Chapter 28

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The man's words still haunt me, probably he knew what was to happen to me. Its a petty my heart still beats for him, i yearn for his touch but i too despise him. He kept a whole bombshell of a secret, i wouldn't mind if it didn't involve me, my present or future is now attached to him, am his. The weather had changed, i was still in the old seers hut i had questions with no one to ask, he might know about the DaVilla family. I've gotten used to the incense, he gave me some bitter herbs to drink up, it didn't help soothe the pain my heart deply holds.  He rubbed my some ointment on my lower abdomen, my womb felt different, it was so light. Just below my belly botton i had a small marking, i wanna see it, maybe it'll give me some sort of closure. The small wooden door opened, i felt his presence without looking up, my heart giggles and am annoyed. He picks me up from the uncomfortable mat, and it is now that i realise the grass mat. I springed out of his arms, "give us some space Nkosingiphile" the seer speaks. Great he knows english, I'd thought that he was the typical zulu seers with seven wifes, with no future, that glorifies their cattle but no. Waylen stepped out of the hut and because of the thinness of the grass walls i could see him standing outside probably eavesdropping "ngiyazi ukuthi unemibuzo eminingi, yonke izophenduleka kodwa manje kumele uphindele emuva egoli, uzicabange kahle ngoba manje you're not fit to be in the same room with him( i know you have sone questions, you'll get your answers but for now return to Johannesburg)" he says "i want to know about the DaVillas, before i leave please tell me everything you know about them" my savage selfs asks. He rubs his forehead "ewu ngane yami kul'ukhuni Waylen and his family were blessed by their grandfather, they see it as a curse but i can see the good in it, they have what us called usilwane but you could say they're warewolves, his grand father is from the Hadzabe tribe in eastern part of Africa. He was running away from his destiny, and unfortunately it ran with him, he came to South Africa settled down and then mated Waylen's grandmother, the same thing that happened with you, and now every male in the DaVillas family now have the beast, you were given a voice, your singing has the ability to wake his beast up, it'll forever protect you, kuphela nje ungasabi where ever you go he'll always find you, running away from him wont help" he explains. Crazy is an understatement "i'll drive you to the airport in the morning, for now rest" he says, does that mean I'll sleep in this hut but it's better than sleeping outside, he hands me a blankets. He steps outside and starts fighting Waylen to leave, my heart bleeds for him. He shouldn't leave, he must take me with, i cry silently waiting for the sunrise.

I woke up tired, as if i had slept for 12 hours, i didn't sleep yesterday every little memory of  Waylen and I invaded my thoughts. He'd take me out for lunch on Sundays after church, read me a poem or qoute almost everynight, he'd play me my favourite song after a long day at work, give me a body massage after a dreading meeting with a client, get me coffee in the morning. He did everything right, nothing was suspicious about him. Except the time he took me to his cabin, which was weird, he lied about that animal howl, it was him.
He's back again, barking like a dog for the seer to let him in "bab'Dlamini please let me see her just this once" Waylen shouts. The seer is a Dlamini maybe that's why he was this nice, since am a Dlamini "take your bags, we're leaving your flight leaves at 0745hrs" the seer says breathing fire, he had fetched my luggage from the DaVillas homestead "yebo baba" i say. He'll find me in Johannesburg, if he truly has something to say he knows where he'll find me. I wheel my luggage out, our eyes lock, from afar he feels so near.
My Coloured Zulu Man, that man there is my Home, the anger i had subsided, i felt stupid for my behaivor maybe he thought that it was too early to reveal that to me. I should let him explain himself.
The car passes next to him, i smile at him giving him assurance that we'd be fine if there's still us. I've made up my mind i now know my story, and my ending, i needed to see his face, read his eyes, he looks different but i know he's still the man i'll ever worship the ground he walks on and love "am i foolish for doing this" my brain qoutes.

I got to my apartment tired and hungry, i wanted to shower i could still smell the insence, i wanted to vomit. I made something to eat and slept, i should go clubbing. Just to rewind and get some air, and have fun i call up Sweetness i know she got my back "dude i wanna go clubbing" my first statement states, she laughs "weee Mary the virgin is that you, ngoba the last time i checked you hated the night life" her dramatic self says "I've realised that i need to let loose just a little it wont hurt right" i say "yeah right I'll pick you up at 2000hrs get ready" she hangs up. It's about damn time, i head to the closet to look for something to wear, Waylen hasn't called yet, isn't he supposed to call me to try mend his ways, but I'll probably see him at the office tomorrow.
It's funny just how i am handling the situation, i should be crying, and screaming or getting angry at him but no, here i am wanting him even more.

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