Chapter 11

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I've been staying at my apartment for almost two weeks now, and it's just been blissful. I've brought Waylen once for dinner, with him we are way too close. I spent my last weekend at home, with my family. I've been the happiest child on earth lately. I enjoy my freedom and own space, my relationship with Menzi has grown especially with Asemahle, I sometimes get to drive her to school. Yesterday i received my first salary, I was overwhelmed and overjoyed, with the work I've been doing, I deserve the pay. I had a half day, I went home to get them. Please
We went shopping, went for movies. I had to drag my father to join us he's the "shopping was meant for women, we are just there to carry the bags" type of a man. My siblings were doing the most of it, buying unnecessary stuff and all that. Claiming it's their money too, I was too tired to eat, I passed out by the couch.

Am in a black silky smooth dress that goes below my knees, with an open back, and a thigh slit. I paired it with a black strap gladiator point toe heels. It's a Friday, I got paid so yes I deserve to look nice. I get to the office, I spot candy at the cafeteria. I order some coffee and muffins, " are you planning on having office sex with that sexy number you're wearing" this girl is crazy, she shouting for the whole office to hear her " Candy shut up, you're making noise" I say giving her a muffin " thank you sweetheart, you look stunning. If you could wear such clothes at the boardroom this company would be rich, every man would want to close off a deal with us, I tell you" she winks and walks away. Am now getting the eyes of the non-existing audience.

I had a meeting with a new client, in the office today. Waylen was present, let me explain his mind was clearly not there, but his body. He would just stare at me, even when the clients had questions for him, he'd just nod and smile like some evil villain who just stole the world's biggest diamond. I had to cut the meeting short because of him. I ran to my office, he's obviously following me " maDlamini omuhle, uyaphila kodwa" he says in his sexy deep Zulu accent. I want to smile but I keep a straight face "Waylen uyagula, kub'hlungu kuphi mhlambe ngingakusiza( Waylen are you mad or perhaps you're sick, I might help you)" I respond walking close to him, which now I regret. He pulled me towards him, we are playing a staring contest, I wonder who will win, my eyes are already burning. He locks the door with his other hand, now Candy's words replay in my heard, am trying not to blush " waze wamuhle, munt'omuhle" he says, I smile or say blush, "not bad yourself Mr D" I utter, fixing his perfect tie "Amahle what are you doing" my innocent self says " girl live a little, you won't die" my mind replies to it. I can finally say I feel butterflies in my stomach. A fleeting moment of affection and care surrounds this office, we need a sweet background song. Maybe am playing with fire " I need to get back to work Waylen, and please next time if you feel like you're not interested in a meeting get busy with your phone don't stare other kids, it makes us uncomfortable" I loosen the grip and catwalk to my chair.


Tia will kill me, she was out there showing her body for the world to see how gorgeous she is, if she was my girlfriend already I wouldn't allow her to wear such. After the whole ordeal at the meeting we had earlier, I followed her to her office, I politely passed my greetings to her, with my sweet gestures but she attacks me, but she failed to understand that am a Zulu man who knows his way around women. She brought her self to me. I did what any man would do, bring her just close enough to my chest, to the most purest,most beautiful eyes lays my love, the one that hold my heart. Its too late to pull away from this beauty's invitation. I feel so attracted to her, today it's the day, I'll tell her how I feel about her, if she says no we all die that's it. I hope there won't be any interruptions  " it's either I have you or no one will" my psycho self says. I laugh it off. Just as am about to say something she speaks " I need to get back to work Waylen, and please next time if you feel like you're not interested in a meeting get busy with your phone don't stare other kids, it makes us uncomfortable"  I had everything word planned out, now I have to start afresh. I take my leave.
I text her to come see me after work.

For the past two weeks, I've grown to understand Amahle, she's too innocent for age. I once went to her house for dinner, she's an amazing cook, I could picture her in my kitchen with her little self trying to get something from the top drawer, I'd imagine my self getting behind her and getting it. She's a keeper, not a fisher. She forced me to read this book by the biggest snitch Steve Harvey the book is Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man. The guy spilled the beans now the ladies know how the game is played. Amahle sees me as the player type of dude, yet am not, but I am. I never commit myself to a relationship, it has alway been about sex. I did read it because I love her nothing more.


Waylen just sent me a text he want me to go to his office, I wrap up everything and leave to hear what this idiot of mine has to say. He stands up on my arrival to lock the door, I have to get used to him always locking the door, he comes and stands before me, he lifts me, puts me on top of his desk and stands between my thighs, am still shocked he touched me, he always touches me but this is on another level, again why did I wear this dress it's too revealing, my whole thigh is out for the hungry lion to devour he leans closers " please don't interrupt me" I wonder what's up with him "One of my wishes Tia  is to fall asleep as I’m talking with you on the phone, or texting you a sweet good night message. Every morning, I want to  you to wake up to a  good morning text from me.
You’re one of my top reasons for looking forward to a new day, my reason of waking up and come to the office. Just thinking of meeting up, hearing your voice and seeing your beautiful smile is enough to make me happy. Sometimes I just close my eyes and daydream. My mind oftentimes just wanders to your beautiful self, I dream about us being together, and you knowing just how much I care about you.
I care about you and want to be more than friends. I’ve been struggling with an uneasy feeling for a long time now, and I think it’s time I came straight to the point. Thing is, I love you. I’ve loved ever since.....

He said he loves me, I try to register it in my mind. Yes, he did say.
I wait for him to finish I probably look stupid am smiling widely, bit I can't hear what he's saying it's just blurry in my mind " Ngiyakuthanda maDlamini wami" he says still looking straight in my eyes. That I heard, he called me his I want to pinch myself just see if  this real but I can't move an inch of my body.
I stare at the perfect lips of his move, while he smiles.......

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