Chapter 29

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I want to explain myself to Tia, but bab'Dlamini wouldn't let me, when she smiled at me it gave me hope that we're still gonna be okay, my uncles have gone to meet with her father to see a way out, Amahle's father has to know about his soon to be son in law and what has happened to his daughter, i should return back to Johannesburg, but before that i should meet with my grandmother "gogo sengiyahamba(am now going grandmother)" she looks sad, well she's always sad in times like this, but i have to go "go well my child but before you go sit down we need talk" already am shivering, "Amahle saw your grandfather" she pauses obviously waiting for my reaction "she isn't aware of the fact that she saw a ghost" she says smiling. I try holding in my laughter "oh he's now a ghost" i comment, "when was this gogo" i ask. He only visits me and grandma "yesterday just outside the gate by the forest, khathi ephuma e rondweni" she replies "but there's nothing to worry about" she assures me "when you get to Johannesburg tell her the truth she'll believe it once she hears it from you" that i'll definitely do. I bid her and the entire family goodbye, my parents stayed behind.
I am still confused as to why my grandfather visited Tia, now how will i start explaining to Tia, how i wish i wasn't born from this family. The car still smells of her perfume, i can imagine her sitting right next to me, holding her hand, while she giggles listening to her favourite song, in her short dress, exposing her thighs to my sight, kissing here and there while driving, giving her pleasure with just my hand, grinning like a psycho, her smoothly shaved legs up in my dashboard, but no its all in my head.
My insides turn, its the same feeling i always get when he's about to make his presence known, but today he seems happy, and light, with a positive energy, all my life I've never felt him this way he's always angry and uptight, i stop the car near the bushes to let him in, my bones start cracking making a loud sound, my teeth had turned sharp, my clothes were long ripped of, my heart racing with lighting faster than the bee, i could no longer feel my skin due to the heavy coat of fur covering my skin, the branches break, allowing space for the might DaVilla to stand.
The darkness engulfed me, my thoughts shattered, i could see my soul passing to the other side, to my ancestors. My beast self falls into a deep slumber.


I decided to let Langa spend the weekend with me, I've made some dinner reservations at her favorite restaurant, so its a date people. Asemahle is always around Langa, taking our time to be together, i fear that she might live for something or someone else, my child has invested alot in Langa, she might not take it well, mara why did i introduce her to Langa so fast.
The question is where is Asemahle's mother, well she died while giving birth to my angel, we met at a night club had a one night stand, then boom nine months later i recieve a call from her mother telling me that her daughter was pregnant with my child and unfortunately she died, after a very complicated pregnancy and that she was afraid of telling you, so much for a one night stand that i can't remember much, but from it i got my baby, a whole human to cater for, a female version of myself. I still think she was just my sperm carrier and nothing more because we never had a relationship, i got her proper name at the funeral.

"why have you brought me here Menzi, i can feel everyone's stares, am i too ugly" she complains "they are wondering as to why would this beautiful angel be sitted with a monkey like me" i cheer her up, she giggles "you definitely look like a monkey" she laughs. I somehow feel offended i didn't mean it "hhawu Langa wuwe loyo manje osotjela mina lokho futhi(Wow Langa, you are the one who is saying that to me now)" i ask bothered "sorry Mr Vilakazi it's my baby that's talking not me" is she for reals. We get our order and start eating, and she's having it "do you think that am overeating" she ask with her plate full of plain pasta with a nutella, yet she's asking me that, she literally changed this restaurant menu, a meal specially prepared for her "no you're just fine" i smile at her. The main reason why i brought her here is for me to confess "did i mention that you look beautiful today" i say warming up "yes you did twice in the car, a thousand times since we've arrived here and did i say a million times at the house" but she pretty "i was just letting you know don't get angry" i say. Why am i like this "am not angry at you i just feel tired and drained" she hold her belly "lets go outside for a walk then and get some air" i say hoping she says yes "okay but wait till i finish my food" she eats.
The streets are not so busy, everyone seems to be so inlove here, we walkside by side holding hands, just watching her talk and laugh pleases my heart, she takes off her shoes and walks bare foot on the ground "dont you want slippers" i ask concerned "no am fine, yazi something is wrong with the baby" she says "then lets go back to the car or maybe visit thd doctor and you did say you are close to giving birth" i comment "no I'll  be fine" she replies. We continue walking around the place with no care as to who is watching us "Langalethu Bhengu, Ngcolosi Dlabazane, KaNgwane,
KaNephu kaLamula,
Nyawo zigezwa ngamazolo,
Nina enivuka nixubhe ngelala,
Shongololo" i take a break looking deep into her eyes she looks down "and look at me when i talk" i fix her face to look my way  "am afraid I've fallen deeply inlove with you and its just so unexplainable if i could try put it in words just to let you know but i love you Langa" i voice out my feelings. She rivet her eyes on me emotionless, for a minute she does this, in my mind am thinking shit "i think i peed on myself" trouble in paradise.

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