Chapter 21

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After our shopping spree with Menzi we agreed to go out for lunch, we are on good talking terms, he came back the following day for dinner, saying my cooking brought him back.
Then there's Amahle and the whole squad, after hearing about the 'fainting accident' they wanted to take my car, was it enough that Mazwi and Anathi were always at my house and always driving me to work. Menzi came to the rescue he borrowed me his old car, after a good cry he left me only to wake up to my very own car by my driveway.
Menzi invited me to his house for breakfast and poor pregnant self couldn't say no to his offer, now I'll have to pass by Amahle's house what will I say to her, she's blocked me from her socials, i even wrote an email for her apologising, she didn't reply.
I drive out to meet with Menzi, i roam around the flower shop looking for the perfect flowers to pave my way into Amahle's heart. I get some for Menzi's child too "babe which flowers should I get for the engagement, i was thinking we'd go with red roses" a so familiar voice says behind me. I turn around to be met by my sperm donor, now i ask myself whose engagement is it. I guess he got his answer as to which flowers to go with, he hangs up still looking at him with those drowsy eyes of his, I'd be lying to say they affect me, they unfortunately still do, i get goosebumps just by looking at him. He's eyes move down to my belly, and the dress am wearing isn't making things easy, even a blind person can see my pregnant self, "Langa..hi" he says still examining my body "Yebo Thabo unjani" i say admiring the most ugliest flowers ever just to avoid the eye contact "am sorry about everything" he says remorsefully. I better give a fitting reply "and when you say everything what exactly are you specifying" now I'll have maintain the eye contact "Langa ngiyashada(am getting married) and i wouldn't want you ruining things for me, so please lets not go there" he says. When did he switch up from being sad to this manhoe he is now, and if i heard correctly he said he's getting married "what happened between you and me was a mistake" may thunder and lighting strike you. A mistake that lasted for a year and a half, amazing "and that thing you're carrying is the result of us playing around" he points my belly. I dont know what came over me but i landed a hot slap on his cheeck "dare say that thing you're carrying again, its not a dog you can point at its my child you're talking about and just so you know no one's forcing you to be around my child's life" i sternly say. I wasn't playing around i truly loved him, but I guess to him we were just playing around "am getting married soon, it's best we part ways and am sorry to say but I'll never be a father to your child, take care of yourself " and with that said he kisses forehead and leaves. Why did i open my legs for him.
I blink away the tears, and get the flowers, "I'll surely take care of myself and you too little one" i rub my belly sofly.
I knock on her door, hoping that she's home, i knock a few times but she doesn't reply, i sigh, i man up and wipe my tears and go to Menzi's.
He lets me in and my nose couldn't ignore the smell of nutella, and almonds "what did you cook, it smells nice" i say running to his kitchen "hhayi Langa you'll fall, it's just food" to him its just food but to me it's more than that.
"and how's that little one doing" he asks. Thabos words come running in my head "she's fine, you know yesterday I went for my check up and she's perfectly fine" i reply smiling at him its like all my worries disappeared when i started talking about my little one "and you? Kuyaphileka kodwa maBhengu" was the last part necessary "am hanging in there" i cannot afford to break down, not infront of him. We continue talking and hoping I'll see his child "where is Asemahle" i ask looking around "she's at her grandma's place, why?" well i was hoping to see her "ow okay, i had bought some flowers for her" i say. It reminds me i should go get them in my car "and what about me, didn't you get me anything" he says following me. I stop and turn around to face him "and give me one good reason why i should get you something" he maintains the eye contact pushing me backwards with his stares "well...because am a nice guy" is you being to close to my chest nice. He roughly grabs my hands against the door intertwining them with his hands "between you and me we both know Asemahle is more nicer, prettier and more deserving to get flowers so please.." he cuts me off "a man can never be pretty, and why would you compare me to a baby" he's not backing down either. I'll just have to loosen his grip "can you smell that" i say sniffing around him "what's smelling, your dark heart that couldn't get me anything" it hurts I must say "no.. your eyes are burning my skin" i speak nothing but the truth.
I ended up staying for lunch at his house, i even regret screaming at him the other day and getting angry at tha t comment he made about us married for 20 years, he turned out to be a clown "can you borrow me your phone please" i beg. I so badly want to talk to Amahle, he hands me his phone i dial her numbers and i hope she answers "Menzi Vilakazi" i finally know he's a Vilakazi "Amahle it's me please don't hang up" and she's quiet "can we talk am at your place just at Menzi's house" i say "Menzi's house...mhhh" she gives the bitchy tune. I know what she's thinking "i'll be home tomorrow, i'll unblock you for now dare again pull your stunts you'll see wonders ngizokhohlwa nokuthi ukhulelwe" and she means it.


I don't know what came over me when i uttered that, my baby is still staring at me like a lost puppy, her thoughts are running wild "babe are you okay" i ask trying to bring her back to planet earth "uyokwenzani kithi(why do your want to go there)" a straight shooter she is. I'll have to lie "just to tell them of how much i love their beautiful daughter" i cross my heart she believes it. She giggles "i almost died, don't go around joking with such things" girl i wasn't joking. She just imagined her fathers reaction "but I want to marry you, won't you introduce me to your father babe" I am actually great at multitasking because here i am massaging smooth, soft, hairless, legs "when the right time comes babe, you'll surely meet them but for now continue doing that its sooo good" my grandmothers words she plays. That woman worked with time "wanna know what's tripple sooo good" I ask "I'd definitely be you massaging my toes too" she says. Wrong answer "no it would be my tounge working on your pum-pum".

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