Chapter 32

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Am back again in the same building filled with sicknesses, and diseases. The healers are still running around saving lives. It's been a dreadful process we were arguing on what Langa should have either giving birth naturally or get a caesarean section. We even had to call her mother, Menzi booked her a flight from Durban to Johannesburg, Anathi was here, had a huge fight with Menzi. They don't like Menzi at all, they find him suspicious and funny their words not mine, and as for me i find him cool and nice. No one has seen Langa except Menzi, I've tried getting him to eat or go home either, he just wont listen, i fetched his kid Asemahle and dropped her off at her grandma's. My throat has gone dry, am tired and hungry.
I check up on Waylen, it goes through voicemail, i call on his mother, of course am their son's girlfriend i should worry about him and be able to call his parents "hey sisi how are you?" she ask "ngiyaphila ma unjani(am fine and how are you?" she sounds fine to me "did you find Waylen?" I ask, hoping for a positive feedback "we are trying mntanami, tomorrow we'll go back home in KZN" i want to go "what time are you leaving, i'll be joining you" i won't take a no for an answer "someone has to stay back, he should atleast find you here"she replies. I wanted to go find my man.
The receptionist calls out for Menzi "miss Langa would like to see you" i follow them. I really want to see Langa, she looks pale and tired, she looks at me with her eyes full of tears "don't let my baby die" she weeps. She'll deliver in the morning, she shouldn't be stressed "no one's dying Langa, you will be both fine" i assure her, she stares at Menzi "it's a complicated delivery, the doctors told me and chances are my baby my die or i die, please save my child" she screams in agony. Am definitely not having a child "Menzi please go home and freshen up, look at you, you look like a pig I'll be fine i promise" she enunciates "but i can't leave you here alone babe" Menzi replies. I'll act as if i didn't hear it "if i need anything i'll call you but please go home, in the morning bring me proper food" she smiles. Menzi isn't convinced either "I'll have to go, but I'll be here before you have you deliver" i kiss her forehead "Menzi let's go" i pull him outside "okay fine I'll leave give me five minutes am coming" he goes to Langa.
We drive off, silence fills the car "did you call Thabo" he asks, i remember i had to call him "no, sorryi forgot" i say "it's a good thing don't call him, and Langa wants that" he says and goes back to sleep.
I ordered dinner and gave some to Menzi as well and retired to my house, seems like am not as tired as i thought i was. I clean around the house as i had it upside down in the morning. I play some soft music while i move things around and dance, this has been the busiest weekend ever, to finding out about Waylens skeletons, to Langa's delivery. Tomorrow am getting a day off, maybe i'll go check on the family later. I fix the spare bedroom just in case Langa's mother needs accommodation, but its too obvious she'll need it Langa's apartment is a bit far from the hospital.
After cleaning i shower and go to bed, check your socials my mental notepad reminds me Siyabonga has been calling me since forever, I'll call him tomorrow it's late he might be with his family. I read through our last conversations with Waylen and from my point of view it's like he was saying goodbye, he's a sweet guy, but he was extra sweet, on our way to his home in KZN he said alot of things, he talked about his future which had me, and now that he's gone it hurts. My heart shatters, i get ice cream to calm me down instead it brings coldness to my already cold feelings, my bed is colder than any winter night.

It's another day, i didn't even dream of the beast that normally visits me. I sigh loudly before getting out of bed to shower, i get a call from Siyabonga the guy i met at the club "hi Siya, how are you" i say "am good, sorry for calling you this ealry but i was worried about you I've tried calling you yesterday, you weren't available, what's happening" he replies asking. If only he knew "i was a bit busy and got caught up with uLanga and the baby" i say "oh sorry then, how's she anyways" he ask. How am i on earth opening up to a stranger "she's fine, with a bit of complications yes but she's fine" i say "can we go out...for dinner maybe" he ask "uhm...okay fine send me the address and time" i agree to him "I'll pick you up at 7, send me your address" he hangs up. Ofcourse not "send me the address I'll get there myself" i text him.
I bought flowers and a baby hamper for Langa, today i decided why not look like a rich godmother for my new godson, i dressed in a black formal pants and a red corset with red shoes to match the outfit. It screams rich aunt and ofcourse a red lipstick, Menzi is already at the hospital, i called in late at work I'll spend my morning here. As always the whole squad is here with ballons and gifts baskets, i pity Thabo. Langa's mother has arrived, she's been singing and ululating, the whole time she's excited about the birth of his new grandson.
Langa delivered a healthy bouncing baby boy, and ended up delivering naturally just at crack of dawn. Everyone compliments him saying he's handsome whilst me on the other hand dont see anything, he still has he's eyes closed and not looking that handsome, a white one for that matter. My first godson, amazing. Menzi disappeared after Langa's mother appeared.
A big welcome to our new member Mbusowezulu Israel Bhengu.

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