Chapter 55

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After that whole Siyabonga's revelation, everyone had to go home to introduce him to our ancestors, now the issue is who is his mother. Whilst we were still fighting I noticed how he exactly looks like me, petty me I didn't notice this. No DNA needed right, but am not sure if my hatred for him has subsided, okay let me put like this I never really hated him I just didn't want him near us(Amahle and me) and now that he's here we can't really avoid him, I'll just learn to accept him as time goes. The whole trip is so tense, at some point we had to stop and get some air, my or say our dad is driving and we are both sitting at the back, dad tried doing this thing he'd do to me and Martin when were younger after fighting, he'd make us hold hands for the whole day, I told him straight on his face that "i'd rather die" its good that Siyabonga agreed to that. Now everyone's hungry and dad suggested we get Wimpy, because that's where kids mostly eat, he's enjoying this he even got us the kids menu, he's referring to us as his kids "my kids will get this, or they will have this, or is this good for kids" the waiter looks around to spot the 'kids' he's talking about "don't you boys want to play, there's a playing area at the back" he's laughing "no we good" we both say. Siyabonga is getting on my nerves "let's go I want to show some trick" he whispers like a kid, he pulls me towards the playing area "listen here boy what ever thing you have, it has to end here I also don't want to be around you, I just hope where ever we are going we're a getting a DNA test because am not your brother" he speaks. Did he just call me boy "oh yes you're, we both know it" I tell him. Is he having a hard time, he has to man up and not be a softie "yes i know but you see i don't know how to act, I mean this traumatizing to me, I might be old but am a child at heart" he smiles nervously. Was it suppose to melt me? no, but it did, it feels like my younger brother is nervous about his first day of school "hold my hand" i signal for him "come on trust me, you'll be fine ngimdala ke kodwa kunawe(am older than you) respect your elders" i nod smiling. I shouldn't be feeling this way, we walk inside hand in hand. Maybe I was too hard on him, but it's our first day on this 'am the bastard child' so such reaction was bound to happen to everyone actually "ha ha ha my boys are back" he notices our hands and laughs "was that hard? did you die? ofcourse not" we sit to eat. 

Martin and Rawan are on their way and mom as well, am worried about her, but am sure she'll love Siyabonga "just because we held hands doesn't mean i want you now, especially near Amahle" I tell Siyabonga "relax I wont do anything to her, we friends trust me but I must tell you she gives the best hugs" he whispers the last part "dad stop the car someone's son wants to die" am ready to fight him again, is it weird to say I enjoy fighting with him than talking to him "but i feel like this is not fine, we should maybe talk to Steve about this, we can't take his child anyhow" dad says. Oh we know Steve Gumede, this idiot did the whole intro, "he's out of town, but I'll give him a call, no worries" he says "because we can't go on without him" my father says "manje siyaphi(so where are we going)" I ask "to introduce him, but not fully" he replies.
Siyabonga has his own business, good we won't fight "awung'ngiphe imali(please give me money)" I tease him, I lay my head on he's shoulder "what's wrong did we wipe out your bank account" he laughs "wait what" confused "oh you didn't know we both spent your money on clubs you ask you girl" he says shamelessly "swipe anything you want" he mimics Amahle's voice "I want my money back" I tell him, its more of a demand. They were living larger with my hard earned money "never, am your brother you should be kind with your money, and basically that's dad's money so am entitled to it" the confidence, wasn't he questioning he's paternity just hours ago, and now here he is calling my father his "it's not yet confirmed" I tell him, rolling my eyes. I got that from Amahle by the way "speaking of that remind wena Waylen to go change my will" heavens take me already "for what good reasons, your will is perfectly fine" I reply. I'm tired "ofcourse my son has to get something from me" he says "this one is already loaded" I tell him "so what, you also have your own money actually I should give him your share" dad says "do that I'll kill you before signing that will" I smile. 

Everyone is finally here now the big moment, I want to change my clothes I walk toward the house with my bag " you went on and cheated on me with some prostitute, really you went on business trips and meetings while I was at home taking care of a baby yet you went sleeping around, how old was Waylen at that time" my mother shouts, they are probably discussing the whole matter "so now what, should i laugh and congratulate you for cheating on me, what if you brought in sickness" she asks "how many time did you cheat on me" it's getting tense I should leave, its not good to eavesdrop on my parents conversation like that, I forgot to tell you Martin, Rawan and Siyabonga stay in Cape town, and now they are telling each other where they live, talking about streets and all that, now who's the clown me. Later on the day a meeting is called to properly introduce Siyabonga to everyone, and my mother isn't uptight anymore, but I know she's hurt by this. I called Amahle to know where she is, because mamXhenge here said we won't start a meeting without her daughter, so yes we are all waiting for the princess to arrive. Siyabonga is in my mothers arms, as the first child to ever lay in her arms its unsettling to me "wemfana suka lapho" I shout, and everyone burst out laughing what for "leave the poor child alone" MamXhenge replies, is that her speaking or what beacuse she's suppose to be angry not like this, but I somehow knew this might happen she's our version of mother Teresa. Great bab'Dlamini is here you should have seen how big my dad smile was. He loves him more than he anyone. 

The agreement was we wait for Siyabonga's father to come discuss this and probably get a DNA done, maybe he'll understand this beacuse explaining this to humans would be a joke, now here's the thing we are slaughtering a cow just for fun, never in my life has my father slaughtered a cow for me not even after I disappeared for months all I got was a hug and a welcome back text, Siyabonga gets a hug, not even a hug hugs from everyone, they slaughter a cow for him, got a piece of land, and a few of our cattle. Why is that, he's younger than me, I for one don't own even a single cow, I fear for what will happen in the future maybe he'll inherit the whole thing.
We are all sitting at roundvel just next to the main house, just late evening the second day of our arrival and we just having the boy talks, "there's something we want to know, do you perhaps have a girlfriend" my father asks. We all want to know, and something else this boy didn't sleep here yesterday, he came home in the morning, already he's sneaking in "come on tell us, don't be shy now we are all married here" I comment "you're not married Waylen come down...uhm actually I have a boyfriend" the silent embraced the room. I have alot to say but I think it's best I keep quiet "what's that suppose to mean" my father asks, and a commotion erupts "I love man" Siyabonga replies "maybe we need to do a DNA" Martin comments, because we sure do "am just joking, am into women" he laughs "because we were not going to accept it" I say. The real issue here is when he turns 30 it'll be game over for him "if you turn 30 without a mate you basically die" I break it, beacuse the main reason we are here was to talk about that "well i still have 6 months left, lets party till then" he makes an invisible toast "do you think we are joking" See when it comes to these things, I take them seriously "no I know y'all are serious, am just wandering where to find one in such short notice" he asks "you'll have to see Bab'Dlamini for that" my father stands and leaves.

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