Chapter 15

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It's been a week of dating Waylen, it's been a week of happiness, he'd come by my apartment to eat my food and leave, and at the office I try to avoid him already Candy knows about us, she once found us kissing in his office she thinks we're engaged, anyone would think that judging by the ring. I tried to convince her otherwise but still, she even calls me Mrs DaVillas. Tuesday I had went home to take my siblings out for a movie, and unexpectedly Waylen joined us, I said he's just a friend, the following day my mother called me to ask about him, of course I lied. When you're the only princess in the castle, you'll have an overprotective father, wouldn't it be weird to say "so dad I met this guy".
Its been work-work-work. I have a close relationship with Asemahle, Menzi's kid, I've also learnt that her mom died, during child birth. I was planning on meeting up with my friends this weekend,but Waylen hijacked my plans, apparently his brother's wives so badly wants to meet me. We've been dating for a week and already, I have to do meet ups with your family. We had a mini argument about it, but we came to a conclusion that I'll meet them after a month not now. They'll probably ask us questions like do you know Waylen's favourite dish, where he did his high school, what's his likes and dislikes? How will I answer those enquiries. He understood my reasons, but I didn't his was "I don't care what they think, what matters to me is you". I know I matter but your family members should too, and I also don't want Mr DaVillas firing me because of having a relationship with his son.
It's Saturday and it's Langa's first scan appointment, so we are all going there to support her, and in my way I buy her a gift, I asked her about her cravings, I bought her a baskets with a variety of packed nuts, she likes almonds mostly, I added more of them.
We are all at the gynaecologist, what am happy about is that Langa has a well paying job, so I know that the baby won't have any shortages due to lack of money and he or she does we are all here to help.
We all watch the beautiful moments, with our mommy to be tearful, the doctor moves the scanner up and down, and am just lost, I can't see a thing all I see is just a black and white thing move, where is the baby maybe I'll get it when I decide to have a kids I think to myself. We each get a scan, and leave. No alcohol to Langa.
We get to my apartment to celebrate.
Mazwi: how are you, mommy
Langa: am fine, she smiles
Mazwi: but on a serious note though are you fine, how's the daddy issue
Langa: I last saw him on the day I told him about the pregnancy, so I guess I am fine.
Man are trash, except Waylen.
Sweetness: you'll be fine baby, we'll raise the baby together, actually I was thinking of the baby names you're at 3 and a half months, she'll be here soon, we should start preparing for her.
Anathi: and who said it's a she?
Sweetness: I just know okay
We are disturbed by the door bell.
Me: can someone get the door
But then again what if it's Waylen
Anathi: may the owner of the house get the door.
Me: may the men in this get the door.
Mazwi: we are gay
Langa: I'll get it
Me: go mama
I hype her up,
Sweetness: y'all guys are useless, it was just a simple thing, open the door.
I know it was, but am just lazy
Me: Langa who's there
I shout, and minutes later she has Asemahle with her, followed by Menzi.
Menzi: Sanibona, makhi I need a favour.
They all greet back
Menzi: Asemahle's nanny has gone out, and am needed at work right now can you please stay with her, her nanny will be back in an hour.
Me: no problem, Asemahle... Asemahle weeeeh
I look for her around the house to only to find her with Langa in the kitchen
Asemahle: hello aunty
Me: you didn't greet me today, why
Langa: awuyeke ingane
Asemahle: am sorry aunty
Langa: I'll stay with her
I give the looks
Me: okayy

I went outside to call my man, " mina ngicela ungangikhulumisi(don't talk to me)" he says "and what have I done" I say " you chose your friends over me" he whispers. What's up with girly attitude " am sorry, but I'll make it up to you" I now have to be a submissive girlfriend " I'll come over tomorrow" I say "I miss you Nhliziyo yami" he utters. My poor ass blushes " I want you too" I whisper, " I want you so bad Tia" his voice gets deeper "well am here, you want me find me" I sound so flirty, and it's shitty "pray I don't find you missy" he says " ngizok'bona k'sasa ndoda yami" I hang up before he says something funny, already I can't stop smiling.


I go by the name of Langa Bhengu, from  Umbumbulu in KwaZulu-Natal. I work as a financial auditor at Adams and Adams inc. I am the only child to Ester Bhengu, who is single mother, and works as a nurse. Coming to the big city, to further my studies at the university of Pretoria, I met my friends the only family I have around here.
I met Thabo during last year of varsity, we were happy together, we've been dating for a year and a half, and here I am pregnant for him. I had so many dreams for myself, including him, I wanted to first have my own house, to at least have children when married not out of wedlock, not in an apartment either. He ran away, he left without saying anything, I felt bad for myself, for trusting him too much. Finding out about my pregnancy I was at home with my mother, she's a nurse she saw the signs although she was happy, but I saw the disappointment in her eyes. I thought maybe Thabo would be happy, but no he ran away, but I hope that someday he will return. I wanted him to be with me, for my first scan he had to see this little bundle of joy growing inside me, I've cried and it's enough I wouldn't want to put my baby at stress because of that dutchbag of a father.

Meeting with Asemahle today made me feel some way, I hope I get a girl too, and have doll to play with. I borrowed Tia's kitchen, we made some muffins, and mini cakes, she's very bubble and adorable. Playing with her, made me look forward to having my own child.

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