Chapter 45

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I spent the night at Menzi's house with Langa, she slept throughout the night so i had to help with Mbuso, and in the morning i went to my house, to find Siyabonga gone, Langa drove to the hospital, after having a therapy session with her she's now fine laughing and smiling, she took the kids for breakfast, they'll probably stop by at the hospital.
The whole morning I've been cleaning around the house, I even changed the curtains, am trying to divert my head to something else, i keep on replaying the dream in my head, it's the scent. This is a straight forwars dream the man am supposedly to look for is the one to sit on the secound chair, how to find a person by their scent, it's familiar, i remember his scent. Google  can be useful, how to find a person by their scent, nothing.
I'll have to go around town looking or say sniffing at evey man for the scent.
Tomorrow i have work, so i start on planning my weekly meals, and cooking, i order an uber for my brothers to come, i feel like shopping, after all Waylens card never declines.
Did i mention that i have his phone with me, and it doesn't have a password, a wise man once said that what you don't know won't kill you, so i won't be going through his phone, already am heartbroken i don't want to add on it.
We went for a movie and went ballistic on shopping, we got matching sneakers which i doubt we'll ever wear them as siblings, with my siblings it's more of a 'i hate you but i don't have a choice i have to love you' relationship, but i love them and they love me too, its just that we are always fighting about something stupid, and if a person recieved a rand for rolling their eyes we'd be billionaires. Today we fought, by the movies, everyone wanted to watch a different movie so i suggested we go separate ways, but no we wanted to be together but watch separate movies at the same time. Weird if you ask me, we then resolved our issues, and decades later and settled for the same thing.
Went for lunch and then i dropped them off at home around 1600hrs, and drove to my apartment, i found Siyabonga waiting by the door,upon seeing me to, he rushed to me, "I've been waiting for you" he says opening the door, we get inside, and suddenly am taken back to the dream, the scent i can't move, he's calling my name "Amahle hello" he waves at me "you zooned out on me,whats wrong" he says bringing me back "sorry what were you saying" i ask him. Its the same cologne, its his. I stare at him looking at his face, the resemblance, his complexion, "woza la(come here)" i sniff him again. Its his.
I change into more comfortable clothes, i then dish up for him. He's confused, i am too, but I'll let it slide I'll talk to Mr DaVillas tomorrow maybe he'll know.
He's back to himself again, he's not drinking "i was thinking of getting a house this side" he says, good idea "that's good actually, get a house and stop using hotels when visiting" i reply "sizobheka online ke, or maybe i should get a piece of land and build a house from scratch" he has money i won't question him "that will take time, but if you're not in a hurry you can, uyinjinga phela wena anything is possible" i say. He laughs "Amahle anginamali mina, you are the rich one here" he says "Waylens money you say" maybe he saw my recent addition to spending money "and who's that?" he doesn't know, story time "my boyfriend" i reply to him "the same boyfriend you've been crying about" its him "yebo nguyena" i reply. Its long overdue now, I've lost count of the weeks he's been away "manje ukephi(so where is he)" he ask "he disappeared a few months back, they found he's car and his belongings on the roadside and he's apparently dead but alive ey'ntabeni zakubo" i say so much unbothered with zero feelings "so he's family saw it fit to give me he's things, i have access to his house,cars and bank account" i say "your inheritance from your boyfriend" we laugh. The day continues with us playing around, and i also showed him my work, my paintings and drawings. Which i now regret he sent me pictures of himself which i now have to draw.
I kinda hate drawing, worse having to draw a person it's better if its just a thing, so i prefer painting and I've not mastered it yet, painting people.
My stomach is somehow getting butterflies, Langa has returned from the hospital, Menzi is still the same but she's fine, they've gone to Menzi's parents house, she will be staying with them for a while, the nerve in this girl shocking if you as me, but it's for the best i guess for Asemahle as well.
Its after 1800hrs, the sun has set, the weather is changing, someone rings the doorbell, "Siyabonga please" i beg him "why are you always lazy to open the door go open it's probably money" he says. I shame the devil and go.
I open up, i am startled at first, the butterflies again, He stands on my doorstep handsome as ever, even more muscular "Nhliziyo yami" he utters, isn't it wonderful just how i still twist at the sound of his voice. I love this soul, even at death I'd love him still.
I felt a rush of sensation a sensation know as happiness. Something i have not felt in a very long time.
Let it not be dream, i pray.

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