Chapter 35

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I wish that someone had told me that having a baby will suddenly give you grey hair. All my baby does is cry, these months have been horrible, I've been through hell and back, but all thanks to my mother who supported me with everything. It's been 3 months and am soon to leave my baby and go to work, I've missed the Johannesburg environment, umbumbulu is a bit different from joburg the energies ain't the same, from here i have to drive for like 30 to 45 minutes to get what i want or get the baby's necessities.
Menzi has been nice too, we call from time to time and end up being disturbed by the cry of my favourite goat as we are still trying to label our relationship, not to forget i didn't get the chance to reply him the other day just before i gave birth, it's just not the right time to do so. I wanna focus on Mbuso first before i jump into a new relationship, but again the heart wants him. I wonder if his feelings are the same now that I've given birth, not only does he has to accept me but also accept the fact that i now have other priorities, and i just don't want to have him at his toes with my child. Am not looking for a father figure to my child, and to add to it he also has a child, whom he'll always priorities first before us.
It's morning, my offspring is up and screaming for what. Nothing. Just crying for mommy's attention, he breastfeeds making him bigger and heavier than any other 3 months old baby. I shush him while singing a lullaby to him, it seems to hype him to his crying, someone's at the door my phone is ringing and Mbuso is screaming at everything, while my mind goes crazy. My mother is somewhere around the house preparing to go to work, which reminds me in about 3 weeks time my maternity leave will end "someone is here for you" Ester my mother says. Yet i thought i had no friends in Durban but someone is here for me this early, its probably the womem from church who wants to see my child i take my lovely goat to the lounge.
He sits comfortable on my favourite sofa, sipping the tea Ester just made for him with a slice of cake that i made. Does anyone knows how difficult it is bake a cake with a three months old child who won't help knead the flour but just make the process even harder "Menzi what are you doing here" its the first thing that comes in mind "is this how you greet your guest, sit down" mother reprimands me. I do as i am told to "Ngiyaxolisa mma ngokufika ngingashongo, kodwa ke kubalulekile lokhu engikuzele. Ngize ukuzolanda uLanga noMbusowezulu(I'm sorry ma'am for coming without saying, but what I came for is important. I came to get Langa and Mbusowezulu)" he says confidently, may fire and thunder strike him to death "kulungile ngan'yami ngiyabonga ngokuzobalanda bengisamangele ukuthi kazi bahamba nini emzini wami(it's fine my child, thank you for picking them up, I was still wondering when they'll leave my house)" here i thought she enjoyed our company, seems not to me. Menzi takes Mbuso from me, I've even forgotten about him, he shushes him, i don't know if i should congratulate him for doing his unasked job well or for coming to get us. My goat lies perfectly in his arms sucking nothing but his tounge or the inner part of his mouth, calm like he didn't just woke up the deepest pit of hell with his crying. I leave for my room to pack, but i don't instead i take a nap, it's 0916hrs but it's been a long day for the mommy bear.
A slap lands on my thigh, its Ester "am going to work ungishiyele ukhiye phansi komat emnyango Umfazi olala emini sies" she gives me the disgusted look "and call me when you get to Johannesburg you need to tell me about this boy" she gives me a kiss and leaves. All this months I've been here she's been asking about Menzi and I've been ignoring her. I watch her through the window as she drives out, i sprint out of bed rushing to kill Menzi "what was that?, why did you come here?, you should have called" i attack him "where is your room" he asks, i point it to him, he comes back "next time, don't shout when Mbuso is around" he acts as if Mbuso cares or hears our conversation "okay sorry but you should..." am cut short with his lips on mine. Not in my mothers house, so i break it "I've missed you Langa, so i came to get you, so be a good mommy and pack your bags" he says. Who showed you my house "but how did you get to my house, i never gave you the location" he stares at me "dude say something" i snap "am waiting for you to say something else other than that" he replies. Am being tested "i missed you too, and thank you for coming, but i was still enjoying Durban" and this time i initiate the kiss, he kisses me back, he grabs my butt, so gentle i moan in mouth, he smiles getting all the naughty ideas, again it hit me not in my mother's house. I stop him "whats wrong" he's concerned "not here" i whisper to him "then where" he smirks. Crazy.
I start packing our bags, while he sits watching Mbuso, am freaking out my child's clothes won't fit in one suitcase and i have this one suitcase "get a trash bag and put your clothes there" he says "why does it has to be my clothes, he's just a child, I'll put his in the trash bag" i say "you're an old hag" he says. Well i can't cry and blame it on the pregnancy hormones instead i woman up "my beautiful old hag" he smirks.

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