Chapter 56

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I got discharged a bit late than I had expected, but am happy that am going home, Asemahle was the first to welcome me home I had missed my child, my whole family actually.  I'll be starting with physio soon, my parents got me from the hospital, "why don't you move in with us, for the time being you'll need someone to take care of you" my father says. I can't have my mother do all that I mean giving me baths no I'd rather hire a nurse "I'm fine, thanks" I say "uthembe lantombi uLanga" my mothers mouth could not be left out in this "awukwazi ukuyenza lo nto awutshatanga(you can't do that you're not married) you can't expect her to take care of you" and then they should get ready for a wedding "yes I know that, that's why I've hired a nurse" I let them know. African mothers and screaming for no reason, here she is yelling at me for spending my hard earned money on useless things, rather I should buy her the pots she's been eyeing "listen to your mother please" my father whispers. My eardrums have had enough "I'll stay at my house and that's final" I say. I wonder what made me to say that especially when my parents are black and Xhosa, if I was still a child maybe I would have been sent flying out of this car, and I also think that would have happened it's because of my current condition, you may never know "just because you're old and you have a child doesn't mean that you can talk to me anyhow, ndisenakho ukukubetha ndingunyoko(i can still beat you am your mother)" the Margaret i know speaks.
To always find this women in my house after long day at work Amen. We are welcomed by this good aroma, clearly am about to feast, it's good that only my back was injured imagine if it affected my mouth or digestive system. We sit down to eat, after a long good prayer, and the food taste's so good "eh ntomb'yami with the current situation we'd like you to atleast stay here for just a short while, a nurse will be coming though so no worries and Asemahle's nanny will also be here" the man himself speaks, my father "oh so you're agreeing to this madness, this is cohabiting it's wrong" my mother points it out, and if I may tell you their love story, they met in town and after two months of knowing each other, they moved in together and that's how I came into this world, and at their wedding i was fully grown man, I was 16 when they got married so they can't deny me this much happiness. Langa seems unbothered with the conversation she's feeding Mbuso "I'll stay here until my son fully recovers" see this woman won't stop "am sorry but there's no room for you here, ma I love you so much but no I can't" now this is the moment where I have to walk out of the room, but no my legs ain't working "I'll take the kids to sleep, thank you for being here" Langa says. My heart screams take me too "Margaret ntombi inkani cha" he better get he's wife "wena nonyana wakho niyayenza impazamo(you and your son are making a mistake) Ester trusted me enough with her daughter and now you want Langa to be the one taking care of Menzi" okay she has a point "she'll be just overseeing everything, your son hired a nurse, Asemahle has a nanny she won't be doing anything" my father replies "if you want her performing her wife duties, then get married" now she's talking "as soon as I start walking am sending the letter to her family ma I promise" we'll have to discuss that some time later. Now here is the problem I didn't actually hire a nurse, I lied just to get out of that situation "can someone please wheel me I want to get some rest" I disturb the couple with their ongoing fight.


Menzi is finally home and we've been waiting for this moment, so I woke up earlier today to make something homely and comfortable for his arrival, so I cooked a storm I looked up Xhosa traditional food on the internet and it was good. The argument that happened I actually expected it, so I wasn't shocked or anything, I just excused myself out and took the kids to sleep Asemahle isn't having it, she wants to be with her father and am in no position of saying no "don't you have school tomorrow sweetheart" I ask "yes I do but I wanna see daddy" she sulks, "change into your pyjamas and the  we'll go see daddy" I say kissing her cheek. I rush out to see if the argument is going, fortunately no one's at the table. Menzi had to move to the room downstairs so it's easier him to move around, I find him already sleeping, Asemahle is behind me "see daddy is sleeping" I tell her. She's so adamant such a daddy's girl, she walks towards him and whispers something and runs back to her room "so you won't kiss me goodnight" the crook himself speaks "I'll be back I'll put them to sleep" I step out.
Mbuso is older now and the more he grows he's starting to look alot like he's father and it's so annoying, I was the one suffering while the sperm donor was out leaving he's best life only for him to take after him, and to make it worse he has the same birth mark where he's that idiot has his. Am avoiding calling him he's father, because that man ain't a father to my son.
After having the kids to sleep its my time to shine, I rush to see Menzi "sleeping already" I get inside the blanket "no I was waiting for you, how have you been" he asks "am all good and yourself" I ask "am fine, not much pain just the frustration from the rents but all in all am happy to be back home" I see, well I missed his ass  "I don't want you feeling some type of way or taking responsibility, so yeah it's best I hire nurse Langa" he adds "but I told you I'd manage just fine" I reply. We had a talk about it and I told him we'd be okay, "no I think we should, I need one" he says breaking my heart "so you don't need me" I sulk "ofcourse baby I need you" that's better. We doze off in each others arms, peaceful moments, he woke me up around 0400hrs in the morning to get him water, and I can sense it he doesn't like it, he wants to do it himself but he can't. I mean as a man I guess being dependent to someone would mess you up, and am also curious to know as to what happened the other day how did the accident happen, but I won't ask now "wanna talk" I ask him and he nods "I want to tell you so many things, you have to listen okay...meeting you my dear was the second best thing ever, Mbusowezulu being number one, and maybe Mbuso wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, I mean you're the one who took me to the hospital when I was in labour, and that wasn't your duty at all, and before that you really took care of me during my pregnancy thank you for that, but that's not just that I love you for your handsome face, and how good you are in bed maybe I wasn't suppose to say that but its your kind and how you portray your love towards toward me, and thank you for taking your time with me, I know last time we couldn't finish the conversation but I do actually have feelings for you, I love you so much" I say looking up the roof, not realizing that this man here is asleep, did I just confess my undying love to a sleeping man. I storm off the room angry. He should have told me he wanted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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