Chapter 31

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Since childhood I've always hated hospitals, besides the injections and medicine its the aurora in them, people die and have no one fetching their spirits and its terrifying. They should use hospitals for haunted houses instead of empty old house in movies. Of course am not a fan of injections, even if am sick and inches aways from death, a hospital can never be an option. Sweetness's drunk self has gone sober, the whole squad is here to welcome our baby. Menzi is just staring into space, good Lord knows what he's thinking. Doctors are running around, the nurse are just pretending as if they know what they're doing, wherelse they don't, kids are screaming for their parents and patients wanting to be treated, or maybe my mind is exaggerating but this is a private hospital so why is it this much busy, i want to check on Langa, labour pains are the worst they say, she can't even handle period pains. Poor thing "who wants coffee" Mazwi asks "usabuza?" Sweetness replies in annoyance. He leaves the room "Menzi are you alright" i ask him "yeah sure, why are you asking" he asks "just wanted to make sure you're fine since she's... you know.." i dont even know what to say especially now that am the only one who knows about Langa and Menzi. They might be in a relationship or not but something isn't right with him "no am fine don't worry about me" he says. Mind your business girl "Amahle what the f**k dude, do you even know him, mina ngilapheduze nawe kodwa awungibuzi ukuthi ngiyaphila na(am right next to you but you didn't ask me about my wellbeing)" the drama queen Sweetness says. I wont even entertain her, she's just arrived with the same guy he was with at the club, she was drunk and smelling of weed, but i wont judge.
I sit in silence staring at the black notice board, i wonder how is Waylen doing, i have to go to work and its already 0500hrs in the morning. I should probably leave i'll check up on them later "Menzi we're leaving, but i'll be back after work" i say looking for my car keys "i can drop you off you seem tired" i add on "no its fine I'll wait up on the doctors, she might need something whilst we're gone so I'll wait" he's emotionally attached to Langa. I already smell the fire "Sweetness asambe(let's go)" i pull her up from the floor "mina ngiyolala emsebenzini sengiyobabon...." she's disturbed by the doctor "Langelihle Bhengu" and Menzi rushes to the doctor "we are trying our best, the baby isn’t coping with labour we need to closely monitoring them and if  possibly we may need yo performe a caesarean to speed up the process" it's all i could hear, Menzi is fighting with the doctors, Sweetness seems entertained by the fight, Langa wouldn't dare die on us, maybe i should call Thabo, i still have his numbers, I'll call him when i get to work "how exactly are trying your best, you have to save her, otherwise you'll also be accompaning her to her ancestors,just do what ever that you have to but save both her and her child" Menzi screams.
I stayed for another hour at the hospital, trying to calm the angry bull Menzi, but i now get it Asemahle's mom died during labour, it must be traumatic for him, he once told me about it "is Asemahle home?" I ask "shit...she's at her grandma's place and i have to get her, before her granny goes to work" he's says "it's okay, send me their address I'll get her" i reply. It hit me Mazwi left in the wee hours to get us coffee, and he never returned. Fake friend, Anathi will probably come at noon, he's been busy lately preparing for his upcoming wedding which reminds me i need a dress and a partner. I should get going already or I'll  be late, i call up on Candy to inform her, alot happened this weekend "Candy I'll be late" i text her a message.
I drive out to the desired destination to get Asemahle, her grandmother offered me tea, we are now chatting and time isn't on my side either, but i promise to visit her again.
I get Asemahle ready while picking up a few things for her father, with her help of course Langa has a lot to do with this man, zilch socks but many shoes.
I get to my house, shower and get ready i didn't have time to do my make up, just my beautiful bare face, i throw everything in my bag and rush out, driving like a maniac and my passenger seems to be enjoying, i got to her school on time, now I'll fetch her again at 2pm.
My day seems horrible, of courses its a monday but for today its too much, Waylens hasn't arrived yet, he had to pitch up for an presentation and his father saw it best for me to cover for him. Mr DaVillas senior is never around, but today he seems to be in charger of the building "we Makoti awungilandele("You Makoti, follow me)" he says calling me to his office. Makoti sounds so good on me "when last did you talk to Waylen" he asks offering me a sit "i haven't talked to him since Saturday baba" my submissive self replies. Something is not right, wht would he ask me of such "kulungile usungakhululeka("Okay, you can now go)" he says . I leave for my office to call Waylen, not available.
The rest of the continued with me lazing around, trying to concentrate on my work i just couldn't, why would his father ask me of his whereabouts. Missing person's report.

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