chapter 27

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I've been in this room for too long, my butt will go flat. Am dressed in those old zulu dresses together with a matching headwrap, seems like they were waiting for me they were prepared. I myself ain't a believer of ancenstral practices, but i am open minded about it. Waylens family is complicated they're coloured yet behave as if their Zulu, the grandfather was black his grandmother is the white one. A very beautiful white old lady. Last night when we arrived Waylen left me in his house to meet with his family, i was angry at him for doing that but again my understanding self thought that maybe he's been away for a long time so its those 'long time no see' moments. He left me instructions "dont leave this house, I'll bring you food, don't go outside" he left. I stayed up waiting for him like a bride waiting for her husband to return, he never showed up. He sent a goodmorning message only, ain't we in the same yard. I woke up earlier showed and got dressed in a black knee length dress and wrapped my head with a white headwrap, and roamed around this house with literally nothing to do again i bumped into the portrait i once saw back in Johannesburg at Waylens house, maybe its a family photo i thought. Its a perfect morning in KZN, cows are getting milked someone is feeding the chickens, already people are drinking traditional beer probably on an empty stomach. Waylens enters the house dirty, and smelling of cow dung he has gardening boots, jeans that have blood stains and a white vest that has turned into brown "we were slaughtering a cow" he answers my unasked question "okay, now tell me what's happening you said you'd explain this" my hands accompany my statement. He seems bothered "udlile maDlamini(did you eat)" he ignores me, I'll ignore him too "ngithe udlile na" he's authoritative self shouts "yebo ngidlile(yes i did eat)" i answer back. He heads for the shower, i prepare him his clothes and patiently wait for him we have so much to talk about "Nkosingiphile why am i here" i use that name when ever am angry at him it kinda sets him straight "to meet my family" he answers "where is your family inside this house" i ask. If i was to meet his family shouldn't i be outside, not that am ready to meet them but atleast i should mingle around "masekufike isikhathi khona manje kuzoza umama ezokunika ukudla okunye uzokutshela(when the right time comes, my mother will soon be here to give you breakfast there is something else though, but she'll tell you)" he says walking out.

I sat there staring at the ceiling, thinking about it, maMxenge brought me breakfast "its our beliefs, and i think I'd be wise for you to follow them, i get it your a Christian but i won't get in your way, we are all Christians we worship God and him only we only do this not to worship but to give thanks to the ancestors we don't pray at their names" she says. Maybe Waylen could explain this better "but is it necessary for me to attend?" i ask. She's just told me about the introductory ceremony to their ancestors. How do you call upon the DaVillas ancestors i ask myself "without you the ceremony wont take place, now you'll sit on this grass mat until someone comes for you" she leaves. I changed my dress and wore the iphinifa she had brought i sat on the mat waiting for that someone.
Its just after 1300hrs, the only good thing they did was to bring me food I've heard Smangaliso and her baby were around but am still not to meet anyone untill this is done with.
Blood was smeared on my forehead a man was  chanting some magical word's. He turned to look at me and smiled, i returned the humanity and smiled back. A clueless me wondered around everyone seemed focus on him, the seer my mind figured that out afterall his dress code showed it. The men in the room sat on the far right, the women on the far left Waylen and I were in the middle. He was used to this,but there was something happening i couldn't figure it out. The insence had long blocked my nose, the seer continued chanting. I excused myself out, i had the urge to go get some air or maybe think straight, they mumbled but did i care, no.
The refreshing breeze of cold air, hit my face, i shivered a little "sawubona maDlamini ngane yami( goodafternoon maDlamini my child)" a bold voice called out, i turned around to be met by a very handsome face, he had brown african dreadlocks, his beard had dreadlocks too, he was dark in colour he looked foreign. I've seen his face somewhere "yebo baba ninjani(yes how are you)" i replied to him "ungabaleki bhekana nezimpi zakho, uyithemba kulomndeni(don't run away face your battles, you are the hope of this family)" he says. He must be from Waylens family "ngizokwenza njengoba usho, kodwa angikuzisiswi kahle ithemba lomndeni kanjani(I will do as you say, but I don't understand how am i the hope of this family" i question him "when the time is right it'll will reveal it's self" he answers going deep into the forest. I stay in the same position looking at the direction he disappeared to "ungawulahli lomndeni ikakhulukazi u Nkosingiphile  (don't abandon this family especially Nkosingiphile)" the voice shouts in the darkness. Creepy isn't it?
After having sometime to myself i went back to the hut. Their ritual is done, Waylens happy, i followed their tradition, if he's happy then am happy. Food was served, they came prepared, it wasn't just food, a whole feast specially made for me "you met him" Waylens grandmother asks "who ncane" she wanted me to address her as ncane. She might be old but by her looks you can tell she values her skin more than anything she's those type of grannies who spends hours adorning themselves with scents and putting on makeup "the man you met at the forest" is she telling me or asking me. I thought no one saw me, and just before i can answer she leaves smiling.  Maybe smiling at each other in this family is a tradition "where have you been, long time neh" Smangaliso sits next to me "mehlo madala, unjani umntwana bengithi ngizoza ngizombona(long time hey, how is the child? I thought I would come to see him)" i respond to her. She sighs "remind me not to have kids again, i am hanging by the thread" she says "he cries all the time, doesn't want his milk, poops and oh he isn't sleeping either" she continues. Isn't it what babies are good at "mabe its an ancenstral issue" she says. We continue talking with Sma am introduced to the members of the family. The Makoti tittle suits me.
"Umfazi kabafo"
Its evening everyone has gone to their rooms, i also retired to ours. Waylen is no where to be seen, the only time i got to see him was at the hut, i prepare for my bath. I deep soak my tired body in the water, i sit in and relax.
Babyyyyyyy I got sick this morning
A sea was storming inside of me
I think am capsizing
That same old ringtone, somethings never change. My melodic voice joins, until the person on the other side hangs up, am too lazy to stand. Again it rings this time around i raise my voice while singing, in the midst of me singing while deeping myself in my hot bubble bath the ground shaked, slightly. This is not the way to die, i sprung out of the bath tub rushing to get the towel, i left it ontop of the bed. I run to the bedroom.
There it was, it's been long since i last saw it. I'd visit my dreams every night, making the following day memorable, it stood there looking at me like it always did, the only difference to the situation i was naked dripping with water. Something unsual happened, we were in a room, not in the magical place we're normally at and to be specific the room i was rushing to when the earthquake happened. This is not a dream either the dumpest part of my brain reminded me. I wanted to scream, i pinched myself several times hoping that it was dream, it moved towards me, i stepped back, his eyes were familiar. I fell butt naked on the ground. My eyes were blurry with tears rolling down my eyes, my womb was tearing, period pains could not be compared to what i was feeling. It burnt my skin into ashes, its paws still stuck on my abdomen, i felt my soul live my body, i was silently crying, even if i tried to scream no one could here my pleads, the house was afar from the main house. My subconscious was disturbed by a sound bones clashing and cracking, and when i looked up, the man i thought i loved stood there staring at me, maybe i had died. I've read stories about such things but i never thought they existed. It cant be true.
My eyelids started getting heavy thry went shut but just before the darkness engulfed me he whispered "I love you, and i'll love you until my last breath on earth and if there'sa life after that I'll love you then".

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