Chapter 37

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He walked towards me while I stepped away from him. He walked until he was
just an inch away from me and I couldn't go any further because I could feel the
edge of the bed on the back of my legs.
I had just come out of the shower, after putting Mbuso to sleep knowing he'll be awake in two hours. So I'd spend some quality time with myself, because right now i need a break from everything. Not to mention how my belly looks, after giving birth my body just went from zero to negative one, but I've tried to get back to shape, the stretch marks are still there, the soggy tummy is still there. Again how can i exercise if i still have a baby who wants my full attention every minute of the day. How did we even get here, well we got to his house and refreshed, and as he had said, i cooked us dinner. I was tired but i just felt like cooking, didn't make something hectic just rice and beef stew, i had missed having rice, i don't know if it's women in Kwa-Zulu Natal or its just my mother but, she doesn't mind eating pap for two weeks.
He unfasten the knot on the gown still staring at my eyes, pulling the fabric away revealing my full soggy naked body, and my belly is the first at sight. I grab my gown fast covering my body, and not giving him time to look at me "Menzi what are you doing" i look down somehow feeling ashamed to look at him. He shifts back, my heart aches a little, he looks disgusted "come here" he puts his hands on his fingers, my poor self takes a step forward with my fingers shaking  "kiss me" he commandes. He’s the one who came all this way with an intention to kiss me anyway so why should I initiate it now? But let’s be honest, he sounded so sexy and my body responded even his scent has gone to my head making me go crazy. I've missed this scents, the one scents i can identify with my eyes closed, his hand brushes my cheek, i rest my head on his hands, looking at him. I leaned forward and place my lips on his. He kissed me back taking his time, after a few seconds he deepened the kiss and pulled me close to his body, "Mbuso will wake up Vilakazi" he smiles. I called him with his clan name how sweet of me "don't worry about him" I should have asked my mother when I'd be allowed to get get intimate again. The room felt hotter and smaller when my blood started rushing through my veins in high speed. It’s been a long time since I’ve had some and he wouldn't dare leave me hanging. Not forgetting he was the last one to get this coochie, it felt so good to have him touch me again and to make love to me,is it even safe to say make love or we are just satisfying each others needs, but i wont lie and say i didn't miss him cause i did every single day. With no words said, we were already into it, under the sheets, naked, bodies clashing, exchanging splits, wet kisses, love bites here and there, toes curled up, and after a while i felt him enter me and i moaned out loud, not even my self service would get me this wet in just  seconds, i pressed my lips together, so i dont wake the goat up, as he groaned he started moving again slowly then he bend down a bit to kiss  my lips while still moving in and out of me slowly, i grabbed his butt tight and i squeezed it pulling him to go in deeper, my stitches felt fine, so i felt the need for him to go in deeper he continued kissing my lips then going to my chin and biting it gently and going to my lips again kissing me,its in the way he moves his waist, and we went on and on and on, till our bodies couldn't take it anymore, all thanks to my favourite goat who didn't cry or anything, I'd long forgotten about my body issues, and what i wouldn't want is them making me feel insecure, it's best i start embracing them "I've missed you Langa lami" he kisses my forehead "wish I'd say the same thing about you" he chuckles and goes to the bathroom. 
I drift off to sleep, knowing i'll be up again soon, he lifts me up covering me with a blanket and gets behind me butt naked. He should get dressed "go get dressed Menzi" i push him off, and instead of listening he pulls me closer to him, rubbing my belly and planting wet kisses on my shoulders. I yank his hand "are we fighting" he rolls us over getting under me "cha asilwi(no we're not fighting)just not in the feels of naked cuddling" i wanna cry because i do cuddle "manje inkinga ikephi, ngoba phela ngizibambela umunt'wami nje kuphela("Now where is the problem, because I'm only taking care of you)"he says calmly "Menzi you don't get it" i cover myself with the sheet, while running to the bathroom.
I get to my deep thought, while showering i get a few tears out. I wear his sweatpants and a t-shirt, to completely cover my body. I find him shushing Mbuso "did you wash your hands" he stares me blankly "i mean we've just did the thing, so did you wash your hands before getting him" he burst out laughing "no i didn't wash my hands" he answers, but of course he did. Disgusting. I take my child to breastfeed in the lounge away from him.
Mbuso sleeps in Asemahle's room while am with Menzi "we didn't use a condom Menzi" i tell but more of asking him "yes i know, and i hope soon another mini you will be crying all night" he says. He better not think of getting me pregnant, because its not happening "Menzi utheni" silence "Menzi answer me mahn" silence "Menzi wake up" silence "Langa aw'lale and accept that already you're carrying my child"
May fire and thunder strike him.

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