Chapter 43

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I did go on a date, but with someone, so it did happen that Siyabonga was around town, so i hooked him up. Went to some restaurant that just recently opened, and i had a good time, with him around, he's such a smooth guy, he just has this attractive energy that pulls you to him, and there's just something about him that is familiar, it's like I've met or seen him before, maybe in my pastlife i don't know.
After dinner we went to the same club we met, he had so much to drink and it didn't seem to be drinking for fun or  to celebrate, there's more to it "easy now tiger, let's get some air we'll be back" i get the bottle off him, he can't even walk, he leans on me which ends up in me carrying him a whole grownass man, taller than me. An ant carrying a whole elephant, we get to my car and already am tired, am not even sure i can drive, its pass 0300hrs in the morning, i drive us to a nearby parking spot, i get some water for Siyabonga "dude what's up" letting him rest his head on my thighs, i know its weird but its the only way to get him to talk. He's been quiet for quite some time, and just then i get a call from Langa, i get it and the first thing i hear is her sobbing, i find myself pushing Siyabonga off me "ouch what's wrong i thought i was about to get a bed time story" he complains, i give him a side eye "Langa yini" i ask already in the drivers sit, ready to go better not be Menzi beating her, because if that's the case i might go to jail to focus on gym properly "it's Menzi he got involved in a car accident...its bad Amahle" she cries. I hang up, i drive and after 10 minutes of me driving with no destination, i call Langa so ask as to which hospital she's in she tells me, its the same hospital she was admitted at when giving birth to Mbuso, and it happens that it was around this time when i got that call at the same club with the same person who is Siyabonga, "yazi ukuhamba nawe akulunganga neze(know that going with you is not good at all)" i tell Siyabonga "what did i do, what's wrong vele" he asks "you remember when we met at the club and i had to rush to the hospital because my friend was in labour... well she's back at the exact hospital her boyfriend waa in an accident" i tell him "xem, why are you going this crazy it's just a friend" he says. He wont get it "Siyabonga if we decide on friendship I'll literally go through hell with you, ride with you in good and bad, so even with you i'll go crazy might be your girlfriend or family I'll be there to support you with everything i have" after saying that I've realised that actually I've grown or say a little matured. He looks at me sternly "I'd say that am the type that loves hard" i say slowly thinking about something or say someone, him obviously.
We get to the hospital and find Langa sitting down on the floor looking like a hopeless mess, i rush to her, hugging and squeezing her "Langa look at yourself, unjani mawunjena get a grip on yourself" i say to her "what if he dies, i saw him its bad" she sobs. Siyabonga is just standing there clueless "its gonna be alright, where are the kids" i ask  "they are at home...Menzi's parents house " she replies. They are around "Siyabonga get her food, or something and the parents" i whisper to him, i proceed to greet Menzi's parents.
Its my first time seeing them, it's somehow awkward for Langa and myself, Siyabonga brought sandwiches for everyone and coffee.
We spent the whole morning at the hospital, Siyabonga was sleeping, Langa looked so devastated,Menzi's mother seems to be fond of her, she has her on her thigh. I want to go , I just don't know how "abantwana besele nobani ekhaya(Who are the children left with at home?)" I ask Menzi's mother whom i learnt Margaret is her name "bendicele umntu ukuba asale(i had asked someone to stay back)" she replies "ngizohamba ngiyobalanda bahlale ngapha kimi" i ask her well actually tell her "okay sisi" she agrees.
I take Siyabonga with me,he's whining "ngilambile yazi(am hungry)" he says "let's go we'll get food on the way" i say. He disagrees "manje uzohlala la kuze kube njani onesi bazokuphekela" am getting frustrated "lets go" i scream at him. He follows "pass by pick n pay liquor" he demands, i am too tired to protest and argue. He buys he's booze, I'll just say the whole store, he has a whole trolley, i drive to Menzi's parents house to get the kids.
Mbuso is so unbothered, he normally cries for his mother but he's calm. Siyabonga is on his secoumf bottle of alcohol, i can't even say the name.
We get home, i make food for everyone and get the kids, off we go to the hospital, leaving Siyabonga all by himself, here i am travelling with children, tired as hell, i want to sleep.
It's 1123hrs trying to convince three adults to go home and rest, actually two Menzi's dad understands he takes his wife home i grab Langa we go, "sizobuya ksasa uMenzi uzobe esevukile" i beg of Langa "what is he wakes up ngingekho" a woman in love says "do it for Asemahle and Mbuso" she listens and get inside the car.

Am in the middle of the same forest, there are chairs, four chairs Waylen sits on the first one, the secound one is empty, Rawan sits on the third one, Martin sits on the fourth one, in my head am thinking these are Mr DaVillas children, the old man appears "imbewu yami ilahlekile, iseduze yilethe ekhaya" he says and walks away, Waylen and he's brothers follow him, a familiar scent hits me, he sits on the secound chair, i can't see his face, but i do know the his scent.

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