Chapter 47

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I'd never get over him, not in a year neither a centuary. My last love Waylen Nkosingiphile DaVillas, my coloured Zulu man. He's back, i don't know how to react, seeing him by my door brought so much emotions, i was happy and angry at the same time. We are not over, we just need some time to talk things out because nigga's been away for months, he still has my heart though not sure about his. I wasn't expecting for his reaction, for him to walk in and fight Siyabonga like that, maybe he knows him from somewhere, but even so he shouldn't have done that, Siyabonga left, i chucked him out too. Am now alone in my room thinking, tomorrow I'll have to go to work, I have to talk to Waylen, again i have to talk to his dad about the constant dreams I've been getting, or maybe I should talk to ubab'Dlamini the seer, but again am not used to him either Waylens dad. Its complicated i gather all Waylens things, his cellphone, his cards and wallet, hopefully he hasn't been to his house, i changed most of his interiors to my choice, i loved his interiors shades of grey, but i wanted to spend his money unnecessary so i changed them to white instead, except his room and some parts of the house. I wonder if will he make me pay for it or not, but I'll have to have a solid reason.
Here i am alive and kicking on my 2 hours of sleep, dressed in my most sluttiest dress, with no care, he's back so why would u look like i don't get enough pay. Well maybe i exaggerated it isn't short its just about 5 centimeters below my but cheeks, i have thigh high boots, and decided to put on a longer coat. Last night i couldn't sleep, i turning in bed the whole night, and had alot of junk, to try put myself to sleep.
I walk inside the office , with my confidence higher than the building it self, i meet up with Candy on the way "girlfriend" i run to her "dealt with your problems?" she asks. No "no silly who told you i had problems" i divert the subject "clearly you and your in-laws had problems, everyone knows that" she says. My in-laws "haibo Candy" i say "niza emsebenzini makufuna nina wena no baba zala wakho, umyenu wakho umuke namanzi" she says pulling me to my favourite place the cafeteria. The thought of Waylen as 'umyeni wami' soothes my soul "Candy he's not my husband...well yet" i say, my checks have gone red, she burst out laughing "you are wearing his ring though" she says. The abonormal black ring he gave me on our fist night or say day together, i wore it everyday i guess it kept me alive.
I get to my office, it's still as it. My Michael Jackson picture is still hanging in its place, everything is up and on its place, i know I'll be knocking out late today, I've been away for a 2 weeks at the office, "goodmorning miss, Mr DaVillas Senior is asking for you in his office" his personal assistant, says. I wanted to talk to him, and now he's looking for me.
Amazing "goodmorning sir" i day already sitting down, he's been using Waylens office, "sawubona ndondakazi" he says handing me a cup of coffee. Daugher or daugher-in-law "yebo baba ninjani" i reply "am all good, khululela Waylen's not here ngithe akaphumuls kancane" he says, i sigh. Good by me "ngiyazi ukuthi kukhona ofuna sikhulume ngakho(i know you want us to talk)" he says, "well there is something i wanted to talk about, but am not sure how to address it" i say. He leads me to the couch "i am not a stranger anymore, you'd say that am your father-in-law" i smile to myself "I've been having these constant dreams for quite a while now, it was unclear at first but now i guess it is" i utter "what seems to be the problem" he asks. Too straight this one "aqale emveni kokuya eKZN ekhaya, so ngisehlathini khona ekhaya, ngilahlekile in ripped clothes, a man comes uthi k'mina thola indondana yami ilahlekile and then he goes away" i say not sure if it makes sense. He's listening in deep thought "i had that dream for weeks and then a week back it changed, i am in the same forest kuney'tulo eziwu 4 esok'qala kuno Waylen the second one is empty the third one has Rawan the forth one has Martin, and then i smell a man's cologne, it's familiar he sits on the second chair, but i couldn't see his face" i explain, he's shocked, "maDlamini kukhulu lokhu, it's not just a dream it's a message and when you say that this cologne is familiar.." i cut him off "well actually i had met with someone, we're friends, so it was his" i say emphasising the we are friends part "I'll have bab'Dlamini on it, ngiyabonga usungakhululeka(thank you you can go)" he says, i take my leave.
My day continues, running up and down, i haven't had lunch, i am tired and sleepy. I should check on Langa and Menzi, after work.
I lock up and take my leave, am at the carpark, he's car is parked next to mine, isn't it obvious that he's here for me "sawubona" i greet him, ask me why, he takes my bags "ngiyaphila unjani(am good and yourself)" he says. I have my car keys in my bag, it's already in his car "can i have my bag please" i pull up a straight face "i came here for you so ngena sambe" he says, I am tired, I'll listen.


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