screaming out loud his name then out of the blue a wave of a sensational feeling washed over me from my head to my toes like a tornado and my whole body shook uncontrollably while my toes curled but he didn't stop he continue through out my orgasm i felt numb, i guess he also wasn't that far cause he slammed into me hard and called out my name and groaned out louder and he gasped for air then he pulled out fast and collapsed next to me breathing heavily.
I too was panting, he got out of bed and went to the bathroom and came out with a towel and he cleaned me up and layed on the bed and pulled me to sleep on top of him while
he held me tight with his heart right on ears running a marathon.
"Menzi Vilakazi we need to talk" my heart whisper before my eyes went shut.

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