Chapter 42

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I had Amahle's mother come but she didn't let us in, her mother said something by the door and left. After a few hours she started moving somethings inside, so yes turns out mothers are solutions to ones problem. It's just after 2100hrs and Menzi's isn't back yet, he promised me dinner, i dropped Asemahle and Mbuso at his mothers place, came back to get ready. I even have a red number under the dress i am wearing am definitely get some after this dinner, and its about time i also tell my naked truth. I've given birth now any feelings i would have, won't be seen as 'hormones' or something but would be genuine. I mean this guy accepted my child, took good care of me while i was pregnant, was there for me in my worst days, he basically stood with me throughout my pregnancy which is something the biological father of my child couldn't do, and not that i love him for what he is doing for me and my child but for he's authentic self. He might have the physical qualities any girl would want for a man to have, but it is he's heart am after, the love, warmth and personality.
I sit in front of the mirror getting busy on my make up, waiting for his return maybe we'll go out instead of him cooking, i get a phone call from my mom whilst busy "Ester" when you can randomly call your mother by her  name know you have a bestfriend, but just not in most black households "niyaphila lapho nomzukulu" she asks, ofcourse she will ask about Mbuso "we're fine inkinga yimali nje" i tell "yenzeni imali mntanami" she sounds shocked "we're broke your grandchild is sucking my pockets dry yazi mama the clothes i had bought lapho azisangeni" i sigh thinking about my money "nawe waw'nje ukhula okwe gundane" do rats grow that fast or she's making it up "am busy mama for your storytales" i say fixing my eyebrow "i wanted to ask about lomfana onilandile, i saw him at the hospital and i thought he was one of your friends" she says. What do i say "Ester he's my friend akukho okunye" i lie, but no am not Menzi is still my friend "ngim'dala kodwa angisona is'lima" she uses her authoritative voice. That voice that gets you to do the dishes, cook and clean "honestly speaking nami angazi mama, we're getting there I'll tell you once i know what to say about everything" she quiet "why are you asking?" i question her "is it wrong for a mother to ask about her own daughter" she's making me guilty "uThabo yena uphi, he still won't admit it that Mbuso is he's child" to think of it Mbuso might as well be an exact replica of Thabo "i met with him and you wont believe what he did" i myself am still shocked "usekafuna ingane yakhe, he wants us to be a family and patch things up" i tell her. She claps her hands "hhayibo Langa manje wena what did you say to him" she ask "i told him that ain't happening, he should shove it where it doesn't shine yazi wema nje umuntu athi ufuna ingane..." she cuts me "am still your mother use that language with your friends" its not even that bad i whisper "i think that you should think about it first, maybe it will work out for you too, have you ever thought about this uMbuso sekhulile akubuze ngobaba wakhe" he'll definitely ask "I'll tell him the truth that he's father denied him" i answer her "athi ubaba wabuya wena wangamuphi ithuba" i never thought of that. Maybe i am denying the chance of my child meeting with his biological father "i don't know i guess I'll cross that bridge when i get there" i answer her "don't be like that Langa think about it, you are now a mother you shouldn't think about your self but your child, and am not saying that get back with Thabo but don't reject him like that, Mbuso might need him in the future" her words. It hit home "yebo mama ngiyabonga" i say thinking about what she just said "continue with what you were doing i was just checking up on you my angel goodnight" she hangs up the phone. I text her a goodnight message. My mother, I'd die for her i just never thought of that, I'll definitely think about it before i even include Menzi in my life, beacuse i am about to.

My little nap is disturbed by another phone call Menzi's mother, maybe Mbuso is fussy "mma niright" i ask. She silent at first "cha ngane yami" she sniffs, i panick "Menzi was in an accident Langa" she says. Maybe its just a prank they are planning "sise Netcare" she's sniffs and hangs up. I sit down trying to process everything, he was coming to cook dinner for us, i was about to confess my undying love to him, and then how was he involved in an accident. I call his mother again maybe she'll say something different "please repeat what you're saying mma ngoba angizwa kahle" i want assurance "Langa Menzi was involved in an accident, a cab will fetch you please come" this time its the father talking. My head spins, am shaking moving up and down, grabbing everything i can, which is nothing maybe it's just a little scratch but he's mother was crying and ofcourse she'll cry its her only child, but again it sounded serious. Water. Showering actually. Dressing up am now calm i pack  his clothes and drive out, sorry in advance to the cab sent for me, my bladder is suddenly full and am wet from sweating.

Am back yet again, that hospital feeling is back, i run inside to the receptionist to ask "Menzi Vilakazi, is he in here" again why am i asking i know he's here. She isn't paying attention to me instead she's assisting a patient understandable but i need help urgently "Langa" a man calls out, i turn around to look at him. That's the father "ndingutata kaMenzi" he says "kuhle ukukwazi baba" i respectfully say. It's my first time seeing him, he looks exactly like his son he's just the older version.
He leads me inside "yey kubi mntanami the doctors are trying their best he lost a lot of blood, he broke a few bones nokunye ke okuningi" his father says. I sit down embarrassed of myself my bladder did the most, but my focus is shifted to Menzi, why and how "unina uhlulekile ukuzibamba waquleka uhleli noogqirha" yet he's just there unshaken. I might could hold my urine, how much more his mother.
I'll freshen up. Where are the kids?
"uAmahle noMbuso...baphi" i ask him, its weird having him around am used to the mother "we asked someone to stay with them" he says going away.
I just dont know what to do with my self anymore.

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