Chapter 18

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The weekend turned out to be amazing, but without my man it wasn't as awesome as it could be. Waylen's mother turns out to be Xhosa, I'd refer to her as MaMxenge. I did enjoy my weekend but it was short lived as they had to go back to their respective homes. Both Smangaliso and Khethiwe have theie homes in Cape Town, which I had promised to visited.
We've just got back from dropping the wives at the airport and MaMxenge at her house, "yazi beseng'khumbule kanjani(do you know just how I've missed you)" Waylen says grabbing my butt "i don't know Mr me, I could hear it from you" I pull him towards me with his shirt. In high school I was a very tall kid, which I liked because I could get anything from any lengths, but right now I've turned to be the shortest one, his much more taller than I am. He leans over for a kiss, I gladly move my hands to his neck he lifts me getting my legs wrapped up his waist. He carried me to his bedroom so fast,that a cheetah wouldn't keep up with this pace, I can't get enough of his lips either. He pulled my legs up and pulled off my sweatpants and they came off with my underwear. I should get used to him seeing my punani I guess. He looked at her while smirking, I swear it's like he looking at the most juicest steak right now. He came back at my lips and started kissing me hard making me moan louder, he worked magic on my neck down to my nipples. I kept of pushing and digging in my nails at his bare back. He went down on me with his tongue devouring my tiny vagina, I just couldn't hold in the moans, I screamed even more louder. There's this feeling thats unexplainable, I feel like he should stop but yet he should go in deeper. If he had an African surname I'd be singing his praises right now, he did just that, he ate it hard, he was doing things to me that i never thought were to be done on one's pussy.
That feeling i felt the first time he went down on me washed over me so hard, I wanted to pee but again, it might be that am about to cum, he stopped and stared into my eyes and said "if you're not comfortable let me know I'll stop Nhliziyo Yami" my smile was more than enough to let him know to continue. His fingers started rubbing my clit, gently, and after some time. I felt this sharp soft pain on my vagina. I gasped, and he noticed it and paused for a moment, while blowing air to my vagina, I wanted to giggle but I kept it to myself, he shoved in his finger on a slower pace. It went on and on, with my screaming getting louder.

Babyyyyyyy I got sick this morning
A sea was storming inside of me
I think am capsizing
The waves are.....
If not let the earths open up and let me in, this is not the right time for a chit-chat either. He's still buried deep inside me, not only do I scream in pleasure but for the one behind the phone call. It's the song too, the sexual healing is too much for my feelings to get caught in it. He looks up at me, and seductively licks his fingers, he smirks. It's a very dangerous one " pick up your phone it might be important" he picks up his t-shirt and disappears to the bathroom. If isn't my neighbor then who "Menzi" I try talking like a normal person does, and not someone who's just got fingered  "uhm I have Langa here, she fainted at Clicks, but I'll take to my house, mom will come check oh her" and just then I had forgotten about the event that took place, my mind was in a far away place, I was thinking about Langa. The hot air penetrated my vagina openings, causing me to moan softly yelling Waylen's name, it hit me am on a phone call " uhm okay Menzi am coming" I hang up to have him sucking on my inner thighs "the baby is coming" he's shocked just as I am "you're pregnant" he pushes my legs down and pulls me towards him. Naked in my man's bed facing his dick, with my friends child on the way, but here he is thinking it's me who's pregnant "no, Langa's baby is on the way and she's with Menzi, apparently she fainted at some store, and thank heavens he got her, what if something had happened to her and Menzi wasn't there to save her" i have to alert the others " then then shower we'll go there to me the baby" how I wish I was that calm.

I showered and rushed out, Waylen wanted to come with, but I rejected him, I promised to spend the night with him, he happily agreed. Langa called to let me know she's fine, but she's hungry and she kinda doesn't know the man she's with she crying while on the phone with me, causing my ears to hurt, I'll can never be pregnant I make a mental note. I had to comfort her, and promise to get her food. Menzi sure did prepare her something to eat, but as she said she's eating for two.
I get to Menzi's apartment and, he leads me to his bedroom to find the queen snacking of her favourite dish if not apples with nutella, she has a very greasy sandwich with her too "Langa aw'shongo ukuthi ulambile(didn't you say you were hungry)" I drop the apple pie I had  gotten for her, since anything with apples is her favourite. Am done with pregnant mama's, "yes, I was but this pig you call a neighbor found me crying and bribed me with this" she points at all the food she's having, and starts tearing. Motherhood mode activate "okay it's fine, now tell me why is our beautiful mommy to be crying" I brush her back, and Menzi is just standing trying to suppress his laughter " he bribed me with food and it worked, and now am not angry with him yet I wanted to" she says munching on her sandwiches, and Menzi could hold it any more "and you know, he told me were married and expecting our third child" poor me "mara why would Menzi lie" I remind her that am on her side.

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