Chapter 2

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" what will I wear". I've always wanted to be a fashion designer since I was younger but you know in my country designing is seen as a less paying job,you don't have to depend on it as your main income. In high school that's when I realised about my passion for accounting I then decided to embark on my journey to the cooperate world and I love what I do but still am into arts and designing. I draw and also paint. It's my hobby.
I saw the invitation at work so I need an evening gown who will accompany me since it's a plus one thing. Nkateko. It's a bad idea but I don't have a choice I put the dress on my bed, I pair it with matching heels I call Nkateko from my room he doesn't reply after multiple attempts I decide to go to his room to find him playing video games. What is wrong with these kids always playing silly things I call him he give me the annoyed look we go to my room now I have to ask "so I called you here because there is this evening party at work and I need a plus one.."he cuts me short" R500 per hour" he says with a smirk on his face. I scream his name "and who said I was asking you to be my plus one"
"you don't have a boyfriend Ama I know" okay am defeated "but I can't give you R500" he smiles "okay since am not a bad person,increase my pocket money then I'll go with you" he leaves my room
You see with my siblings I do stuff for them I give them their pocket money,buy them clothes they want,give them extra cash. There only thing our parents do it's just pay their very expensive school fees and buy food in the house but most of it I do it. Not because am forced or what not it's because I want to.
It reminds me my siblings actually planned my first salary before I even got the job am in trouble,but since am sorted with the Friday event am good
Waylen.. Waylen... many times did I  call him thrice. The guy is crazy I mean who enters someone's office a stranger for that matter and start giggling and laughing like am small boy who just got his favourite candy from his mom. Who does that. What if he's a psycho? What if am his next target he's just trying to play nice? It's best I sleep before my mind explodes from all the thinking
It's morning already and am in a good mood today. I found out that the receptionist goes by the name of Lily,such a cute name for a sweet name but I gave her a nickname "candy" it's a perfect name for her personality. "Candyyy" I yell at her "my favourite girl is in the house" she screams now everyone is looking at us oh gosh I've been here for a day this is my second day but already am shouting am causing unwanted drama now " you look pretty though" she's still excited I see "thank you sweets, I'll fetch you during lunch I need familiarise myself with this place" I say looking around" I know a good place the café it's inside the building it's only used by staff members"..."excuse me ma'am"  it's someone I take my leave and go to my office

I have a few things with me to decorate this office since I can draw I brought some of my paintings. Am an Michael Jackson fan so I brought 3 pictures and another one of sunflowers I put them around, I clear around the office its 10:00 already and am done it looks nice and smells nice I added a lavender air I sit and starts with my drawing again I mean am bored,still waiting on the accounts I need to work on with. I get a call from my dad he wants to come and see my office, you see my father doesn't believe or wouldn't believe anything I say until he sees it. When I told him about my office he couldn't believe it so now I have to bring him to my workplace. Trouble. " Nice drawing, such a work of art" only to be met by the forever changing lenses man, and today they are brownish goldfish"Goodmorning doll face"he says smiling, did he just say doll I look like a doll "Mr DaVillas how are you doing this morning" i try to hide my anger,I flash a smile" did I offend you doll face" no he didn't " no,not at all" I defend myself I wanna cry right now. "mh okay,can you draw me something nice or I can send you my picture" I'll use that just to get back at him "I don't draw ugly face" his face I just laugh my ass out "ouch" he hold his chest,in a dramatic way "Am I that ugly"

We chat for a while him asking me about myself and basically getting to know each other. Oh we now friends. I can now start working since I got the accounts and already tomorrow I'll be meeting the client. Hectic. It's lunch I promised my sweet candy lunch(the receptionist) yet with the new friend I have Waylen he also wants to have lunch with me I feel like am in high school now, having to choose between friends but one has to understand.

I rush down to the reception, and she's not her,isn't it great though now I'll have lunch with Waylen . I go to café to get muffins,they smell fresh. I get my favourite blueberry and chocolate,I get Waylen a chocolate one I leave. I find him outside my door he looks worried "what's wrong ugly face" I say shouting from afar. He laughs we enter the office squishing each other at the door "kanti didn't your parents teach you the lady's first rule" he just laughs " am gay" and I know he's not " you don't believe me" "of course, we bot sit by the couch "I bought you some muffins" he mouth a thank you .


Am the happiest man on earth,am friends with my Tia. I want more but friendship it's better nothing. My mother just can't stop talking about her, already she's talking about my wedding. Like women relax,I met her today. Just after dinner pops calls me to his study "your grandfather came in my dreams he says you are safe nothing with happen in Friday but in Saturday we should slaughter a sheep he misses us" should I be happy,no they almost ruined my life these people I mean I was so drowned in alcohol but am happy that I met my Tia.
"awusezi nikuzos'bona nje ukusebenza njee uyasebenza (you Bo more come to greet,do you even do your job(" my father says as I pass by his office obviously going to my girl. I'll move my desk and chair to her office I wanna work with her next to me ' I know am crazy but I want to be with her' I ay to my self.
I open the door softly and yes she didn't see me I move closely to her....this girl will kill me, she's the perfect person for me, she draws and from her decoration she loves art,maybe she does paint  "Nice drawing such a work of art"I pass the complement" Goodmorning doll face" I say looking closer to the drawing and judging by the face it's Michael Jackson a legend of all times, he's actually my second favourite musician "Mr DaVillas how are you this morning" the heavenly voice speaks,and tries to hide her anger by smiling, now I want to tease her more,she looks cute "did I offend you doll face" she sighs "no not at all" she focuses on her drawing and she's a bit annoyed "mh okay can you draw me something nice or I can send you my pictures" she smiles in a devilish way " I don't draw ugly faces"  did I hear that correctly, I just hold my chest I can as a matter of fact I can actually feel the pain
Now her laughter soothes my heart we continue talking,just getting to know her a bit and she's a prodigious person.
I go to my office just to get some work done and basically familiarise myself with the paperwork since soon I'll be taking over as a CEO,which reminds I don't have a date,and I can't ask Tia to be with me it's too early but never say never.
I just had my lunch with Tia, I've learnt a new thing about her she laughs a lot,but she's conserved as its a good thing.

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