Chapter 25

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It's a good day people i am heading to my mans place. I should probably vacate my house and stay at his. Most of my clothes are at Waylens place i have a few at my place, just for when my siblings visit or when i need my own space.
Then there's Langa, her pregnancy surely is driving her crazy, the squad decided to give her sometime to herself maybe she'll come around after giving birth. She chose a stranger over us, me her bestfriend. I get it she might be cooking something  with Menzi but that shouldn't affect our friendship, we all make time for our outings but she never shows up. She always has excuses, 'am tired' as she always says but she's never tired to spend a whole week at Menzi's place. It has become her habit to sneak in at Menzi's house like a love sick high school teen, but if he makes her happy then am happy.
Its just that am angry at her for not talking to me.
I'll spend this weekend at Waylens,  has become my safe heaven "go back to your place and repack decent clothes, like skirts and add some headscarfs" he's running around his bedroom packing his bags. Where to? I've just arrived "whats happening" i ask confused "baby just do as i say, its already late I'll explain later" he pecks my lips. We've just arrived from work and already we going out, why do i need a headscarf though "I've  requests you an uber leave your car here and go pack i fetch you in about 2 hours" he continues packing he's even sweating.
I arrived at my place and started packing, i changed into a denim skirt and a white golf t-shirt and opted for sandals, and in an hour am done packing "pack us snacks and my power bank" Waylens text message reads. Where did he put his power bank, now I'll have to search for it. After not finding it, i decide to visit Langa, just next door, and surprisingly shes the one who opens the door "hi Langa" i made sure to sound cold "I'll get Menzi for you" she turns "am here for you, woza sambe(come lets go)" i point at my house. We need to talk "Langa kwenzakalani ngawe yee(whats going on)" i ask "nothing" she feels shy thats  because  i caught her sneaky ways. Today shes lucky because i don't have time "i just wanted to tell you that you can continue with what ever you're doing with Menzi but dont be sneaky, when was the last time you came over for our lunch dates, you're always too busy God knows what with Menzi because i always find your car parked right here it's your life do what ever with it if..." i am disturbed by the knock at my door "listen i have to go but we'll talk I'll be back hopefully I'll find you here be happy okay" i hug her "don't shout hhawu, am sorry I myself am confused I'll tell you once i know what to say to you" she says. How is she buffled "i-power bank yami uyitholile(did you find my power bank)" he should be thinking about me more than this "cha angiyitholanga wawuyi bekephi vele you can use mine(no i didn't find it where did you put it)" i ask. He gets my bags at the back of his car, "the food i asked you" he ask. I'll ignore him "and why aren't you answering my question Amahle" he's shouting, i'll cry "its in the cooler bag, we can leave" my submissive self replies.
We've been on the road for about 30 minutes and already am tired, "Nkosingiphile where are we going, and why are you restless" i break the silence it was killing him as well "do you love me" he ask. Is he going to kill me "yebo ngiyakuthanda kakhulu futhi" my reply seems to please his ears "ngithembise ukuthi koke kwenzeke ngeke ungishiye sithandwa sami(promise me that what ever happens you won't leave me)" he holds my hands while driving. I wonder "and how can i leave the one who holds my heart" i smile. Maybe its a road trip i think to myself
He plays a song by miguel
If you be the cash, I'll be the rubber band
You be the match, I' goin be a fuse. BOOM
Painter baby you can be the muse.
i'm the reporter baby you can be the news.
Cause you're the cigarette, and i'm the smoker
We raise a bet, cause you're the joker
Truth though
You are the chalk
And I could be the blackboard
And you can be the talk
I could be the walk
Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire baby
Even when it's do or die
We can do it baby simple and plain
Cause this love is a sure thing.
You could be the lover
I'll be the fighter babe
If I'm the blunt
Then you're lighter babe
Fire it up!
Writer baby
You could be the quote
If I'm the lyric baby
You could be the note
Record that!
Saint, I'm a sinner
Prize, I'm a winner
And it's you
What did I do to deserve that
Paper baby
I'll be the pen
Say that I'm the one
Cause you are a ten
Real and not pretend!
Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire baby
Even when it's do or die
We can do it babe simple and plain
Cause this love is a sure thing

Its definitely a sure thing, we continue  with our journey with an unknown destination "ngiyakuthanda maDlamini ngicela ungangishiyi" whatever it is, its a storm maybe she got someone pregnant or maybe he's married he's preparing me for the news. We make a brief stop at a petrol station, to refresh and get more snacks, i might not be much of a traveller but we're heading to Durban and with the help of the road signs am sure of it.
We continued with our lovey dovey session "when will we have kids babe" he ask "when we start having sex, kanti in your head how are babies made" he's crazy "angini awungivumeli ngigadle lapho" mama told me no sex before marriage. It is what it is "do you really have to ask for something thats yours" the car stopped moving causing a loud break sound i was saved by the seat belt otherwise my teeth would be hanging "angikuzwa kahle awu uphinde futhi(i can't hear you clearly)" he smirks. My self blushes i can't even talk "i said how can you ask for something thats yours" i repeat he cups my face blowing air into my lips, i initiate the kiss, we should get a bed "uzongitshela kahle uma sifika ekhaya( you'll explain this when we get home)" he smiles.
Where is home? Its just after 1800hrs and still we haven't gotten home, its the road that's disturbing my peace its so rocky. I should tell Langa am in KZN, the homesteads are afar from each other how do you ask for help in such place, Its peaceful though, and very organic.
We stops in front of a huge house and there are rondvels houses like but very modern on the sides of the house.
We are in a guest house, few people are sitting outside probably enjoying the fresh air, in joburg we don't have such things as fresh air. There are three mini cottages with each having its own yard on the far end of the hoyse a huge kraal at my middle far right, and what looks like a farm house. They keep animals, "please cover your head  inhloniphekile kuwena lendawo" he says. The moses and the burning tree story runs through my mind.

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