Chapter 48

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He staring and it's uncomfortable, might as well do the same. He plays Still by Tamia, is it suppose to be unspoken meaning of our relationship that he still loves me and perhaps that i still love him as well. I do love him, am just in my forever yena era, he uses a different route. I am familiar with it, he's taking me back to the woods, to his cabin, i smile to myself "besengiku khumbule yazi(I've missed you)" he says "ulungile phela"  i reply, was i being rude? He chuckles "most shops have closed now it's late, we'll buy food at the petrol station, is that okay?" he asks "yeah it's fine" i agree to it. We get food and continue with our journey "the guy at your house...whose he" he asks. What do i say "Siyabonga Gumede igama lakhe, he's my friend, and honestly Nkosingiphile angiyithanda indlela owenze ngayo, nanoma ubani angeke ajabule ngesenzo sakho, so it's best you apologize to him, I'll set up a date where you can meet him" i say. He laughs he probably thinks am joking "angeke ngiyenze leyonto mina(i won't do it)" he says. He tightens his jaw, it's satisfying i just wanna run my hands on his hair and forget about everything, it's my turn i stare at his handsome face "there's something about this friend of yours, so am protecting you from him, stay away from him" he commands. Protecting me from what "nami ke angeke ngiyenze leyonto, you came out of nowhere just to beat people up, they've been here since you disappeared, and now that you're back you start sensing danger from them, and for your information we are friends, and we will remain friends, whether you like or not i don't really care" i say. I so want to step out of this car.
We are soon to arrive, he's silent so am i, my words got to him. Maybe. He can't detect my life like that, whom I'll befriend and whom not to, no that i can't tolerate, yes we might say there is something about Siyabonga but, i won't let Waylen disrespect him like that. He might be connected to my dreams, i get a phone call from Kelwe, but am too annoyed to answer so i switch my phone off.
The cabin is still the same, i like this place actually dispite its location, he unpacks the food we bought and plates it, I sit and watch him do it. He's been working out i guess, he added weight, its good though, he's shoulders are broader, he's even taller. He's more finer now "ngimuhle ne" he says handing a plate "weh xem who told you so" i burst his big bubble "your eyes told me, you've been staring maDlamini" he sits next me "i was looking at the food, ukuthi ufakani" i say, he mutters something.
After eating in complete silence i get the dishes, and clears up his mess, i stand by the kitchen counter clueless on what to do next. He's busy on his phone, "manje uzoma lapho kuze kuse(so you'll stand there untill morning?)" He mocking me, i go sit on the bed, he follows me, he stands before me, my eyes staring at his crotch. Its weird and he notices that he bends down, pushing me to lie down, he's leg is in between mine, gently he takes off the my coat. If i don't act up now, am afraid another minute in this will be too late "Waylen.." he shuts me up with a kiss, smooth and passionate "uthini maDlamini" he now asks, i kiss him instead, he chuckles. He stops and help me take of my boots "we have to talk" he says. I roll my eyes at him "i took you home 4 months back, i wanted to introduce you to my family as the woman i want to spend the rest of my life with, and it did happen" he stops, am screaming "...but as you know something else happened, and i couldn't explain to you what really happened, so sthandwa'sami esihle I'll tell you, but first let me apologize for not being honest with you about myself" he says. I deserve an apology "i get you Waylen with such information  you can't just tell anyone you meet" i say, for him not to feel bad "cha maDlamini i should've told you, am so sorry, do you forgive me" of course i do "yeah i do, I've have actually a long time ago" i smile at him "ngibone kanjani ke ukuthi ungixolele" i roll my eyes yet again i kiss him "okay thank you, point number two..." i cut him "oh sihamba ngama points" we laugh. My happy place "I am Waylen Nkosingiphile DaVillas, I've never lied to you about myself, everything you know about me, might be my likes and dislikes it's true, i just never told you about the other part of me. I am from that type of family, all the males in my family have what we call isilwane, we somehow got it from my late grandfather, am sure you know him" he asks "no i don't" he smiles "you do actually, but nevermind" my confused self smiles "every male in our family will have a commander, isilwane will choose a wife for you, and uhm mine choose you Amahle Dlamini" he continues "it chose you to be mine" he says. I have so much going on in my head "so you're telling me that your beast chose me not you" i ask. He signs deeply "practically maDlamini yes it chose you" he says "so if your beast had not chose me, would you love me...wait do you even love me, or you're just doing it for your isilwane" i want to cry. He walks around, like a waterfall they fall, i don't wanna cry not infront of him, he groans "i forgot to tell you what ever feeling you get i feel it too, so when you cry i feel your pain" he groans louder. It gets even more confusing, and after sometime and am more calm he's fine he speaks "i control my beast, it's in me, we are one, you're beautiful, you have an amazing persona, and it's not just that ngikuthanda ngenhliziyo yami yonke am just thankful for the beast that it chose you" he smiles. I am somehow not convinced "okay i get it, manje will it show up again or....cause i want to see it again" i say. It hit me that the my beastly creature that's been visiting me in my dreams is Waylen "i can control it, when to show up and when not to" he replies "so the other day...what happened" i ask "you also control it, with your voice, when you sing" shocked is an understatement. I look at him, i smirk he seems to understand he nods "Amahle cha" he keeps saying that. I hum a song, nothing happens "but you didn't transform" i ask, his new nickname is optimus prime from the transformers, i mean the nigga can transform "when you sing not hum" he says laughing. I wanna sing "as you're my choosen one and I've imprinted on you we need to get marriedas soon as possible". Isigaxa sendaba.

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