Chapter 12

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..Kelwe I left him there. I say and this girl's been screaming ever since I started talking, " tell me how was it" she says. I feel bad
       * Hours earlier*
I was looking at his lips, when he talked. I kissed him, I initiated the kiss, I feel like he was more than happy to have my lips, but I feel so cheap, am so embarrassed, but I did enjoy him. It was so sensual and sultry kiss.
I left him there and thank God he didn't follow me this time around, I didn't say a thing. I rushed to my car with my hands on my lips, still not believing what I just did. I drove out off the building still in disbelief, I bought my favourite pie just to calm me down.
Arriving at my apartment, I just became teary yet tired, so yes I cried while sleeping. I too don't know the reason behind my tears.

I had another dream, this time around it was so cold, and snowy the beast that's always in my dreams, wasn't active and happy as always. I stood afar I tried getting close to it but it ran. Strange, sleep was my favourite thing, my dreams were always dreamy and magical, but now what.
                    *current time*
I can't stop thinking about Waylen, and Kelwe did say I should give love a chance with my heart, but when I get burnt she won't be the one to feel the pain. I've never had luck with love, I got burnt alot, and surprisingly it was just this one boy I loved way too much, I literally adored the ground he walked him. I just had mentality of that "he is my first boyfriend" My high school sweetheart , I practically saw myself as his wife. Whenever I thought of breaking up with him, I'd think of all the good times I had with him, and forget of all the bad in him. Luckily he wasn't the abusive type, but he was bossy, he'd tell what to eat, how to dress, how to talk to other people when he's around, who to befriend alot happened. I thought I was happy, but it was too toxic to a point where he told me at gunpoint that I shouldn't even dream of leaving him. We had been together for 4 years.
It left me with alot of scars, but with a huge lesson. He disappeared out of no where. I looked for him, no text no calls. I stayed waiting for him, poor stupid me. He came back after 2years, married and with child.

I wanted to see Waylen so bad, so I drove to his house. I wonder who keeps a whole mansion unguarded, there's just a security guy by the gate. With no gun, just him and his old faint-coloured black cap. I lied to him, I said I've come to drop of some work papers that his boss forgot at the office, and like that am in.
I stand at the door, like a statue, am still wearing my work clothes, which was a very sexy dress and shoes, "I should go back and change into something decent" I think to myself, what will I say to him. Maybe he'll think am the crazy one, but do I love him.
I take a step back, and turn to my car, the door opens. Now what, I look back. I really like this guy, well he's been drinking, the smell says it all, but he's so devine , his eyes are half closed, he's in a track pants bottom and topless. I move towards him, expecting him to make space for me, and let me enter his house so we can talk like real adults, but no instead he puts his other hand on the door frame. I move to the other side he does the same with his other hand, deep down am nervous, but I pull the can we talk look, " uhm I want to say something" I say it rubbing the back of head looking down. Now what do I say, but my mama always told me to follow my heart, and I'd say but take your brain with you. My brain is clueless on what to do or say, but the heart wants what it wants, if only it had a mouth of its own it could have expressed it's feelings.
"Am sorry for just leaving like that at the office, I don't know why I did, I guess I was still shocked"he chuckles "but I heard what you wanted to say, but I have a boyfriend,am sor..." the door abruptly shuts. I didn't even get to finish what I had to say, remind me not to say something stupid in a serious situation. I take deep breath, "am joking" I shout from the other side I rush to my car, I press the hooter, but no he doesn't open. Again I scream
"I love you too, way more than you...." I don't know when he came but here I am in the arm of him, is it even say to say my boyfriend. He came running to me.
I find our tongues intertwined together, with his lips on my and mine or his, dancing to the rhythm of the heart, the world spins around the two of us. Love is a beautiful thing, to see and witness, but it's so precious to feel.
He takes me back to a magical place that  neither the eye has seen, it's only at the back of my imagination, this time around I see the light, glowing around, with colours of love.
We break the kiss, "uyintomb'yam wena" he says.
Without even giving me the chance to reply, he spoons me up and takes me insides "I'll freshen up, I'll be back don't go" he says running upstairs. Now I know how alcohol tastes, now I feel dirty, but it's a god thing, I won't drink, it's tastes bitter.


To say am not the happiest man on earth I'd say am crazy, at the office when he kissed me  I felt so alive, it's like I was given a new life, I will hold hold on to her, and never let her go.
But I felt bad because he left me there, without saying anything. I went home, and did what most people do when depressed, I drank. Alcohol. I just didn't feel it, it tastes bitter, it's like I was drinking my emotions, I didn't even get drunk.
I guess I feel asleep while by the bar, the door bell woke me, I hope it isn't one of my family members. She's here, good. Maybe she came to tell me where to get off. She firstly told me she has a boyfriend, I just closed the door to laugh, I know my Tia, she isn't seeing anyone. Even if she was I'd kill that mosquito, and make sure she hears about it, but wouldn't that make break is apart? but even if so I wouldn't let her go.
She did say she loves me too. I couldn't ask for more.
She's in the living room I guess busy with her phone, I went up to shower to wash off the alcohol, just to be the perfect man to her.

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