Chapter 3

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The most pulchritude creature stood before us it's elegant ice white colour with, blue eyes it looked so peaceful yet fierce. I can't die now,am still young to die. What an I doing in a mountain. I mean am black,we black people don't believe in mount.camps but here I am with my crazy friends who wouldn't kill a rabbit just to save themselves,yet here comes a hungry beast wanting to devour us,do I run or just accept death maybe I'll die a happy soul. Now it's like my feet have frozen I can't move just am about to turn,the people I call friends are gone. Nowhere to be seen. People should be aware of fake friends,and I've to the realisation of this statement 'when the days are dark the friends are a few' but let's forget about those stupid fools I have to run, I try to scream but my voice just disappears. Perfect way to die. It's close I can see the thing clearly it's giant wolf with white but almost blue with gray fur, I know am crazy but this being is beautiful. It comes closer but in a friendly way it lays Infront of me,I can't see am blinded but this white fluffy. It pushes me with its paws. I trip and fall on its other paw. I fit perfectly in it,it stands with me in its paw.
I somehow feel safe,to prove myself I brush in fur,nothing happens. Am still frozen. What on earth is happening. It's starts walking I follow,if anyone can why I don't know but it seems harmless.
"Amahle...Amahle" someone calls out my name as I turn...Am in my bed in my room.Realisation hits me I was dreaming yet It felt so real. I should do something about that animal I saw in my dreams. Draw it. Yes I will draw it
"Uhamba nin kwami"(when are you moving out of my house" What did I do to deserve such a father. I haven't even greeted or yet seen my first salary. "Good morning papa" I smile at him "Goodmorning my angel" he continues reading his newspaper, like nothing happened. An not a breakfast person so I take my lunch and my bags,I go out.
Today Candy is not at work,I just go straight to my office. I had my first meeting with a Client,and am happy, I should probably note that on my diary. It's Lunch already and Waylen is not here. Okay it's fine,but it's not. He was suppose to be here,I didn't see him this morning.
"Doll face" I didn't even look up I simply smiled I know it's him "ugly one" u tease back. We both laugh. "so what am I getting for my birthday" he asks
"Nothing" I say with a straight face, "okay,but you are coming to the event"
"Is that a request or order Mr DaVillas" I catechized. He looks at me, I guess he's think on what to say, " as a friend it's a request but as your boss it's an order" and just like that he stands and walk out. I feel bad maybe I didn't have to ask such a question. I mean what was I even thinking of asking such. It's a good thing though that he left because I have to finish my drawing.
After so many hours of working and going through alot of paperwork it's time I go home. Chartered accountant deserve more praises, it's half past eight and yet am still busy. Am a bit scared of the dark. Anyways I lock my office door and rush to the elevator, It opens. I thought I was the only one left here but nope my dearest friend is still here. "Kanti ukhona( you're still here)" Waylen ask "yes I was a bit busy I got carried out of time" I reply looking down, " who will be with you on Friday" he ask, I chuckle. Just then the elevator opens I leave him standing there I run to my car. I remember I have to call my Dad, I don't have the gate keys.
I drive home.
"Dad can you please open the gate am outside" I've been saying this for the past minutes still he won't open for me, honestly speaking I need a new father. I hang up hoping he'll become open,only for him to call me again. "Daddy open the gate"am a bit annoyed right now, "go back to where you're coming from" he says it's like he's enjoying it and obviously he is.
I guess I'll just sit outside till I don't know when.
My phone rings,am crossing fingers it's my Dad telling me to come in.
Unfortunately yet fortunately it's Waylen


I just got home am still in my car,so I decide to call Tia. We chat for a bit and she tells me she at her gate, her father won't open for her, my girl is frustrated. "so how about I fetch you since your father won't open the gate,you can spend the night at my house" I say hoping she'll say yes, "mhhh I'll call if I need anything for now I'll just wait maybe they will open". Boom she burst my bubble, "okay I'll wait for your call then". We chat for a while I say my Goodnight since, yes her father did open for her. I had so many plans for the night. Not sex though, not just yet. I was going to make us dinner, actually order us dinner because your guy here wouldn't cook just to save his own life not even scrambled eggs. I sit in the car for about 30 minutes, thinking about life in general. Just as am about to open close the door, of my bathroom, I see him. My Grandfather.
"Why intrude in someone's dreams" see with him he doesn't talk much he's a man of his own words. "it's because of love" before I could even finish my sentence he's gone. Hectic.
"My life will never be the same
'Cause girl you came and changed
The way I walk
The way I talk
I cannot explain
These things I feel for you
But girl, you know it's true
Stay with me
Fulfill my dreams
And I'll be all you need
Feels so right
I've searched for the perfect love all my life....."
Just then my mother barges in my room without knocking
"mom what if I was naked with a girl, you should knock when entering people's rooms" I say angry, this women will be the end of me.
"but you're not, you're singing, very nice my son are you planning on proposing to my daughter-in-law on Friday" She ask with curious eyes "mom no am just singing" I justify myself, but my mom just planted the idea in my mind I should ask her to marry me, but then no she will think am weird, I fight with my mind till sleep gives in.


Well am still angry at my Dad, after fighting and shouting at the gate for them to open up which took for like 30 minutes he the made him way to me just to stare and laugh. I didn't even park my car inside, I ran straight to the house to get food,took a shower and slept.
"am in the jungle again with my phenomenal creature, and this time around we are playing, and the scary beast has varnished. He's hopping around, it's just magical.

"the king of hip hop, thee legend,the one and only Michael Jackson" I cheer up my invisible crowd, you know the best place to sing is the bathroom. Seeing that today it's a bit sunny, I put in a simply brown pants and creamy shirt and paired it with gold gladiators. I don't feel like having breakfast today, so I'll have coffee. A great way to start the day.
I reach the office 30 minutes later I have some work to do. Everyone is up and running but it's a bit early, I meet up with Candy "hhaaibo what's happening today" I ask her looking around "don't you know, tomorrow it's Waylen well Mr DaVillas's birthday so it's the preparations" she says "but isn't it too early" i ask, and just like that candy is nowhere to be seen. This girl.
I get done with my work, I couldn't even notice it was lunch, and for that,all thanks to Waylen he brought me lunch, and I must say we pretty close. Friendship wise though.
Now that I've learnt my lesson I won't be late ever again so I knock off by the normal time which is five but still I have so much work to do, I decide to work home. Plus tomorrow it's a half day, I'll take the files with me. I call Waylen just to annoy him, and him to come to my office to help me with the files. He did come which resulted to us spending an hour talking. My father will kill me but..... Anyways I make home before 1800hrs, now I don't have to deal with my father.
I spend some time with my family over a movie, I go to the garage to finish of my painting. Since am a good person I decided to paint the scary yet cute creature that's been visiting my dreams, for Waylen as his birthday. In mean the guy's been asking me to draw or paint something for him.
After 5 hours of it I leave it to dry up.

It's the big day already it's Friday. Am on black knee thigh high boots with baby blue blazer and a black mini skirt with a black vest. Today I woke early because I had to remind my date for the night about our date. You know having a sibling who way too younger than you yet very bossy. "Nkateko I'll fetch you early today so you can get ready for the event in the evening,and you'll get a new haircut" I say fixing his tie, and yes we did agree on something on his haircut to be specific, and now he's late I have to drop him at school. I arrive at the office and it's a busy I try pass my way to Waylen office and he's not here yet, great I place the painting on top of his desk and walk out to my office.

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