Chapter 52

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After spending the night with Amahle I drove her home, I guess we are okay now we talked it out, I even told her we need to get married. So I dont think I still need to go down on one knee, I'll send a letter to her parents, she was shocked at first but I made her to understand the reason why we have to get married, there isn't one really I just want to get married that's all. I must say I had missed her a lot than you think, but the whole Siyabonga issue is really bothering me something is definitely going on with that guy. The whole drive from the cabin was full of joy, she's basically giving me an update of what's been happening, and seeing her smile brought happiness in me "there's something i must tell you, promise you wont be angry" she says. Already i am angry "sowenzeni Amahle(what have you done Amahle)" i say "your mother gave me your phone, access to your bank cards house and cars" why would my mother do that to me, espeacially my phone not that am hiding anything am just worried, she might find something and make it look not good "so I've been using your money, shopping and all that my therapist recommended i do that for my mental health ofcourse, i mean you wouldn't want a crazy girlfriend so i had to listen, and i did something else i changed the interiors of  your house sorry, it was therapeutic again i apologize" i burst out laughing at the therapist part "how much exactly did you spend" i ask, she has this don't be angry look "i also changed the interiors of my car to leather sits and a bit of personalization so you can do your maths" she smiles. We'll see about that we continue, she hands me my things after dropping her "ufika nje usuyahamba futhi" she sulks "i have somethings to fix babe, I'll come back" i kiss her goodbye and leave. Its my first time coming to my house, it feels like home Amahle did a good job with it she thought I'd be mad about it, but after seeing it i was pleased, yes my money is gone but i don't really mind its definitely worth it. I still have a lot of things to do, from seeing the seer uBab'Dlamini to going back home and all that and not to forget i have a whole company to run, so i need a nap. A few  hours in it, I get a call from my dad he's by the gate, to say am pissed would be understatement, am trynna get some sleep, either ways i let him in, "Nkosing'phile senalala emini ilanga libalele" he says, I'll choose not to fight with him tonight "good evening Mr Davillas senior how can i help you today" I say with the most receptionist voice ever "I think am ready to die, I really fucked up this time around" he says, and immediately I stand to pour us a drink, might as well bring the whole bottle, see this man will mess around and expect me to clean up his mess, either in business or his personal life. I wonder what he's done this time around "kufika umakoti lapha, she's been having weird dreams lately which she feels like they mean something and are related to us, so here it goes she's in a forest wearing dirty clothes and they are torn a man appears out of no where and says 'thola indondana yami ilahlekile(find my son he is lost)' and he disappears" he stops, I wonder why  Amahle didn't tell me about this "the dream changes after some time, she still in the same forest and same clothes uthi 'kuney'tulo eziwu 4 esok'qala kunawe(there are four chairs, and you're sitting on the first one) the second one is empty, the third one has Rawan, the forth one has Martin, and then she smells a familiar man's cologne, and someone goes to sit on the second chair, but she can't see his face, so basically we don't know his face but hes cologne"  to say am shocked would be an understatement. I think this dream has a clear meaning "wait so you're trying to tell me I have a brother" we are both shocked at my statement "no no maybe I don't know" he says with the most fearful face. Maybe Amahle was just imagining things, there's no way I have a brother, she was just missing me that's it "your mother will kill me that's for sure, not to mention your grandmother she'll sure give me an earful, but I'll confirm with uBab'Dlamini" he says pacing up and down causing me headache. I wonder, but if it's true that I have a brother or sister and it turns out their older than me, and start causing fight for us, I mean am the heir here and everyone is comfortable on the way things run and our positions in the family business "what's the way forward then, because as your successor I don't think I'll be comfortable" I say pouring my third drink "and what do you mean by that Nkosing'phile" he asks annoyed. The possibility is "he or she might be older than me, soo everything.." he doesn't even let me finish "that's not possible Bab'Dlamini confirmed it, you're first fool I've ever fathered" he says "why do you trust Bab'Dlamini that much" I mutter, this man loves our seer more than us. I drive to Tia's place to hear it myself, she tells me the same thing "and there's something else i need to tell you" she smiles "what have you done, does it have to do with my cars, because I didn't see anything wrong" maybe she crashed one and got it fixed "I think I know your brother" well she did say the cologne was familiar, but how does one gain the ability to smell when asleep and dreaming for that "Siyabonga, that was his cologne" maybe she's talking about a different Siyabonga here because that bastard isn't my brother "lenja engay'shaya" she nods. 

He stands infront of me, smiles and leaves "Waylen......Waylen......Waylen" she calling for me, am too stunned to speak, my grandfather just appeared grinning from ear to ear, "can I get Siyabonga's number, actually tell him to meet me at my house tomorrow morning" I should probably get my dad too "send him my house address too, I'll spend the night".

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